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Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 08:58
by Depprocksfarfar
We truly are the forgiving kind in this forum! It's like waiting for food in a restaurant, and when it finally arrives two days to late, its just avarage. But boy do we love the food! :lol:

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 09:11
by Bartek
Since it's used to be grand cuisine but it's just TV meal, some of us changed way of eating it, (to stick to that metaphore).

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 09:27
by Being645
Bartek wrote:Since it's used to be grand cuisine but it's just TV meal, some of us changed way of eating it, (to stick to that metaphore).
... :lol: ... yeah, a matter of perspective ... if you got your notebook with you in the restaurant
in order to get on with your work while waiting for the meal, you might wonder HOW soon the food arrives ... :lol: ...

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 11:01
by Bartek
Yes, of course, natürlich.

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 12:28
by Bartek
Pista wrote:From Blackstar amps on twitter
Check out this shot of @tsomofficial with their HT Stage 60's!

#BlackstarAmps #TheSoundInYourHead
Boys/band are/is now endorsed by Marshall (click)

Posted: 14 May 2016, 18:19
by euphoria
With Mexico City now apparently september 13, between Europe and South America, chances for any US/Canada tour once again look really dim this year.

This gig is probably as close as it gets when it comes to Sisters in the US, at least now in september.

VERY tight schedule this tour, by the way :?

Posted: 16 May 2016, 08:38
by Bartek
Yes, very tight. Probably one day off between Madrid (9/11) and Cidade do Mexico, I would expect them to be a little tired thus quality of gig might be not as "good" as usual. But, they'll and we'll see. Btw. it's interesting what's gonna happen betwix Mexico and Brasil.

Posted: 18 May 2016, 07:07
by euphoria
Bartek wrote:Yes, very tight. Probably one day off between Madrid (9/11) and Cidade do Mexico, I would expect them to be a little tired thus quality of gig might be not as "good" as usual. But, they'll and we'll see. Btw. it's interesting what's gonna happen betwix Mexico and Brasil.
Let's take a look at the tour schedule this far, assuming Portugal will happen...

September 9th play gig in Barcelona
10th, too far by bus => morning flight to Lisbon after at best a few hours sleep, then transport to festival area, play gig.
11th, go to Madrid from festival area, either a long bus ride or transport to airport.
12th No day off, instead a longhaul flight to Mexico, around 10 hours.
13th Play Mexico
14th Longhaul flight, around 8 hours, to Sao Paulo.
15th day off :eek:
16th Play SP
17th Go to Curitiba, play there

It would be stressful just to -see- them this tour, but we don't have to prepare several hours ahead of each gig except drink beer.

I hope he has enough drugs loaded to still do some great gigs ;D

Posted: 18 May 2016, 09:13
by Bartek
To die on stage, that would be supe-uber-rockstar style death.
Not that's something that I wish him or wait for it.

Posted: 19 May 2016, 21:18
by Being645
Eventually, the Live News Page is updated ... :wink: ...

with two new dates:

one early August @Palladium in Riga, Latvia ... wow ... :notworthy: ...

and another one in September in Argentina, Buenos Aires @Teatro VorTerix ...

Posted: 19 May 2016, 22:10
by Bartek
Riga disappeared from the site.

Posted: 19 May 2016, 22:36
by Being645
Bartek wrote:Riga disappeared from the site.
No, Riga has not yet been listed on the site ... :wink: ...

though if you check the website of the venue ...

OK, in former times that sort of promotion would have been a reason to cancel ... :wink: ...

Posted: 20 May 2016, 07:05
by Bartek
Ok, I assumed that it was on official site. :kiss:

Posted: 20 May 2016, 12:35
by mopple001
Now it Riga is listed on the official homepage with some other dates in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Brasil and Argentina!

Posted: 20 May 2016, 13:02
euphoria wrote:
Bartek wrote:Yes, very tight. Probably one day off between Madrid (9/11) and Cidade do Mexico, I would expect them to be a little tired thus quality of gig might be not as "good" as usual. But, they'll and we'll see. Btw. it's interesting what's gonna happen betwix Mexico and Brasil.
Let's take a look at the tour schedule this far, assuming Portugal will happen...

September 9th play gig in Barcelona
10th, too far by bus => morning flight to Lisbon after at best a few hours sleep, then transport to festival area, play gig.
11th, go to Madrid from festival area, either a long bus ride or transport to airport.
12th No day off, instead a longhaul flight to Mexico, around 10 hours.
13th Play Mexico
14th Longhaul flight, around 8 hours, to Sao Paulo.
15th day off :eek:
16th Play SP
17th Go to Curitiba, play there

It would be stressful just to -see- them this tour, but we don't have to prepare several hours ahead of each gig except drink beer.

I hope he has enough drugs loaded to still do some great gigs ;D
Sort of did the nerdy thing and looked on Skyscanner about the logistics of doing this on commercial airlines and boy this is a scary schedule. i have checked the flights and here is the list.

12th Fly to Mexico City from Madrid arrives 19.30 (11 hour flight)
13th Play gig
14th Fly to Sao Paulo arrives 06.20 on 15th (9 hour flight)
15th Day off
16th Play gig
17th Fly to Curitba (only one hour flight and plenty of choice) and also play gig.
18th Fly to Buenos Aires arrives 17.30 (2 hour flight) and also play gig

There is of course the alternative that they could have there own plane like Iron Maiden. Perhaps a smaller version in black with the Logo on the tail and the plane number would be Golf, Oscar, Tango, Hotel (G.O.T.H)

Whichever way they will need a holiday after that to recover

Posted: 20 May 2016, 13:12
by Pista
ROBBIE wrote: There is of course the alternative that they could have there own plane like Iron Maiden. Perhaps a smaller version in black with the Logo on the tail and the plane number would be Golf, Oscar, Tango, Hotel (G.O.T.H)

Whichever way they will need a holiday after that to recover
It'd prolly be one of these :D

Posted: 20 May 2016, 18:02
by Rise891
I would expect the U.S. dates to follow

Posted: 20 May 2016, 18:08
by Pista
Rise891 wrote:I would expect the U.S. dates to follow
Me too.
Would seem to be odd to travel to South America & not venture North

Posted: 06 Jul 2016, 19:25
by euphoria
What can this be, just saw it by coincidence...

The Sisters playing at Vivo Rio September 18th...but they're in Buenos Aires then!? :?

Posted: 06 Jul 2016, 20:45
by EvilBastard
euphoria wrote:What can this be, just saw it by coincidence...

The Sisters playing at Vivo Rio September 18th...but they're in Buenos Aires then!? :?
In theory, but there's nothing on Teatro Vorterix's website that says they're playing there. Maybe the promoter realised that putting them on the same bill with up-and-coming Argentine band "WedressinblackalotandliketoskinkittinsandwearthemonourheadsasDavyCrocketthats" in support probably wasn't going to end well.

Posted: 06 Jul 2016, 20:48
by EvilBastard
Pista wrote:
Rise891 wrote:I would expect the U.S. dates to follow
Me too.
Would seem to be odd to travel to South America & not venture North
All I can say is, they better effing hadn't! I shall be off on my ollibobs on September 24th, and since the odds of them playing where I'm going are so slim as to be anorexic (although I understand that Kim Jong Un is a massive fan) I shall be crosser than a kitten who's lost his favourite counting-mouse under the fridge if they announce dates in the US for when I'm away.

Posted: 07 Jul 2016, 10:15
by sziamiau
very often happens to me..when I travel accross the pond, my fav bands come to europe... when I amhere, they play US or whatever else. now they play close to my parents. i am in freaking China. ftw

Posted: 08 Jul 2016, 19:45
by dtsom
Updated with new shows :

Rio Janeiro

and Argentina canceled due to venue has closed down

Posted: 09 Jul 2016, 00:17
by Being645
dtsom wrote:Updated with new shows :

Rio Janeiro

and Argentina canceled due to venue has closed down
... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ... thanks for the info! ....

SistersWiki updated as well.