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Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 16:39
by Dark
Sure, if you fancy paying stupidly large sums of money for a "community" project.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 16:51
by aims
Nothing's certain either way.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 17:23
by robertzombie
I say don't phone em, if they don't know then they can't do anything :P

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 21:12
by mh
Figured I could do worse than research how the NewOrderOnline folks did it. There was a bit of talk at the beginning of their first Community project, but no definitive conclusion.

One interesting snippet is that you cannot be denied the Mechanical Copyright license by law. Whether this is fact or one person's opinion/interpretation is up for grabs though.

I've also gone rooting around various music publisher sites, registered myself as a licensee with BMG (y'never know...) and fired an email off to the MCPS (copy below):

Myself and a group of others are planning to record a tribute CD for one of our favourite bands. This will be a privately distributed limited edition (the number of copies is not yet finalised) and any charges will solely cover production costs (i.e. non-profit).

As we are keen to keep everything as legal and above-board as possible, we are interested in learning what the position is with regard to mechanical licensing for such a project.

Now I know why bands have lawyers and managers... :evil: :urff: :| :x

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 21:28
by robertzombie

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 21:45
by canon docre
Without wanting to spoil the enthusisam, how high are the chances that Eldritch or Pearson are saying yes to a release of their songs by you guys? Below par I'd guess. :|

Why not leave out the "charges"- part as it implies that there is actually money to be made (even if it's just to cover the costs). Why not let it run under "demo-tape" without official release. No need to ask anybody for permission there.

If it turns out to be good you can still decide to release it and go through the copyright hassle when it's time. In this early stage it just kills creativity to think about the legal stuff. :P

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 21:58
by mh
canon docre wrote:Why not leave out the "charges"- part as it implies that there is actually money to be made (even if it's just to cover the costs). Why not let it run under "demo-tape" without official release. No need to ask anybody for permission there.
Can you do that? Sounds interesting, do tell me more.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 22:09
by canon docre
mh wrote:
canon docre wrote:Why not leave out the "charges"- part as it implies that there is actually money to be made (even if it's just to cover the costs). Why not let it run under "demo-tape" without official release. No need to ask anybody for permission there.
Can you do that? Sounds interesting, do tell me more.
Well, everyone can homerecord whatever they please without asking for permission. Legally, what you do with the Sisters songs is covering them (as long as you dont change the notes, then it's a remix, a totally differnet matter.) Even if they're yet unreleased, you do a coverversion.
As long as you dont press them in large quantities for selling them, no one cares.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 22:14
by mh
canon docre wrote:
mh wrote:
canon docre wrote:Why not leave out the "charges"- part as it implies that there is actually money to be made (even if it's just to cover the costs). Why not let it run under "demo-tape" without official release. No need to ask anybody for permission there.
Can you do that? Sounds interesting, do tell me more.
Well, everyone can homerecord whatever they please without asking for permission. Legally, what you do with the Sisters songs is covering them (as long as you dont change the notes, then it's a remix, a totally differnet matter.) Even if they're yet unreleased, you do a coverversion.
As long as you dont press them in large quantities for selling them, no one cares.

OK people, we have a solution.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 22:21
by James Blast
the cover still belongs to:
or I'll stab someone, OK? ;D

ah ken how tae deal wi you music biz types 8)

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 22:22
by Izzy HaveMercy
mh wrote:

OK people, we have a solution.
Yup, we rename the whole thing to "Canon Docre Walks On Water" and the problem is solved! :D


Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 22:24
by eotunun
canon docre wrote: (as long as you dont change the notes, then it's a remix, a totally differnet matter.)
What about accidental changes? :innocent:

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 22:29
by mh
James Blast wrote:the cover still belongs to:
or I'll stab someone, OK? ;D

ah ken how tae deal wi you music biz types 8)
Naturally. :)

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 22:37
by canon docre
James Blast wrote:the cover still belongs to:
or I'll stab someone, OK? ;D

ah ken how tae deal wi you music biz types 8)
It's always the same, the Graphic Department is ready and pushy while the recording artists are still contemplating on the running order. :roll: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 23:21
by James Blast
and I spent time on this Jess :|


I feel well stabbed :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 23:31
by mh
Hey, it rhymes!

We have a new name.

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 00:07
by pikkrong
Canon Docre Walks On Mirrors... it was my Beavis & Butthead side who said it... I take my coat now...

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 16:01
by robertzombie
canon docre wrote:As long as you dont press them in large quantities for selling them, no one cares.
so we're good to go? :)
James Blast wrote:and I spent time on this Jess :|


I feel well stabbed :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
What's the picture behind it?

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 16:26
by Dark
canon docre wrote:as long as you dont change the notes, then it's a remix
Sorry, but that makes no sense to me whatsoever.

A remix is an alternative mix of a song, using parts (or all) of the original recording. A cover contains none of the original recording.

A cover with notes that have been changed somewhat is still a cover, surely? Every Sisters cover compilation has contained songs that sound immensely different to the original, but they're certainly not remixes.

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 16:47
by markfiend
robertzombie wrote:What's the picture behind it?
Kirkstall Abbey. Clicky

Nice cover James 8)

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 17:11
by Obviousman
markfiend wrote:
robertzombie wrote:What's the picture behind it?
Kirkstall Abbey. Clicky

Nice cover James 8)
Thought it was :D Good work indeed 8)

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 18:40
by mh
Dark wrote:
canon docre wrote:as long as you dont change the notes, then it's a remix
Sorry, but that makes no sense to me whatsoever.

A remix is an alternative mix of a song, using parts (or all) of the original recording. A cover contains none of the original recording.

A cover with notes that have been changed somewhat is still a cover, surely? Every Sisters cover compilation has contained songs that sound immensely different to the original, but they're certainly not remixes.

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 18:58
by James Blast
markfiend wrote:
robertzombie wrote:What's the picture behind it?
Kirkstall Abbey. Clicky

Nice cover James 8)
Bastard! I wanted the is it/isn't it Detroit argument to rage on for a bit ;D

I knew I made it too visible in this edition :oops:

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 19:05
by Obviousman
James Blast wrote:
markfiend wrote:
robertzombie wrote:What's the picture behind it?
Kirkstall Abbey. Clicky

Nice cover James 8)
Bastard! I wanted the is it/isn't it Detroit argument to rage on for a bit ;D

I knew I made it too visible in this edition :oops:
Well, at first I thought it was the church from Damage Done, so there you go :lol:

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 19:09
by robertzombie
Obviousman wrote:
James Blast wrote:
markfiend wrote: Kirkstall Abbey. Clicky

Nice cover James 8)
Bastard! I wanted the is it/isn't it Detroit argument to rage on for a bit ;D

I knew I made it too visible in this edition :oops:
Well, at first I thought it was the church from Damage Done, so there you go :lol:
i thought that too