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Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 17:39
by Nancy_78
Jim wrote:
Black Planet wrote:Welcome Nancy, Dont mind Jim, he has no pants! :)
Yeah, and just remember that BP's views are sometimes questionable cos her sunglasses get steamed up rather frequently...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Very funny,guys!

Excellent avatar Jim btw!

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 17:49
by Big Si
Nancy_78 wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:
Nancy_78 wrote:Mine is Croatian.
Hi Nancy! :P
Hi there CorpPunk mate! :P

I have finally found the right general Sisters forum after the years of searching and am very happy for that.It looks amazing.Wow!I have not a single comment about it at all.Very impressive.
I'm looking forward to meet some new Sisters fans and to exchange some new knowledges about this rather excellent band that left a huge mark in rock's history.Been listening to them for 15 years already.
Hi Nancy and Welcome! :D

You're from the other site aren't you? :wink: :D

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 19:53
by pikkrong
Welcome Nancy 8)
By the way, our friend Big Si's passion is peeps from eastern side of Europe, don't know yet does he eat them with red or white wine... oh yeah, something came to my mind - with beer, yess :wink:
To be a little more serious - do you know who is Mr Varjak ethnically? They say "Yugoslavian" but there isn't such a nationality. Also Croatian?

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 21:24
by Nick_O_Tine
Ganith wrote:I'm spanish. Born in Madrid and living somewhere SW of it.

And I don't remember seeeing any other spanish around here!

I´m also from Spain, born in Barcelona.

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 23:14
by Nancy_78
Big Si wrote:
Nancy_78 wrote:
CorpPunk wrote: Hi Nancy! :P
Hi there CorpPunk mate! :P

I have finally found the right general Sisters forum after the years of searching and am very happy for that.It looks amazing.Wow!I have not a single comment about it at all.Very impressive.
I'm looking forward to meet some new Sisters fans and to exchange some new knowledges about this rather excellent band that left a huge mark in rock's history.Been listening to them for 15 years already.
Hi Nancy and Welcome! :D

You're from the other site aren't you? :wink: :D
Hi BigSi mate!

First I would like to thank you for such a warm welcome.Yes,I am from the other site. :) But since you've told me about this one I think I will spend much more of my time over here.Thanks! But Psychocandy(you know who he is already)deserves respect in every case because starting and creating a forum is not easy at all,is it? Fresh and new ideas are always welcome,aren't they? :wink:

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 23:37
by pikkrong
@Nancy - I'm still curious about that Varjak thing :eek:

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 23:46
by Nancy_78
pikkrong wrote:Welcome Nancy 8)
By the way, our friend Big Si's passion is peeps from eastern side of Europe, don't know yet does he eat them with red or white wine... oh yeah, something came to my mind - with beer, yess :wink:
To be a little more serious - do you know who is Mr Varjak ethnically? They say "Yugoslavian" but there isn't such a nationality. Also Croatian?
Thanks pikkrong mate.Yes,I've already noticed that our dear BigSi is very passionate about Eastern Europe and Its specialities.I could smell it. :D

In Mike Varjak's biography says only this:born in Yugoslavia(a country that Croatia evolved from in 1991 btw),played guitar in the Sisters Of Mercy from 1997 to 1999,currently stationed in the UK and nothing else at all.But Yugoslavian as a nationality doesn't exist any longer as that country split up years ago.I really wouldn't know if he's Croatian or not as there is no mention of his hometown in his biography. If I would have known the city then I'd be able to tell you about his right nationality.Some people say his nationality really IS Croatian while some say it is Serbian.So now you be smart and guess what he really is.Eh! I would like to know that as well.

Posted: 22 Aug 2003, 23:55
by pikkrong
Nancy_78 wrote:
In Mike Varjak's biography says only this:born in Yugoslavia(a country that Croatia evolved from in 1991 btw),played guitar in the Sisters Of Mercy from 1997 to 1999,currently stationed in the UK and nothing else at all.But Yugoslavian as a nationality doesn't exist any longer as that country split up years ago.
yeah, i know that :)
Nancy_78 wrote: Some people say his nationality really IS Croatian while some say it is Serbian.
i've heard also both versions.
actually i don't know why the question of his nationality has started to haunt me. maybe just the reaction against the explanation "he's Yugoslavian" because i know there isn't such nationality (and ethnically never was).
if i knew he's a Croatian or he's a Serbian - of course, it doesn't make me change my attitude. "We Are The Same, Susanne" is a great song 8) :notworthy:
and tahnk you, Nancy :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 00:25
by Nancy_78
pikkrong wrote:
Nancy_78 wrote:
In Mike Varjak's biography says only this:born in Yugoslavia(a country that Croatia evolved from in 1991 btw),played guitar in the Sisters Of Mercy from 1997 to 1999,currently stationed in the UK and nothing else at all.But Yugoslavian as a nationality doesn't exist any longer as that country split up years ago.
yeah, i know that :)
Nancy_78 wrote: Some people say his nationality really IS Croatian while some say it is Serbian.
i've heard also both versions.
actually i don't know why the question of his nationality has started to haunt me. maybe just the reaction against the explanation "he's Yugoslavian" because i know there isn't such nationality (and ethnically never was).
if i knew he's a Croatian or he's a Serbian - of course, it doesn't make me change my attitude. "We Are The Same, Susanne" is a great song 8) :notworthy:
and tahnk you, Nancy :notworthy:
You're welcome!And some other time too. :D

Yes,who cares about author's nationality or whatsover if some song is as great as "We Are The Same,Suzanne",for which he contributed music btw,at all!That other one called "Will I Dream?" ,for which he made music in association with Adam Pearson btw,is equaly great.
If only Eldritch would put the new album out so I could listen to those songs on my stereo over and over to death.That's my greatest wish when it comes to Sisters.But on the other side I think that Eldritch has every right to do what he wants and when because he's a free thinking person.And only free thinking persons can decide what is right and what is wrong for them,can't they?
I also think if they would release that album many of their nowadays contemporaries(Placebo et al) would kill themselves first to make an album like this.Go Andrew! :D

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 03:11
by Big Si
Nancy_78 wrote:
pikkrong wrote:Welcome Nancy 8)
By the way, our friend Big Si's passion is peeps from eastern side of Europe, don't know yet does he eat them with red or white wine... oh yeah, something came to my mind - with beer, yess :wink:
Thanks pikkrong mate.Yes,I've already noticed that our dear BigSi is very passionate about Eastern Europe and Its specialities.I could smell it. :D
Must be the Fernet! :wink: :D


100% dangerous :eek:

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 14:35
by Andie

now this is a first...

am i the only Martian Dog?...

can't be...i can not be the only one?...can I???

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 17:06
by pikkrong
Burn wrote:8)

now this is a first...

am i the only Martian Dog?...

can't be...i can not be the only one?...can I???
you are.
ordinary people live on Venus.

Posted: 23 Aug 2003, 23:50
by Nancy_78
Big Si wrote:
Nancy_78 wrote:
pikkrong wrote:Welcome Nancy 8)
By the way, our friend Big Si's passion is peeps from eastern side of Europe, don't know yet does he eat them with red or white wine... oh yeah, something came to my mind - with beer, yess :wink:
Thanks pikkrong mate.Yes,I've already noticed that our dear BigSi is very passionate about Eastern Europe and Its specialities.I could smell it. :D
Must be the Fernet! :wink: :D


100% dangerous :eek:

Heyyyyyyy...and there you go!

Now you've reminded me of one thing!Reading that Q December 1999 issue in which they remembered the 90s on that 1991 review page said this:::
"August 19th,1991:President Gorbachev is removed in a coup and Boris Yeltsin announces that he's taking control of Russia.And accompanied with one rather funny picture Q writers added this::'Boris Yeltsin:I'm in charge...where's vodka!" Eastern Europe.Eh! :lol:
Funny as hell,isn't it?

Posted: 24 Aug 2003, 11:55
by Big Si
Nancy_78 wrote: :lol:

Heyyyyyyy...and there you go!

Now you've reminded me of one thing!Reading that Q December 1999 issue in which they remembered the 90s on that 1991 review page said this:::
"August 19th,1991:President Gorbachev is removed in a coup and Boris Yeltsin announces that he's taking control of Russia.And accompanied with one rather funny picture Q writers added this::'Boris Yeltsin:I'm in charge...where's vodka!" Eastern Europe.Eh! :lol:
Funny as hell,isn't it?


Well he's a better dancer then me! :urff: ;D

Posted: 24 Aug 2003, 15:26
by Black Planet
Burn wrote:8)

now this is a first...

am i the only Martian Dog?...

can't be...i can not be the only one?...can I???
I guess that makes you One of a Kind, eh, my Pet?

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Aug 2003, 21:40
by Nancy_78
Big Si wrote:
Nancy_78 wrote: :lol:

Heyyyyyyy...and there you go!

Now you've reminded me of one thing!Reading that Q December 1999 issue in which they remembered the 90s on that 1991 review page said this:::
"August 19th,1991:President Gorbachev is removed in a coup and Boris Yeltsin announces that he's taking control of Russia.And accompanied with one rather funny picture Q writers added this::'Boris Yeltsin:I'm in charge...where's vodka!" Eastern Europe.Eh! :lol:
Funny as hell,isn't it?

Well he's a better dancer then me! :urff: ;D
:D :D :D :D :D

I remember watching those dance routines of his on television several years ago and it made me laugh out loud.
What a dancer! If only I could perform just a half of his routines.Eh! ;D

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 01:52
by Andy TG
Having read all "6" pages of replies - I may be a little late to state my origins, but here goes anyways -

1 - Wales - Welsh - What a bloody silly language
2 - to Wales through Cornwal - Cornish - tis a silly language
3 - from France to Cornwall (18th Century) - French - a silly language
4 - to France from Germany(17th Century) - What a ****ING GREAT Language!

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 09:34
by moonchild
I'm from Gaia (north of Portugal), the land from where is the cellars of the Oporto's wine... yammy yammy. Country of great people, great food and great wine.
Hope one day to meet you in here.

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 13:09
by MrChris
I'm officially English. I have Scottish and Irish (hence the madness) blood in me, plus obviously a good dose of Viking (hence the interest in pillaging). Like any other Inglezi, I'm a true mongrel. My Mum's Cornish (hence the madness). I consider myself Dutch. Unfortunately, no-one else does. I guess I may have to settle for English.

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 15:17
by Andie
pikkrong wrote:
Burn wrote:8)

now this is a first...

am i the only Martian Dog?...

can't be...i can not be the only one?...can I???
you are.
ordinary people live on Venus.

are you sure you spelt that right?... :twisted:

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 15:35
by Quiff Boy
Burn wrote:
pikkrong wrote:
Burn wrote:8)

now this is a first...

am i the only Martian Dog?...

can't be...i can not be the only one?...can I???
you are.
ordinary people live on Venus.

are you sure you spelt that right?... :twisted:
well i live on your anus!


well, it needed saying really, didnt it? :urff: ;D

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 15:37
by Mrs RicheyJames
<sigh> :roll:

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 15:38
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:well, it needed saying really, didnt it? :urff: ;D
that explains sooooo much :roll: :roll: :urff: :innocent:

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 15:48
by Big Si
Sexygoth wrote:<sigh> :roll:
I've told you before it's not <sigh> it's BIG SI :wink: :twisted:

Whut ye wantin' noo then hen?

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 16:07
by Zuma
Big Si wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:<sigh> :roll:
I've told you before it's not <sigh> it's BIG SI :wink: :twisted:

Whut ye wantin' noo then hen?
as in ryhmes with Pig Sty? :wink: