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Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 14:18
by Silver_Owl
Purple Light wrote:Anyone know if the gone but not forgotten Mr Planet Dave Whelan might come? I Text him but got no reply.
I think it's safe to assume he won't be there mate. :|

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 17:41
by Purple Light
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Purple Light wrote:Anyone know if the gone but not forgotten Mr Planet Dave Whelan might come? I Text him but got no reply.
I think it's safe to assume he won't be there mate. :|
Ahh well. :(
Maybe one day he'll be back...

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 23:30
by ribbons69
My tickets,purchased t'other week from seetickets,arrived today.Hurrah!

Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 16:06
by dig dug days
I've seen the Sisters live, but I haven't seen them in Leeds before. Does anyone recommend anywhere significant to the Sisters that I could visit while in Leeds? Thank you.

Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 16:48
by Maisey

Well, outside my best friends halls is a rather large headstone/monument that the band posed on for group photo (Wayne, Marx, Adams, Eldo era). Adds to the likelyhood that maybe one or more of them was living in those halls :wink:

One might add The Phono to the list of potential holy sites: Nightclub and hangout of the girls - sadly it no longer exists. DJ Phono Paul has taken the spirit of La Phonographique with him to The Subculture, which still runs the Sheepish nights which, IIRC originated in the Phono.

The site of greatest Sisters significance? Wherever the Heartland meetup is! ;D

Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 10:02
by markfiend
Maisey wrote:outside my best friends halls is a rather large headstone/monument that the band posed on for group photo
Heh I know where you mean, St George's Field behind the Henry Kelly -- erm I mean Henry Price -- building.

Well renowned for its crop of psilocybin mushrooms... :innocent:

We had a thread of "significant Sisters places in Leeds" a while back didn't we?

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 18:18
by Purple Light
Think that "significant Leeds places" thingy was something to do with Francis wasn't it around the Smoke & Mirrors tour? Can't remember exactly.

Not got my tickets yet anyway, just rang the venue to make sure they still had plenty & "We've still actually got quite a lot of tickets for sale" was the answer. :lol:

Might even buy on the door!

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 18:23
by Quiff Boy
yep, francis took a few people on a bit of a sightseeing walk around town :lol: 8)

also, there's these maps of burley park which show where all the sisters and affiliated crew used to live: ... ge_id=1154 ... ge_id=1155



click the above links for larger versions...

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 19:50
by sisxbeforedawn
wahooo!!! tickets ordered just need to get the time off work....

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 11:56
by Norman Hunter
Purple Light wrote:"significant Leeds places" thingy
One of my digs when at Leeds Poly had a sofa that used to belong to Mel B's mum :eek:

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 13:47
by Jim
Well I've grabbed a pair of tix ... first one since Smoke and Mirrors. Be intrigued to see what they've done with the T&C as well...

Not sure who's getting the second ticket mind :-$

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 23:31
by Zuma
Keith, Cat and I may make it down for a few beers :D
Planning to miss out the gig though by choice!

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 10:04
by weebleswobble
Zuma wrote:Keith, Cat and I may make it down for a few beers :D
Planning to miss out the gig though by choice!
Henny Fook Me Haw!!!

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 16:07
by Silver_Owl
Zuma wrote:Keith, Cat and I may make it down for a few beers :D
Planning to miss out the gig though by choice!
Bah. At least if you come to the gig we carry on the drinking Dave.
Looking forward to seeing you all the same. :wink:

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 16:13
by Headingly
Whoa, you don't check the tour dates for ages and this pops up! Must get organised.

Is the Dry "mind your head" Dock still on?

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 16:30
by Doctor Avalanche
just ordered my tickets, am travelling down with my brother. Can't bloody wait

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 16:32
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:there will be more details nearer the time, but i just wanted to post a quick note to let you all know that there is going to be a free aftershow for this gig

it will be in the club space underneath the concert hall, will start when the gig ends (approx 11pm) and run until 2am

it will be free entry for all you happy little gig go-ers

and this is my personal favourite bit of it: phono paul and myself have been asked to dj it

;) :von:

i guess those of us not going to laahndan had all better book the thursday off work, huh? ;D

just to let the newcomers to this particular party know... :)

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 17:01
by Doctor Avalanche
a free party, a free
i'll have to ask the missus 1st (dont laugh) but that sounds great

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 20:41
by Silver_Owl
Doctor Avalanche wrote:just ordered my tickets, am travelling down with my brother. Can't bloody wait
Nice one Tony. :D

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 22:06
by mh
weebleswobble wrote:
Zuma wrote:Keith, Cat and I may make it down for a few beers :D
Planning to miss out the gig though by choice!
Henny Fook Me Haw!!!
Seconded, and might I add - whey-hey! :notworthy:

Just make sure that Cat has a spare lighter with her. ;D


Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 21:41
by timebomb
Try the warehouse somers street where a few of the early gigs where and where the band also frequented (dont let people tell you they only went out at the phono), I often had beers with Craig and gary there 83 ish. The faversham was another place frequented by the band 8)

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 10:16
by AdrenochromeNZ
Hi, I'm coming all the way from New Zealand for both the UK dates. Never seen them live as they've never been down my neck of the woods but fulfilling a 25 year dream. Will see you all there I guess not to mention the before and after parties.



Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 10:48
by mh
AdrenochromeNZ wrote:Hi, I'm coming all the way from New Zealand for both the UK dates. Never seen them live as they've never been down my neck of the woods but fulfilling a 25 year dream. Will see you all there I guess not to mention the before and after parties.


:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 10:56
by Norman Hunter
AdrenochromeNZ wrote:Hi, I'm coming all the way from New Zealand for both the UK dates. Never seen them live as they've never been down my neck of the woods but fulfilling a 25 year dream. Will see you all there I guess not to mention the before and after parties.


Man, you desrve free beers all night :notworthy:

Please come find me at Leeds and I'll get you one!

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 11:00
by Quiff Boy
likewise :lol: :notworthy: 8)