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Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 18:06
by Maisey
RE: The Pandorica Opens.

First genuinely gripping episode of the series in my view. I liked the idea that the most of the most powerful races in the universe (other than man kind) see The Doctor as some kind of demonic evil force and that his disposal is the one thing worth setting aside your differences for.

I like the quip he made when he was checking out the locks "whoever designed this was very scared of what's inside", especially when held against the faces of all his enemies as they put him inside.

For me, it's the first time in this series Moffat has crafted a story with more layers than "funny man kills monsters".

Please let part two live up to it!

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 21:12
by stufarq
Illogical mess if you ask me. RTD has used up all the "end ofs" (universe, reality, time) and had all the companions in the same room so, in the dumb search to make each finale bigger than the last (rather than, say, just good on its own merits), Moff has few options left and decides to put all the monsters in the same room. Horribly fannish and utterly unbelievable. The Daleks saving the universe? The Sontarans joining forces rather than kicking the s**t out of everyone? The Nestenes creating a replica of Rory, complete with all of his memories including his death, from a photograph? Everyone raves about Moffat having a mind like a steel trap but it would be good if he used it once in a while.

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 09:09
by timsinister
Spot on. :notworthy:

I said I'd eat my hat if the Daleks weren't in the finale. So far my chapeau is unchewed...let's see what happens tomorrow.

Except I'll probably watch it on Sunday because I'm off out.

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 09:42
by moses
It's all a load of badly written, childish nonsense. The 'Doctor' should be capping teeth and the ginger gal should be in porno movies.

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 14:32
by timsinister
Great post, but please what is this expression 'capping teeth'?


Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 14:43
by markfiend

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 14:55
by moses
He's not good enough to be a doctor therefore he should be a dentist.

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 15:02
by markfiend
Sorry, making you explain it spoils the joke a bit but :lol:

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 20:24
by stufarq
moses wrote:the ginger gal should be in porno movies.
That's my evening sorted...

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 12:17
by DeWinter
The bad: The plot. There really wasn't one to speak of, and what there was made no sense.
Deux ex machina ending, as per.
Gratuitous Dalek.
Leaving half a ton of loose ends so they don't have to think too hard about a story arc for next season.
Matt Smith seems to have fallen into the Robin Williams trap of thinking talking gibberish really fast makes you funny.
Alex Kingston's ability to actually act is making the regular cast look bad. Also the "mystery" of who she really is will doubtless be really disappointing.
Whenever "Amy Pond" opens her mouth. She's just snotty and belligerent. Maybe they ought to give her legs their own spin-off series and write her out, then everyone''s happy.

The good:
Alex Kingston.
No Captain Fairycakes turning up with his irritating botox-face capped teeth and Carry-On innuendo. As soon as I heard "Time Agent" mentioned a cold dread fell upon me that he would mince on in a cameo role.
The guy playing Rory is actually fairly good at the comedic bits. He'd be a good foil to some wacky character in a sitcom.

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 12:42
by moses
DeWinter wrote: Whenever "Amy Pond" opens her mouth. She's just snotty and belligerent.
She's Scottish, what do you expect. It's probably the only realistic part of her character.

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 18:01
by stufarq
DeWinter wrote:The bad: The plot. There really wasn't one to speak of, and what there was made no sense.
Deux ex machina ending, as per.
Gratuitous Dalek.
Leaving half a ton of loose ends so they don't have to think too hard about a story arc for next season.
Matt Smith seems to have fallen into the Robin Williams trap of thinking talking gibberish really fast makes you funny.
Alex Kingston's ability to actually act is making the regular cast look bad. Also the "mystery" of who she really is will doubtless be really disappointing.
Whenever "Amy Pond" opens her mouth. She's just snotty and belligerent. Maybe they ought to give her legs their own spin-off series and write her out, then everyone''s happy.

The good:
Alex Kingston.
No Captain Fairycakes turning up with his irritating botox-face capped teeth and Carry-On innuendo. As soon as I heard "Time Agent" mentioned a cold dread fell upon me that he would mince on in a cameo role.
The guy playing Rory is actually fairly good at the comedic bits. He'd be a good foil to some wacky character in a sitcom.
I'll agree with most of that except Amy. Karen Gillan is excellent and she's by far the best actor on the show just now.
moses wrote:
DeWinter wrote: Whenever "Amy Pond" opens her mouth. She's just snotty and belligerent.
She's Scottish, what do you expect. It's probably the only realistic part of her character.
On behalf of my entire nation etc etc.

Posted: 25 Oct 2010, 08:44
by paint it black
just been to Manc for a long weekend to see Dr Who Live

top night out. If any one else has kids and was thinking about it. I'd say go for it :D :oops: :notworthy:

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 11:23
by timsinister
Between not having kids, not liking the new series, and not wanting to go alone and resemble a paedophile, it's not high on my list of priorities.

Still, I've heard it's fantastic entertainment. 8)

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 12:33
by paint it black
timsinister wrote:Between not having kids, not liking the new series, and not wanting to go alone and resemble a paedophile, it's not high on my list of priorities.

Still, I've heard it's fantastic entertainment. 8)
you could just go as one of the many who were dressed as the doctor, cybermen and women, or weeping angels :wink:

there is a section where all doctors appear. two of them never got a cheer *

* by then it had descended into very enjoyable panto; with the bars doing very well :lol:

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 12:41
by Carpathian Psychonaut
I grew up when Who was only recently in colour and have watched it ever since so I've long got over the embarrassment of admitting so ;D

Really love the recent Smith/Gillan pairing - for me it works surprisingly well though I can see how that feeling may not be universal.

I've even been known to record the episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures on CBBC where they cross over with Who ie Matt Smith in the one this week.

:innocent: :oops:

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 14:48
by DeWinter
I watched the recent SJA episode with the Doctor and Jo Grant returning. I admit I don't think Pete Burns portrays Jo quite as well as Katy Manning did, but bravo for trying.

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 15:37
by Carpathian Psychonaut
DeWinter wrote:I watched the recent SJA episode with the Doctor and Jo Grant returning. I admit I don't think Pete Burns portrays Jo quite as well as Katy Manning did, but bravo for trying.
I've not watched last night's yet as I'm waiting till I've got the second part recorded tonight but yeah, I've already seen a few comments to that end elsewhere. If you're bringing the look of face-changing Burns into the equation then ouch, that must be rather unfortunate!

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 21:38
by stufarq
paint it black wrote:there is a section where all doctors appear. two of them never got a cheer *
Probably cos kids are frightened by decaying corpses. Better to have stuck with just the still alive ones.

Posted: 26 Oct 2010, 23:24
by timsinister
paint it black wrote: you could just go as one of the many who were dressed as the doctor, cybermen and women, or weeping angels :wink:
Better not, I've been to two music festivals this year dressed as the Doctor.
there is a section where all doctors appear. two of them never got a cheer *
Oh hell. The last two? :cry:

Posted: 04 Nov 2010, 21:04
by bangles
I may have posted before to say I love smith as the doctor but just in case....

I love smith as the new doctor.

Didn't expect to but then never do expect to like the new doctor.

I kinda view every regeneration as the latest Sisters line up reinvention/ incarnation - don't think I'll like it but end up loveing it! As I glance back through (relative) history, I loved every new doctor - except Sly McCoy (& I still can't stand him!). That makes him the That Guitarist of Doctor Who's!

Posted: 04 Nov 2010, 21:12
by bangles
carrying on my musing - I am currently drinking having large helping of Bulmers (Magners to our neighbours!) in Kerry airport so apologise for rambling...
That would make
Chris & Ben - Tennant & Smith, while I plump for Gary Marx as Tom Baker!
Patsy as Jon Pertwee? Chronologicy be damn - he's a time lord!

(I actually had loads more but it made my head hurt - back space is a mighty tool when there's drink involved!)

Posted: 06 Nov 2010, 20:37
by itnAklipse
i think: not.

Posted: 06 Nov 2010, 21:25
by bangles
"i don't neccessary agree with every think I say"! or in this case, 'emotinally' post!

Posted: 07 Nov 2010, 16:38
by timsinister
bangles wrote: - except Sly McCoy (& I still can't stand him!). That makes him the That Guitarist of Doctor Who's!
You cheeky git! :lol:

Sylv is my favourite Doctor, the first I saw. I'd blame his poor reputation on the conspiracy to kill DW in '89 - so in this case John Powell, Controller of BBC 1 pulled a 'Von' and axed the show from behind the scenes.

Case closed! 8)