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Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 08:25
by Silver_Owl
Well that's me converted. What a well rounded argument he put forward. :innocent:

I have to agree that as I watched it I could see his leadership slipping away.

The Baroness was rather cute though. ;D

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 10:17
by mistressteal
The Baroness was rather cute though.

You need to get out more – thought she looked like the woman who serves at my local newsagent - nice beige cardigan - still whatever lights your fire honey. :|

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 10:23
by Silver_Owl
mistressteal wrote: You need to get out more – thought she looked like the woman who serves at my local newsagent - nice beige cardigan - still whatever lights your fire honey. :|
Then the woman who serves at your local newsagent is obviously cute too. :P
Or are you simply referring to the fact that she's Asian? :?

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 10:25
by mistressteal
Like I said - whatever lights your fire...

Loving the black leather though :wink:

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 10:37
by Norman Hunter
I was disappointed. It turned into a bullying episode. I did however love the bloke who said "I've a question for Dick... I mean Nick" :lol:

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 10:50
by Quiff Boy
i thought bonnie greer was excellent. a lot of bnp material involves them mis-representing english history. it was good to have someone there who could pull them up on every mistake :lol:

personally i find "the baroness" quite annoying. she's a QT regular and imho her answers are frequently ill-considered and do no stand up to scrutinisation.

never mind...

the next big furore: did anyone watch the "this week" afterwards? how condescending was diane abbott?

she basically said that people in london where so hip, cool, cosmopolitan and smart that they wouldn't be taken in by griffin & co, but everywhere else people were a bit thick and would possibly fall for it. ffs. :urff:

her snobbery and condescension were quite appalling. and to make matters worse she kept reiterating the same 'point' over and over... labelling everyone not from london as a parochial hick :urff: :o

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 11:19
by Norman Hunter
Quiff Boy wrote:her snobbery and condescension were quite appalling. and to make matters worse she kept reiterating the same 'point' over and over... labelling everyone not from london as a parochial hick :urff: :o
I missed it - too high on Moonshine and Roadkill butties :wink:

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 11:24
by Silver_Owl
Norman Hunter wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:her snobbery and condescension were quite appalling. and to make matters worse she kept reiterating the same 'point' over and over... labelling everyone not from london as a parochial hick :urff: :o
I missed it - too high on Moonshine and Roadkill butties :wink:
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 11:27
by Pista
My bro summed it up nicely.
"I wouldn't trust him to sit the right way on a toilet"


Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 11:43
by DeWinter
Quiff Boy wrote: the next big furore: did anyone watch the "this week" afterwards? how condescending was diane abbott?

she basically said that people in london where so hip, cool, cosmopolitan and smart that they wouldn't be taken in by griffin & co, but everywhere else people were a bit thick and would possibly fall for it. ffs. :urff:

her snobbery and condescension were quite appalling. and to make matters worse she kept reiterating the same 'point' over and over... labelling everyone not from london as a parochial hick :urff: :o
Pretty sure demographics are what will stop any big BNP rise in London. Isn't it the most racially diverse city in the world, or something?

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 12:12
by moses
As someone who would be considered not 'indigenous' or an 'aborigine' of this green and pleasant land I had to laugh at Mr. Griffin for considering himself a plausible politician. He sounded more like a confused, uneducated 18 year old under the influence of an even more ignorant father (or should that be fuhrer). I aslo found it funny that both he and Mr.Straw refered to the Ku Klux Klax as the Klu Klux Klan! Kluless!!

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 12:29
by markfiend
Griffin was totally handed his arse on a plate by that little Jewish kid with the holocaust-denial question. Hopefully Griffin's woeful performance as a whole has spelled the end for the BNP as a serious political force for another few years.

By the way, the BNP guy who works at our building is Mark Collett. I feel a right dick for not recognising him sooner :lol:

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 12:36
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:Griffin was totally handed his arse on a plate by that little Jewish kid with the holocaust-denial question. Hopefully Griffin's woeful performance as a whole has spelled the end for the BNP as a serious political force for another few years.

By the way, the BNP guy who works at our building is Mark Collett. I feel a right dick for not recognising him sooner :lol:
nice chap. ... %20Collett

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 12:44
by markfiend
That's the fella.

Seems he produces the BNP's monthly magazine Identity from here. :urff:

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 12:47
by Quiff Boy
still think you should have trashed his car ;)

was it a big, posh car btw? just thinking how well that might go down while he's preaching to the human detritus on the various council estates across leeds about how he's one of them and understand their plight, while driving a rather swanky car :lol:

if it is maybe you should take a photo (including number plate) and post it on some white trashy forums - sites about pitbulls etc :lol: ;D

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 12:54
by markfiend
3-series BMW.

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 13:48
by DeWinter
Apparently the show got 8 million viewers, the BNP's website has double the hits it usually does, and their membership has increased overnight.
So the lynch mob made Griffin look like the underdog, and the public have responded as they tend to do in this country to that. What a f*cking farce.

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 14:16
by Quiff Boy ... stion-time
Nick Griffin said today he was the victim of a "lynch mob" audience drawn from a city that had been "ethnically cleansed" and was "no longer British".
cock :lol:

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 14:26
by mistressteal
Norman Hunter wrote:I was disappointed. It turned into a bullying episode. I did however love the bloke who said "I've a question for Dick... I mean Nick" :lol:
Wow! that was lightning quick intelligent repartee and not schoolboy humour in the least wasn't it...

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 14:36
by James Blast
go suck a nick!

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 15:03
by mistressteal
Shall I do it listening to bad prog rock like you always do? :|

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 15:09
by Pista
The bnp have been whingeing about it being a Dick, sorry, Nick bashing exercise.
WTF did they expect? It was so hyped before hand that it was ONLY going to be exactly that!

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 15:13
by Silver_Owl
mistressteal wrote:Shall I do it listening to bad prog rock like you always do? :|
...and what's that got to do with the price of fish? :?

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 16:42
by Quiff Boy
Cassetteboy vs Nick Griffin vs Question Time

Let's have a look at what he should have said...


Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 16:47
by EvilBastard
Quiff Boy wrote:Cassetteboy vs Nick Griffin vs Question Time

Let's have a look at what he should have said...

:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: