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Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:44
by markfiend
boudicca wrote:What to do "if any man's seed of copulation go out from him."
Aha. They put /lev in the URL twice. It's here

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:45
by boudicca
Oooh, it's all a bit "obsessive compulsive" is it not? :lol:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:56
by emilystrange
what did they think it would be washed with?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 13:11
by andymackem
Motz wrote:Heaven help teenagers if Leviticus was taken at face value. You'd be ritually unclean for life thanks to Acne, Sexual Confusion and Wet Dreams :lol:
Didn't Victorian moralists come up with some particularly gruesome variant of the chastity belt in order to prevent wet dreams? I don't even want to think about how it might have worked, but it sounds like the kind of oddly fetishistic thing I'd expect from the smugly moral majority.

Or maybe I just imagined it. In which case I'm even more scared.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 13:14
by emilystrange
it probably helped, not hindered

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 13:19
by _emma_
Dark wrote:1) Shame someone got murdered, and we have sympathy for them and those affected by it. But we're not going to cry a stream of tears over it for years to come.

2) I don't think anyone here is homophobic, biphobic (if that's a word), transphobic, or anything. Last dude that was got banned pretty quickly by Quiffy, and a damn good job it was too. I don't care what gender/orientation anyone is, I base affection on personality, not whether they have a penis or not.

3) Get some humour. We have plenty, but it's stretching. I don't mind them taking a dig at me for most things, cause I know they're doing it in good fun. If they poke fun at each other for being fat, they're not doing it spitefully.

4) Don't post something if you know it's going to spark some deep and heated arguments, and you can't deal with it.

Everybody got that?
How old are you, again? If they ask you for your ID at the entrance to Josephs Well, I suggest you just say something and they'll surely let you in.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 13:27
by boudicca
_emma_ wrote:
Dark wrote:1) Shame someone got murdered, and we have sympathy for them and those affected by it. But we're not going to cry a stream of tears over it for years to come.

2) I don't think anyone here is homophobic, biphobic (if that's a word), transphobic, or anything. Last dude that was got banned pretty quickly by Quiffy, and a damn good job it was too. I don't care what gender/orientation anyone is, I base affection on personality, not whether they have a penis or not.

3) Get some humour. We have plenty, but it's stretching. I don't mind them taking a dig at me for most things, cause I know they're doing it in good fun. If they poke fun at each other for being fat, they're not doing it spitefully.

4) Don't post something if you know it's going to spark some deep and heated arguments, and you can't deal with it.

Everybody got that?
How old are you, again? If they ask you for your ID at the entrance to Josephs Well, I suggest you just say something and they'll surely let you in.
A back-handed compliment if ever there was one! :lol:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 13:56
by Rosalie
I do believe it's the attitude of this place, and where it puts it's priorities, that gets to me more than anything. The "OH that was such a GREAT post ^_^", "No, old chum, YOURS was such a great post! Now give me your penis", "Oh you're so mature and intelligent!" "No, you're so mature and intelligent! *scream*" isn't helping.

Perhaps if people would stop wanking each other united in their amazing attempt to rid the board of my differing view on their humour, I might take more kindly to this place.

Practice what you preach. If you judge and p*ss about, I'm entitled to too. The last time I said that, I noticed nobody addressed it, instead saying how BORED they were. How terribly convenient.
markfiend wrote:If I can make a serious attempt to talk about transsexualism here:

I can't remember the figures, but I have read that a large proportion of post-op transsexuals consider that the operation was the worst mistake they've ever made.
This is most certainly not true. Where did you even hear this? You have to be careful as many people really do set out to discredit transsexuals as a whole with supposed "research". Luckily, it usually gets shunned by the rest of the psych/medical/scientific community.

There are far more genuine resources which will show you how wrong this is.

This is one such example of "research" which should never have been published: ... s&n=507846

If you check on the reviews for the book, nearly all of the positive ones come from people where this is their only review, and they also seem to say scarily the same thing.


[qupte]I've also read that it is at least possible that transsexualism is not in fact a gender/sexuality related issue, but a form of body dysmorphic disorder (like Anorexia and Bulimia) where the sufferer fixates on gender (rather than physical size) as what is "wrong" with them.[/quote]

I have no idea what to say to that, other than that you've been exposed to very little and very selective information on the issue.

The brain of an MtF reacts very similiarly to the brain of a natural female, even before hormonal treatment. There was a "gender science" program on the BBC recently which leads you to believe differently, but it was really a whole load of outdated nonsense, appealing to pop culture rather than anyone with a scientific point of view, putting everything down to testosterone.

While you can't say this is entirely true, as there are only so many dead transsexual brains to work on, they still generally have all the same "symptoms", so there's no reason to believe that the behaviour patterns
of transsexuals would be any different from the ones whose brains were

And what's wrong with letting people be themselves, anyway? They're not going to be as unheathly or physically malformed as an anorexic. And unlike Anorexia, it can't be cured by psychological means.

It's highly controversial and has been dismissed as utter tosh by anyone else who is an expert in that field
I do know that there is a large spectrum of people that consider themselves transgendered or transsexual, and it's probably impossible to generalise about them all.
That's why there's such a harsh and lengthy procedure for classing someone as trans. But really, most of the time you know yourself, and the tests only prove you right. There are times when someone makes a mistake, but it's much, much rarer than the media would have you believe, almost to the point of insignificance.
I don't know what point I'm trying to make here actually... :lol: I have only ever met one transsexual (that I know of ;)) and she seemed like a perfectly normal person. Image
Transsexuals are mostly "perfectly normal people".

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:03
by nick the stripper

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:04
by boudicca
I can see we're in for the duration then... :roll:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:06
by nick the stripper

Rosalie, Frankie says relax.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:07
by boudicca
nick the stripper wrote:Image

Rosalie, Franky says relax.
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Whoops... don't wanna be accused of arse-licking, do I? :roll: :innocent:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:09
by Black Dahlia

If you find us all as tedious, pathetic and unpleasant as you appear to, here's an idea -


Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:11
by boudicca
Black Dahlia wrote:Rosalie,

If you find us all as tedious, pathetic and unpleasant as you appear to, here's an idea -

Now you're just being silly!

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:18
by scotty
Rosalie wrote: Now give me your penis"
Sorry,but this was only thing I that caught my attention from that post :innocent:!

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:18
by Rosalie
nick the stripper wrote::roll:
It's a little known fact that rolling your eyes at someone over the internet is the be-all and end-all to all arguments.

Oh, and it makes you all grown up looking too, just like your big sister.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:19
by Rosalie
Black Dahlia wrote:Rosalie,

If you find us all as tedious, pathetic and unpleasant as you appear to, here's an idea -

Marvellous idea. Though if someone does find you this tedious, pathetic and unpleasant, maybe you should consider treating them with a little more respect instead of chasing them away?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:23
by boudicca
Rosalie, it's really very simple.

I'm here because I like this place and the people in it.

That's why I post here and not on some board (and there are millions) which I deem to be full of irritating and unpleasant people.

If you like this place, stay.
If you don't, GO! And leave us to our sad little lives and our pathetic closed minds.


Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:25
by emilystrange
someone do something.. it's getting like the chat room on the darkness board on here

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 14:27
by markfiend
There's a well known saying:

Arguing over the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win you're still a retard.
