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Posted: 27 Jul 2008, 23:55
by Ghostrider
lol.. didn't check the board.. being a bit more near the back..

saw another funky thing though.. about middle of crowd.. some guy had his 5 - 6 year old kid up on his shoulder and it seemed like the kid was enjoying the show.. lol

good job on that parent, teaching his kid the right music at that age..

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 00:49
by My Dominion
My website updated.
Playlist and photo's.
More to come.

Photo's / review / video are welcome !
PM me !

Greetings !
Don't forget to sign my guestbook, thank you !

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 01:00
by mugabe
Ghostrider wrote:version of good things was extremely good.. bit slower than original and guitar was bit different..
One of my top-5 songs of all time, and, from what I hear in the recordings (thanks, btw), they butcher it beyond comprehension. Sic transit gloria mundi.

Glad I missed it.

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 03:53
by darkparticle
So am I last to check -in? :lol: figures.

Sorry to have missed meeting up, sounds like you had a good time despite my absence :P .

Saw some poncy outfit wailing away and the lame ass presidents who impressed no-one, the tiny bits of Scabs I saw was good before I was blown away by The Sisters show, as my 1st time seeing them live I can't compare shows this was rock & roll. I went to find the attitude I hear in songs on stage so no dissapointments on that score

Did some kind of dummy or rubbish get kicked off the stage by Chris or Ben? I couldn't see :von: then thought he was sat/crouched on the edge of the stage before someone kicked whatever it was off :eek:

This being my first won't be my last, though I don't think it will be always :innocent: definitely worth repeating/singing along too

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 06:23
by dtsom
Tidal wrote:damn dtsom you've made my day :notworthy:
I was despairing that there would be no proper version of the legendary moment of this gig... but you did it :notworthy: Now every Sisters fan in the world can be blown off their seats by the proof that the modern Good Things was actually played :notworthy:

EDIT: noticed a twitch at 3:31, checked with my recording, there's about 27 seconds missing in yours between "good th-" after the "profit's higher" part and the last "-ings" and fadeout :|
yes i know. it was a mistake from my computer in my md the show is complete

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 07:32
by zero01
[quote="msm67"]@Husek...guess Brazil is as Sisters deprived as the US? It really sucks that we don't get to choose when & where we're born! My advice: say lots of prayers, light some candles, make a sacrifice or something and keep hoping these gigs lead to something more!! :)[/quote]

At least the US has seen him, South Africa seems to be a different planet...

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 08:04
by neardark
Coming back from Brussels.

Really very good show, the band was great, very good audience, nice setlist, happy to be there.

Nice to meet any heartlanders!!

Thanks Diego for the very good recording.


Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 08:49
by doctoravalanche
This concert was indeed a fantastic moment, it seems that Eldritch has a special connection with the belgian crowd, maybe because this is the only country where the Sisters are still considered as a potential headliner for a festival, so maybe it is a way to thank Belgium when he makes the special efforts to re-visit Good Things after 27 years and put back the Capricorn / I Did not know ... in the setlist.
The sound conditions were top, the sound was trully perfect and well balanced (did they have a new sound engineer ? LOL), we could hear everything well and most of all Andrew's voice, a thing that has become quite unusually in the recent years.
A real pleasure also to meet to nice people too at Raf Ahrayeph's place before the concert :)
See you next year in Belgium ;)

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 09:25
by dinky daisy
zero01 wrote:
msm67 wrote:@Husek...guess Brazil is as Sisters deprived as the US? It really sucks that we don't get to choose when & where we're born! My advice: say lots of prayers, light some candles, make a sacrifice or something and keep hoping these gigs lead to something more!! :)
At least the US has seen him, South Africa seems to be a different planet...
A Black Planet :innocent:

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 09:38
by sunny1
Hi all,

it was indeed a memorable concert !!

To be honest... i saw them the last time at the Brielpoort Deinze a few years ago. The sound was awful and the show didn't feel that magical as it did at other shows they did in belgium.

When I saw them on saturday I was blown away by the bad's enthousiasm. They seemed to have fun.. and I could actually hear him sing.
It was so great to see all the fans gathering as the day slowly crept towards it's climax.

it's amazing to see that I still gets these chills when they enter the stage and play their first notes!

Now I'm happy to have the Docsummer recording to relive the concert over and over again.

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 10:07
by doctoravalanche
It's horrible, I can't stop watching the video of the concert ;)

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 11:05
by christophe
bummer, here you go again :wink: :lol:

F&L&A clicky

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 12:33
by sunny1
Ghostrider wrote:lol.. didn't check the board.. being a bit more near the back..

saw another funky thing though.. about middle of crowd.. some guy had his 5 - 6 year old kid up on his shoulder and it seemed like the kid was enjoying the show.. lol

good job
on that parent, teaching his kid the right music at that age..

saw him as well.. pretty cool.

He was completely dressed in sisters outfit.. T-shirt and trouser with logo!

That's indeed the proper education


Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 12:41
by Bartek
in the other hand he/she might hate sisters. teenage angst and etc.

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 12:57
by Elise
Found some really nice pictures here ; ... 23431.html

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 13:02
by Obviousman
That silhouette picture is truly stunning :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 13:28
by mh
Elise wrote:Found some really nice pictures here ; ... 23431.html
Nice photos, but what on earth is Ben up to?


Doesn't look like a riff he's trying to squeeze out there, does it? :lol:

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 14:04
by dtsom
looking in the net in a belgium newspaper(using google translater of course)

it says that on saturday there were 40.000 people

i don´t know if it´s correct- 40.000 is so much for this square ISN´T IT??

THE NEW: ... ?id=385456

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 14:10
by robertzombie
Listening to Good Things it sounds a bit different to the original. How long did it take you lot to figure out that it was infact Good Things?

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 14:23
by Eva
I took me quite a while because it was so utterly unexpected. And I can imagine how funny it must have been to watch us all from the stage, how our faces first all went blank and then lighted up like candles when we finally recognized the song. And what a stunning version it was!!!! :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 14:35
by eotunun
mh wrote:
Elise wrote:Found some really nice pictures here ; ... 23431.html
Nice photos, but what on earth is Ben up to?


Doesn't look like a riff he's trying to squeeze out there, does it? :lol:
That picture probably was taken during Snub Nose.

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 14:35
by Tidal
first I thought it was Lucretia. The moment I heard "cracks appear" I was like.. uh...and then 1 second later I knew.

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 14:45
by Norman Hunter
Obviousman wrote:That silhouette picture is truly stunning :notworthy:
He needs his chuffing nails cut! :eek:

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 15:01
by doctoravalanche
For those who can read french I have written a review of the concert here: ... &Itemid=37

Posted: 28 Jul 2008, 15:02
by msm67
@zero01...prayer has been said, candle lit, sacrifice coming up at the next full moon :)

@Obviousman...I agree, that is a great pic. Could almost be the new cover for an updated Floorshow or Possession cd. I mean that in the nicest's just what the pic reminded me of at first glance!