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Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:14
by Colonel K
My client would want a pledge that no other copies have been made.

Ray, u there?

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:15
paint it black wrote:
DEAD JOE wrote:DARK - do you want to make me an offer on the master tapes?
i could

can you convert them to mp3 format first
These are studio master tapes not cassettes !!

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:21
Colonel K wrote:My client would want a pledge that no other copies have been made.

Ray, u there?
very much so. are you?

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:28
by Colonel K
To an extent.

Has a price been agreed or are we still in negotiation?

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:37
you haven't offered me anything yet. The master tapes can't be copied so your 'client' has no worries there.
Are you a friend of Mr Ray?

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:41
by Colonel K
You haven't asked me for anything.

Maybe it would be a better question posed to the elusive Mr Ray.

We have met.[/quote]

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:43
by aims
Flippin' 'eck.

If I ever accused Heartland's inner circle of being cloak and dagger, I take it back. This one makes your smoke and mirrors look like open discussion :lol:

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:48
by Dan
DEAD JOE wrote:
paint it black wrote:
DEAD JOE wrote:DARK - do you want to make me an offer on the master tapes?
i could

can you convert them to mp3 format first
These are studio master tapes not cassettes !!
In that case better make it realaudio.

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:52
Motz wrote:Flippin' 'eck.

If I ever accused Heartland's inner circle of being cloak and dagger, I take it back. This one makes your smoke and mirrors look like open discussion :lol:
all I am trying to is acquire these demos ( for the good of you all) from Mr Ray in exchange for something he might want. I now feel like I'm going to get a visit from the KGB !

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:54
by paint it black
Dan wrote:
DEAD JOE wrote:
paint it black wrote: i could

can you convert them to mp3 format first
These are studio master tapes not cassettes !!
In that case better make it realaudio.
yes, that would work, cheers dan

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 22:56
by aims
DEAD JOE wrote:
Motz wrote:Flippin' 'eck.

If I ever accused Heartland's inner circle of being cloak and dagger, I take it back. This one makes your smoke and mirrors look like open discussion :lol:
all I am trying to is acquire these demos ( for the good of you all) from Mr Ray in exchange for something he might want. I now feel like I'm going to get a visit from the KGB !
Sorry if it sounded like that.

All in jest, I assure you ;)

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 23:05
by Colonel K
All that i ask is that no copies would be made.

It's a fair request.

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 23:05
I know, I understand the laughing thing. I saw the thread for the demo's and figured I might be able to get hold of them but Mr Ray doesn't seem too kean.

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 23:12
by alice-temple
Motz wrote:Flippin' 'eck.

If I ever accused Heartland's inner circle of being cloak and dagger, I take it back. This one makes your smoke and mirrors look like open discussion :lol:
I know what you mean. I'm just waiting for Baron Silas Greenback to make an appearence. What comes next.

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 23:13
by Colonel K
Do i know you?

Never mind.

I don't think Mr Ray would be here if he wasn't interested.

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 23:25
by Baron Silas Greenback
I have arrived, what's the trouble?

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 23:26
Baron Silas Greenback wrote:I have arrived, what's the trouble?
are you taking the p*ss? :evil:

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 23:27
by Baron Silas Greenback
not in the slightest

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 23:31
by Baron Silas Greenback
but how do 3 camels sound?
(a real delight to hold not one but several original masterpieces)

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 23:50
by Colonel K
I fear that this has now become a stage for the lesser minded to exercise their weak grasp of humour.

I welcome any postings from Mr Ray with regards to the tapes, and any other relevant offerings.

Until that point, good night and thank you for your time.

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 07:20
by Dark
£10 for a flexi.. I'm interested.

As I am with that master with Rev Rev on it. Is it POSSIBLE to convert it to mp3, because if so, would there be any objections with me doing that, in case anyone else here would like a copy?

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 08:37
by Quiff Boy
if you had the neccessary playback device, i'm sure anything is possible.

whether its allowed, or is a condition of sale or not is a different matter...

and "rev rev" is the 1st track on "Dios Esta De Nuestro Lado" anyway, which is available on cd and thus probably as an mp3 somewhere on t'interweb :?:

the playback device is the rub. have you got access to a studio reel-to-reel tape jobbie? these aint tdk cassettes we're talking about you know ;)

but fwiw, i'd quite fancy a copy of that flexi too :D

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 08:37
by deadagain
paint it black wrote:
Dark wrote:
DEAD JOE wrote:DARK - How much do you want to offer me for a flexi
Well, before making an offer, a question or three.

Firstly, the content: Underdog (12/10/89), is that a live recording?

Are they bootleg or official releases, or unreleased?

Any scans or details as to what they say on them, or notes on rarity?
silly boy. more than your pocket money will stretch anyway :lol: :lol:
huh? its not than rare. i have one of these flexis - they were given out at gigs & i picked mine up at a record fair a little time after for about a fiver. the track is live and not very special, although it is un-released elsewhere, and if i recall, it features Alan Vega on vocals. I've burnt all the James Ray stuff not available on the cd-albums onto a cdr if anyone wants a trade (as wav files - far better quality than the mp3s off the net).

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 08:45
by deadagain
I am confused by this thread - everyone is talking of these James Ray/ MK Ultra/etc items as being 'master tapes', so correct me if i am wrong, but does that not mean they are the same as the finished releases? if so, why do people want copies of em if they are no different? or are they infact rough demos or works in progress?

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 09:44
by markfiend
I've got an Underdog flexi too. (I picked it up at a JR gig at The Duchess) IIRC, one of my first posts on HL was trying to find out if it was worth much, and being offered a packet of crisps in exchange. :lol:

Anyhoo, back to the negotiations...