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Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 01:59
by Planet Dave
Tim, that pic is horrendous. I may never get on a plane again. Ever.

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 09:42
by timsinister
Did you never see that episode? William Shatner just could not avoid being James Tiberius Kirk. I don't know which was worse, the mask or the acting. :wink:

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 10:54
by markfiend
Is that the episode that was remade for the 80's Twilight Zone movie? The gremlin on the wing one? Also taken off in The Simpsons; one of the Treehouse Of Horror episodes?

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 11:11
by Johnny M
The Eagle has landed. 8)

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 11:14
by Quiff Boy
huzzah ;D

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 11:20
by Obviousman
Now that's great news :D

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 21:09
by Planet Dave
See you tomoz boys, 12.30ish, Angel, beer. Have to leave around 3, but I'm sure we'll get plenty in in that time. :P

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 21:12
by Johnny M
Found In London: One SA goth. Answers to the name of Hallucienate. Cold, hungry, smelly and jet-lagged. I felt pity on him so invited him home. He's been cleaned up and is currently sitting on my sofa eating spaggie bol and drinking stella. 8)

Posted: 08 Apr 2006, 17:36
by Delilah
Lucien - it would be so cool to meet you! I'm flying to Florence tomorrow but are you in London on Tuesday?

Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 11:09
by Planet Dave
Well, the afternoon sesh was certainly warming up very nicely when...I had to leave. Blummin' heck. Still, great to see everyone again, I trust you all carried on into the night, though I'm still fearful for Johny and his return trip to the condom-machine of doom, I assume you were catheterised to avoid a repeat performance of Black Ok? :lol:

Lucien - outstanding to meet you mate, top top bloke, but then we knew that. :notworthy: :notworthy:

See most of you in May (assuming Von's voice has recovered :urff: )


Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 11:16
by JansenClone








Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 22:07
by Francis
Cameras should definitely be banned in pubs. :roll:

Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 22:52
by James Blast
behave Francis, I like a good chuckle

Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 23:15
by Francis
James Blast wrote:a good chuckle
Happy to help. :lol:

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 13:28
by markfiend
Thanks for that incredibly flattering photo of me there Michael :lol:

This doesn't need to be sticky any more, does it?

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 15:14
by timsinister
None of us really look like supermodels, Marky! :wink:

I can confirm that Francis didn't sing, Johnny didn't suffer at the hands of bathroom appliances, and I didn't antagonise the local constabulary. Lucien was most impressed with the Glorious Summer weather of Leeds.

Bloody fantastic weekend; cheers to all, 'specially our host with the most, Francis and his motor car. Will see about getting my pictures oot and aboot tonight.


Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 15:28
by hallucienate
We're back in at Johnny's after a rather storming Placebo gig last night :)

Firstly a huge thanks to Francis for everything. You went way beyond the call of duty :notworthy: :notworthy:

It was an excellent to meet everyone and you're all stars, but I knew that already :notworthy: I hope to meet you all again one day.

I'll try post some photos later once I've had a look at them and Johnny has gone and vetoed most of them.

Once again :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 15:30
by hallucienate
Delilah wrote:Lucien - it would be so cool to meet you! I'm flying to Florence tomorrow but are you in London on Tuesday?
Yup, returning to London at 11:00 tomorrow morning and will be there until Thursday night. I'll PM you my UK mobile number.

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 15:31
by Quiff Boy
any more placebo dates coming up?

its just that there's been an announcement on the ivories website:

"We are pleased to announce that we are opening for PLACEBO at their SOLD OUT gig at Alexadra Palace, London on Tuesday 11th April."


Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 15:42
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:any more placebo dates coming up?

its just that there's been an announcement on the ivories website:

"We are pleased to announce that we are opening for PLACEBO at their SOLD OUT gig at Alexadra Palace, London on Tuesday 11th April."

Funny, we've got tickets for that one too :)

A Leeds band singing a song about reducing the temperature? How appropriate :? :lol:

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 17:02
by boudicca
Looks like a fab (and somewhat bevvy-fueled) time was had by all :notworthy: :wink: .
Wish I coulda been there, but when you gotta conquer, you gotta conquer.

I'd have drank you all under the table anyway :innocent: :twisted: .

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 17:44
by Planet Dave
boudicca wrote: I'd have drank you all under the table anyway :innocent: :twisted: .
Undoubtedly Claire. We look forward to you proving as much in May. :P :twisted:

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 19:16
by boudicca
Planet Dave wrote:
boudicca wrote: I'd have drank you all under the table anyway :innocent: :twisted: .
Undoubtedly Claire. We look forward to you proving as much in May. :P :twisted:
Hope I can.

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 21:40
by MadameButterfly
Lovely pics! :D :notworthy: And it looks like a good time was had by all!

Just one question?

QB, is this how you are going out in public these days, or are you just too lazy to shave?

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 22:40
by canon docre
MadameButterfly wrote: QB, is this how you are going out in public these days, or are you just too lazy to shave?
I wondered myself a bit about that sloppiness of our fair Führer. was that casual sunday or summat? :roll: :lol: