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Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 21:15
by Nic
MadameButterfly wrote:
@ Nic - you seem to be serious about your tattoo and I'm sure the ladies are in awe, your tattoo artist did one amazing job and you are one lucky man to have Andrew on your arm. :notworthy:
Appreciate your thoughts Madame :)

And yes, my tattooist is very good at his job.
Cheers Daniel! :notworthy:

Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 20:38
by Ghost
I had a star/head done in last November on the back of my left shoulder blade, it's around 10.5cm large.
Some details as the eye (longer) and the line that joins near the ear (being separate) are different than smaller logos (as the sgwbm cd) because I made the stencil from my temple of love 12" (83' :p).
That pic was taken when it was only one day fresh, so nevermind the extra ink bleed. Btw, the lines on the star are actually very straight, they look distorted because of the shoulder blade humps. ;)
I hate showing my body, but heck, this is a TSOM forum :).


Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 00:22
by Silver_Owl
Ghost wrote:I had a star/head done in last November on the back of my left shoulder blade, it's around 10.5cm large.
Some details as the eye (longer) and the line that joins near the ear (being separate) are different than smaller logos (as the sgwbm cd) because I made the stencil from my temple of love 12" (83' :p).
That pic was taken when it was only one day fresh, so nevermind the extra ink bleed. Btw, the lines on the star are actually very straight, they look distorted because of the shoulder blade humps. ;)
I hate showing my body, but heck, this is a TSOM forum :).

Very nice job :!: :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Aug 2007, 13:42
by pikkrong
<<< I did it again

(previous ones are the old logo and the new logo)

Posted: 30 Aug 2007, 13:52
by markfiend
I noticed that before. Very nice. 8)

Re: TSOM tattoos?

Posted: 31 Aug 2007, 19:41
by Our Taylor is Rich
markfiend wrote:I have a friend with that one on one arm:
VonOben wrote:Image
I've got this one

on the right arm :twisted:

TSOMtattoos - Even better...!

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 18:48
by Original GS
Ha ha...I've got a Heartland tattoo...when I figure out all this technical s**t, I'll post it on here.

Re: TSOM tattoos?

Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 12:47
by Veda
VonOben wrote:...and, yes, I've seen the rough porn clip with a girl that has TSOM-tattoos. You don't have to mention that one. :oops:


Anytime I see a female with a tattoo (or tattoos as the case may be) all I think is how trashy and ugly it looks. Sure gonna look even nicer when they're like 60 years old haha

Re: TSOM tattoos?

Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 13:46
by smiscandlon
Veda wrote:Skanky.

Anytime I see a female with a tattoo (or tattoos as the case may be) all I think is how trashy and ugly it looks.
:roll: How very judgemental of you.