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Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 01:31
by MadameButterfly
:lol: @ docP - hey, you gorgeous old man...talking to yourself is a good thing until you start answering yourself :wink:

8) Everything gets discussed in the ladies :innocent:

Don't tell me you forgot to turn right after the towers... :roll: :kiss:

MB :kiss:

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 01:38
by AndreMcCabe
I just wanted to say something like if there would have been walk away in 013 there would have been a big chance of seeing a McCabe jumping through the rows...I think same is with just some beats of sister ray at the end

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 01:43
by doc P
AndreMcCabe wrote:I just wanted to say something like if there would have been walk away in 013 there would have been a big chance of seeing a McCabe jumping through the rows...I think same is with just some beats of sister ray at the end
my friend don´t you worry
that was just an inside joke between johnny and me

explanation: after 3 or 4 songs of the gig i shouted and asked for "Walk Away" and some I suppose local young lady standing in front of me turned around and gave me a strange look :eek: : asking: well why should they? they just came up on stage :lol:

Posted: 15 Aug 2005, 01:48
by AndreMcCabe
a real good joke,I have to remember Düsseldorf 1990,hearing that...but I do not worry about anything tonight

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 10:20
by Quiff Boy
my review of the tilburg thang, at long last... more about the experience as a whole, rather than a gig review.

The gods love Tilburg.

The flight from Leeds/Bradford to Amsterdam/Schipol airport took precisely 43 minutes. Our baggage was first off the plane and thanks to another “very nice man� on the information desk we were on the largest, cleanest, smoothest double-decker train I’ve ever been on within 15 minutes of touching down. The gods were smiling…

A seamless change at Den Haag and we were soon in Tilburg. Kind of how trains should run really. :von:

A short taxi ride later and we’re checked into the Ibis were we bumped into a fellow Sisters fan in the hotel reception, identifiable by the black clothes and the St Pauli tee… Marvellous. :notworthy:

Time for a drink in the bar prior to heading into Tilburg centre for a pre-concert bite to eat. The taxi to the restaurant took us past the appointed meeting place and we could already see a few people milling about in Sisters tees. Starting to get really excited now.

The venue was at the end of a bar-lined street. Everywhere you look were Sisters fans – it really did feel like the gig had taken over Tilburg for the evening. Recognised quite a few faces on the walk down that street, looking for Johnny and co. faces from the Leeds gig a few days before, faces from other Sisters gigs, faces from the internet. It’s amazing how small the world seems when you have the internet! :)

Chatting and drinking with people outside one of the bars beforehand was great. Putting faces to names, etc. Then word filters through that the band are due on at 9.30pm. That’s in 20 minutes!!!

Time to drink up and head into the venue…

…where we mill around at the bar for another 45 minutes before there’s anything even vaguely resembling a band on stage. No matter – more time to swap those funny little plastic tokens for beer.

The venue itself was a pleasant surprise. I had absolutely no idea what to expect in terms of size, layout etc, other than that I had read it was purpose built event hall and that it might be quite big. All of which turned out to be true. High stage, decent “pit�, standing area that resembled a rather steep football terrace (without safety barriers I might add!) and a nicely placed balcony ensured that everyone got a rather smashing view…

…of smoke. And lights. Lots of.

A decent set list with one or two older songs coming back in (Dr Jeep and Come Together), both the sound and performance were superb – deafening in fact – and the band seemed to be having a great time.

The whole atmosphere was fantastic and they stormed through a very rough, rocking set with Eldritch yelping, hollering and prowling the stage as only he can, flanked on either side by Adam and Chris, who appeared to be having a great time while dropping notes left, right and center!! :lol: :notworthy:

There’s not much more I can say about the gig. I was quite lost in it all for a good portion, and besides there are plenty of reviews out there written by far more eloquent people than myself. Go read their write ups for the ins and outs of the set itself.

Suffice to say that it was a fantastic experience – travelling to a country I’ve never been to before, meeting old friends and making new ones, and seeing my favourite band play one of their best gigs in years.

It was my first time travelling abroad to see any band and I couldn’t have chosen a better gig or a better bunch of people to hook up with. A top nite out. :von:

The gods love Tilburg, and I don’t blame them.

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 10:44
by AndreMcCabe
it wa a fantastic gig,yes....great location,but a little more rocknroll in the first lines would have been nice,but although memories of Loreley 1992 came through...just what I have to say tilburg is not my favourite town to spend a night...seemed a little bit aggressive with the younger people on the streets (Tilburgers or so not sisters fans I mean)

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 15:00
by Eva
I can't add much. Sonking music and Von's voice was at its best. For me it was the best indoor gig this year, probably due to the fact that a) the band was still "fresh" and so was I - lack of sleep only kicked in later. b) that a lot of people stayed at the same hotel, so we met before the gig. And that's part of the fun of following The Sisters: the people you meet before/during/after the gig. being in a bunch of people to invade a city/town/place somewhere on this planet, for the same purpose. Spent sunday in the Grass Company and saw one by one passing, all wasted in one way or another.... :lol:

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 15:00
by Eva
I can't add much. Stonking music and Von's voice was at its best. For me it was the best indoor gig this year, probably due to the fact that a) the band was still "fresh" and so was I - lack of sleep only kicked in later. b) that a lot of people stayed at the same hotel, so we met before the gig. And that's part of the fun of following The Sisters: the people you meet before/during/after the gig. being in a bunch of people to invade a city/town/place somewhere on this planet, for the same purpose. Spent sunday in the Grass Company and saw one by one passing, all wasted in one way or another.... :lol:

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 15:05
by AndreMcCabe
Das hast du wirklich schön gesagt,Eva...

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 23:12
by Andrew S
I utterly loved this one. The journey there went without a hitch, the hotel was almost within spitting distance from the venue and both were within a short walk from the station. The hotel was posher than I'm used to and very nice - I do love having a bath to myself - and meeting up with other fans outside it in the summer weather was a great start to the tour. The venue was pot ugly on the outside but a great place inside. The high steps meant everyone gets a good view, although they did look a bit dangerous. The sound was stunning and the band were in a great mood, which seems to have been the norm for this whole tour :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: . As for downpoints, er there were none :D

Posted: 17 Aug 2005, 06:11
by doc P
listening to the gig i figure that we were rather close to hearing uptown top ranking , von intro lucretia : see me get a heart attack :innocent:

Posted: 17 Aug 2005, 20:40
by Gottdammerung
I am honest to god not jealous....



Anyhoo, my mate's let me on his broadband so I'm currntly downloading a flac recording of the gig... :D

Begging time - are there any decent long sleeve T shirts?? With the red and black logo??

if so could someone pick me one up - gimme an IM to sort it out - I'll pay costs and a pint or two if your in london! :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Aug 2005, 21:33
by AndreMcCabe
@doc,you are listening to lokeren? incl.lucretia???send me lucretia,please

Posted: 17 Aug 2005, 21:47
by doc P
AndreMcCabe wrote:@doc,you are listening to lokeren? incl.lucretia???send me lucretia,please
we are within the TILBURG thread, so take a wild guess what concert I am listening to.... :innocent:

in lokeren they played Uptown top ranking
in tilburg we just heard: hear me get a heart attack during the intro of Lucretia.....
lokeren ? pm me!

Posted: 17 Aug 2005, 21:52
by Debaser
Gottdammerung wrote:
Begging time - are there any decent long sleeve T shirts?? With the red and black logo??
Am REALLY hoping it's orange and black...... :?

Posted: 18 Aug 2005, 10:16
by Quiff Boy
i didnt spot any long sleeve tees for sale at all.

from what i remember, they had:
  • utterly bastard groovy (front) / kissing and the colours... (back) (short sleeve)
  • sisters europe 2005 (short sleeve)
  • people's republic wy (short sleeve)
  • people's republic wy (khaki, skinny fit)
  • new merciful release logo (front) / sisters (back) (short sleeve)
all black unless otherwise stated.

Posted: 18 Aug 2005, 10:59
by aims
Quiff Boy wrote:
  • people's republic wy (khaki, skinny fit)
The one Von was wearing? ;)

Posted: 18 Aug 2005, 11:11
by Quiff Boy
Motz wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
  • people's republic wy (khaki, skinny fit)
The one Von was wearing? ;)
yep (though its actually a girls tee :lol: )

Posted: 18 Aug 2005, 12:18
by Eva
'Oi, Quiffi, do we have to watch out for secret gigs now each time you change your avatar, or can I ignore this new one? I'm getting easily paranoid after the Celebrity Plane Crash experience... :wink:

Posted: 18 Aug 2005, 12:32
by Quiff Boy
Eva wrote:'Oi, Quiffi, do we have to watch out for secret gigs now each time you change your avatar, or can I ignore this new one? I'm getting easily paranoid after the Celebrity Plane Crash experience... :wink:

i say nahting. naaaahting! :D

Posted: 18 Aug 2005, 12:56
by Eva
Quiff Boy wrote:
Eva wrote:'Oi, Quiffi, do we have to watch out for secret gigs now each time you change your avatar, or can I ignore this new one? I'm getting easily paranoid after the Celebrity Plane Crash experience... :wink:

i say nahting. naaaahting! :D
Right. I'll get my tranquilizers then... Nurse? :roll: :lol:

Posted: 18 Aug 2005, 14:43
by AndreMcCabe
I heard rumours about a tour in november... :lol:

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 01:05
by Quiff Boy
finally uploaded my 106 (!) shaky, blurred photos :lol: ... p?album=11

the ideas was to capture my experience of the gig, so it was meant to be shaky and blurred. honest :innocent:

note the frequent "white outs" and "red outs" during the gig :o :notworthy:

the red bit was during FALAA and fitted perfectly. :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 10:48
by Obviousman
Cool, my location did not seem to give me any of those white and or red outs... Very cool though :notworthy: :D

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 15:29
by MadameButterfly
Thanks kind QB having looked through them all the memories came rushing back! :lol: ......... :cry:
Indeed :eek: a few that need a second, concentrated look at....but very nice....thank-you :notworthy: