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Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:43
by mockeldritch
Well I had fun. Glad some of you lot did too. Was really nice to do the EK thing at Crewe as well... nice to have an audience for a change.

Anaconda WAS on the set, as were Possession and Marian, but only in the third dimension to the right, which you have to be a subscriber to access.

Thanks to everyone for showing up.

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:47
by snowey
Forgot to mention.... Scardy, great rock pants and an excellent leep, it was just a pity you didn't land with your knees spread wide (that would have made Mrs. Snowey's night). :D :wink:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:51
by RicheyJames
snowey wrote:PM your addy but more importantly do you want (and I quote) "YOU FAT BITCH" (Copyright Lordy?) as the start of the gig or not.. :D :D
pm incoming! no need for editing. in fact it's a shame nobody recorded the soundcheck! :lol:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:57
by RicheyJames
mockeldritch wrote:Was really nice to do the EK thing at Crewe as well... nice to have an audience for a change.
as i said to rick last night, a real pity that my first taste of exploding kid was your final gig. really enjoyed it and it makes a refreshing change from all that goff bollocks!

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 18:52
by Ed Rhombus
Mrs. Snowey wrote:All I can say about last night was:

Woo-hoo :D :D (in a Homer Simpson stylee)

Mr. Snowey is currently transferring the MD's to CD's as I type. All three band's sets will be put up as a weed in the very near future (I hope we're not treading on anyone's toes here?)

But tough! :D It's going out!! Complete with QB's drunken outbursts at no extra charge :lol: :lol: :lol:

P.S. Paddy PM your addy over. Sid too. (Scardy/Ed, we've got your number, so look out for Postman Pat)

P.P.S. If anyone out of Rhombus or Exploding Kid would like to send us a set-list, feel free :D :wink:
Hmm, let me see

Manufactured Happiness
Kick Down The Press Gang
Hit the Wall
The Soul the Spirit and the Wish
Tell Me (What I Should Think)
I Ran
Rat City
Follow Through Lover

Thanks to everyone, we had a ball.

The riser jump was Scardy's second best rock trick, he rehearsed a new one that afternoon but forgot to do it.

Next time.......

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 19:01
by Padstar
"sniff"........ "sob"

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 19:12
by Scardwel
Ed Rhombus wrote: The riser jump was Scardy's second best rock trick, he rehearsed a new one that afternoon but forgot to do it.

Next time.......
hehe! I think that would have p!ssed off the sound engineer but yeah, maybe next time... :wink:

Cheers all for coming down. We had a blast! :D

Hopefully we'll see some of you in Morecambe next month when we'll be sharing the stage with The Smurphs once again! :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 22:13
by Mrs RicheyJames
Bloody good night folks. Enjoyed it immensely. T'was nice meeting Emily :D . Exploding kid were ace. It was like watching an old married couple :lol: :lol: . The best I've ever seen Rhombus. They did indeed 'rock' \m/ (even Rob who was a little bit good but ssshhhhhhhhhh). Such an honor to play with The Smurphs for Sid's last gig :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Top night folks. Cheers to Quiffy for dancing to nearly every song :notworthy: :notworthy:

:evil: to Francis for not even saying bye............. :(

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 22:25
by Quiff Boy
that'll be my fault - i kinda dragged him and pam away....

and the dancing frenzy was my way of making up for not goign to ze vendy haus ;) :D

still sore and huungover even now! bloody good night that :notworthy:

i realised earlier that i took a couple of photos with my camera-phone too! they're pure smog - you can't see a bloody thing :lol: when i get into work tomorrow i'll transfer them onto my pc and upload them somewhere... anyone that saw the sisters on the last "smoke and mirrors" tour should recognise the scene :lol: :von:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 22:29
by Lord of the Night
You Fat Bitch t-shirts appearing soon ..........

Great night despite getting into bed at 2:15 am to get out again at 6:00 am ................

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 22:41
by Ice*Maiden
Good Man! Hope my absence didnt upset you too much!!

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 23:04
by Francis
Sexygothâ„¢ wrote::evil: to Francis for not even saying bye............. :(
My sincerest apologies, but you seemed to be otherwise engaged. Strong vocal perfomance by your goodself, I thought. Both off and onstage. Twas also an honour to shake Richey's hand.

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 08:41
by Padstar
Thanks all for coming along . A rather bittersweet gig for me really with Sid leaving still feel a bit wierd about the whole thing, sort of muted i suppose.

Cheers to the sublime Exploding Kid, and the continually improving Rhombus!! We will be supporting you soon!

Thanks in particular to Emilystrange and Mr Strange for making the pilgimage for Norwich of all places.... what can i say but awsome effort :) and of course SG for standing in for Mia, great job.

So an era closes.

The Smurphs go on though and our new singer was in attendence last night, and he should be with us for the next 12 months or so before heading to Oz. The circle is complete you might say as he is....... Dave, our origional singer and founder member of the band !!!

More on that soon.

Next gig, with Rhombus too is the Morcambe Dogfest Sept 11th. The origional 3 members of the band re-united. Hope to see some of you there.

Cheers again for Crewe, made it easier for me having everyone there.

Quiff, The Snoweys (thanks for the recording!), Francis and Mrs Francis, The Wintermutes, The Grinn Reapers, Richey James, our friends form the Leeds gig whose names ive completely forgotten (doh!), D00mey (so proud!) and for course The Stranges.

It will never be quite the same again.


Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 09:17
by Mrs RicheyJames
Lord of the Night wrote:You Fat Bitch t-shirts appearing soon ..........

Great night despite getting into bed at 2:15 am to get out again at 6:00 am ................
teeeeeeeeeeeeeerwat :evil: :evil:

Wasn't funny y'know..........

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 10:10
by RicheyJames
for those unable to attend (and those who's recollection is a little hazy) it all looked a little bit like this:


(apologies for the poor quality but it's the best my poor camera phone could manage in all that fog!)

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 10:31
by Padstar

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 10:39
by emilystrange
you're welcome. but everyone has to come HERE next.
you do realise that was more than an effort than for a darkness gig, nearly?

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 11:48
by Mrs RicheyJames

Firstly to the sound bloke (but in all fairness I did apologise after and even bowed)

Rob for slapping him quite hard across the face (but again it wasn't my fault. He moved his head. Was supposed to get a slap upside the head)

Paddy for me being too damn good.........

(well really that's only one apology as the other two don't really count)

Thank yous

Ian rhythm Smurph, without you we would have had to walk home :notworthy:

Paddy for letting me be too damn good

All me fans...........<sniff> 8)

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 12:03
by hallucienate
Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:All me fans...........<sniff> 8)
what was it like having Rhombus opening for you :?: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 12:05
by emilystrange
i think, possibly apart from richey, i got the closest view of the front of that dress.... heee :)

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 12:59
by Mrs RicheyJames
A few more pictures that Rob Rhombus didn't take at all. I don't care what he says. Lying bastard...........


More smoke

And a little bit more...

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 13:08
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 13:12
by Mrs RicheyJames
<starts singing> Mr & Mrs.....

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 13:16
by Mrs RicheyJames
And last but not least.....

A really good band and Rob

Posted: 24 Aug 2004, 13:19
by mockeldritch
Sexygothâ„¢ wrote:<starts singing> Mr & Mrs.....
That's enough of that! You'll be over my knee if you're not careful young lady!