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Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 20:23
by CellThree
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Did you Jeopardy-minded lot try a simple Google search of late? :roll:

Try ["Sisters Of Mercy" Feb 16 2006] and be surprised about what you find...

Do you mean a load of stuff about nuns IZ? :?

Doing this search I found out Type O Negative are releasing a live DVD in February next year through Roadrunner. Personally I couldn't give a s**t, but it made my friend extremely happy.

As for finding out anything useful regarding the Sisters, not a lot.

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 20:26
by Scardwel
Johnny M wrote:Anyone else booked their Vegas plane ticket yet?
Sorting it out right now... I wonder if it's just a one off or will there be other dates across the pond. :?:

A gig in York would've been nice. For the eXXile do, they played 5 mins' walk from my flat. Can't expect the same convenience again I suppose. So Vegas it is! 8)

BTW, I asked my sources at Vanburgh College (I live just up the road from there) and they know nothing about a Sisters gig in February.

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 21:18
by Brad
I am hoping there are more American / Canadian dates. Would be nice to catch a few shows. The suggestion of "Lunar" and "Martian" dates could refer to both North American and European shows in the queue, or these are HTML leftovers from a previous tour.

Has anyone confirmed the venue yet? My money is on the House of Blues...

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 21:41
by Obviousman
Damn :(

Well, I'll just hope for something European then, don't think I can possibly afford a ticket to Vegas...

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 22:27
by eastmidswhizzkid

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 22:30
by Andie
may i just ask (for the hell of asking more than anything else)

who's the money behind a TSOM date in Vegas?...

serioulsy who'd be dumb enough to flush that kinda wedge down the pan?...even Americans ain't that stupid...are they?

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 22:34
by scotty
eastmidswhizzkid wrote::?
The answer may lie here or here Lee :innocent:

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 22:34
by Johnny M
Burn wrote:may i just ask (for the hell of asking more than anything else)

who's the money behind a TSOM date in Vegas?...

serioulsy who'd be dumb enough to flush that kinda wedge down the pan?...even Americans ain't that stupid...are they?
Vegas = casino owner = Fan = gig.

Wouldn't you have them play in your back garden/favourite dive if you could afford it?

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 22:35
by aims
Probably a dodgy "goth" label/promoter.

What next? A new album on Cleopatra, called "Butt Fcuk Parlour Time"? :innocent:

Edit: Motz = Posts to Soon = Looks like an idiot when he posts something different to those in the know ;D

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 22:35
by Scardwel
Burn wrote:serioulsy who'd be dumb enough to flush that kinda wedge down the pan?...even Americans ain't that stupid...are they?
History says otherwise. Remember Philadelphia '97...?
"Dancing Ferret" Promotions indeed. :lol:

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 22:45
by James Blast
now, I really could give a shit

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 22:50
by Brad
If the venue/promoter is actually HOB, they can certainly front the cash for the Sisters. This is Vegas, not Wisconsin. Drawing on a Sisters starved North American populous along with the usual Vegas attendees should guarantee a good crowd.

I question Andrew's motives on doing a one off gig in America. I know it has been done before, but I get a positive vibe that the US and Canada may see more action yet. Stay tuned.

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 22:56
by Electrochrome
Yowza...somebody must have a chunk of change to throw away. Bastardos...a Thursday night in Vegas? That means you have to stay till Sunday, of course, means you have to go out...that's too pricey of a trip to see The Sisters...the man has to play elsewhere, here's to hoping...

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 23:24
by James Blast
Bunch of ARSE, all of it

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 23:29
by aims
That depends. If it's the precursor to an album release and world tour, then it's not very arse. Unfortunately, even my inner-romantic is finding it very difficult to imagine this as being elaborate smoke and mirrors - smacks too much of the mighty dollar :urff:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 00:29
by eastmidswhizzkid
scotty wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote::?
The answer may lie here or here Lee :innocent:
if only -at least then it would be funny.
the idea of the yanks getting the girls' silver anniversary gig is -to put it mildly fuckin'sickening. i'm still not convinced.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 00:56
by Brad
I remain convinced. What more proof do you need?

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 01:01
by Scardwel
Why is this news so difficult to accept? It's right there in front of you on the official site: "2006 Feb 16 Las Vegas" and it's been there for several days now. No clever hidden meanings, just a gig outside Europe for a change.
I have no problem with Eldo choosing to play the US this time around.
Stateside fans are getting excited and I don't blame them. The Planet Edge Tour was over 6 years ago! Europe has enjoyed a Sisters tour every year (bar 2004) since then.
Whether you like it or not, The Sisters are a business and somebody made them a generous offer to play their silver anniversary gig in Vegas. Deal with it.
See you there, those that can make it.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 01:06
by Electrochrome
Well put.

Silver bullet = 25th anniversary
Las Vegas = Las Vegas, Nevada

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 01:43
by Johnny M
Scardwel wrote:Why is this news so difficult to accept? It's right there in front of you on the official site: "2006 Feb 16 Las Vegas" and it's been there for several days now. No clever hidden meanings, just a gig outside Europe for a change.
I have no problem with Eldo choosing to play the US this time around.
Stateside fans are getting excited and I don't blame them. The Planet Edge Tour was over 6 years ago! Europe has enjoyed a Sisters tour every year (bar 2004) since then.
Whether you like it or not, The Sisters are a business and somebody made them a generous offer to play their silver anniversary gig in Vegas. Deal with it.
See you there, those that can make it.
Thank you Simon. Mine's a beer ... when we get to the bar. 8)

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 01:53
by eastmidswhizzkid
oooh! <<clutches handbag>>
if they are a business then they haven't done a very good job of it recently have they? no album for fifteen years -even the eight that he has been contract free? no gigs here in this country this summer (who does he have to blame but himself for the dwindling popularity?)
eldritch is more than happy to turn down good money for reasons that you or i (especially those of whom i doubt make a convincing living from playing in pub bands) would find fatuous.
i've always said that as far as i'm concerned he can do what he wants..for him to suddenly grasp at the cash just seems to point to his not having thought through his previous business decisions too well.

and of course i can deal with it (though you might find it difficult to swallow if you couldn't travel to/didn't live in the states)....whether the "reputations" of those in the know will survive after their assertations have been rubbished is a different matter.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 01:56
by aims
Remember who we're dealing with here: Mr Andrew "Smoke and Mirrors" Taylor. Those in the know could quite easily have been telling the truth at the time of writing :von:

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 02:55
by Francis
It's very late/ early and I've had a long drive back oop North. Would anybody like to paraphrase the more interesting/ relevant parts of the last 4 pages?


Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 03:07
by eastmidswhizzkid
just for you francis (happy xmas by the way)....

the sisters are playing vegas (according to the official site) -the "in the know" crowd (john on this thread but also PiB elsewhere) insist otherwise, citing york, vanbrugh college - scardwell discovers evidence of las vegas being actually the venue - people who can't get to vegas resist the obvious truth this points to. in a nutshell.

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 03:16
by Francis
Sweet. Gene Vincent. Slow down, itinerant child. ;-)