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Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 16:44
by Big Si
Zuma wrote:
Big Si wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:<sigh> :roll:
I've told you before it's not <sigh> it's BIG SI :wink: :twisted:

Whut ye wantin' noo then hen?
as in ryhmes with Pig Sty? :wink:
Major! Would you care to be my 2nd for this duel? I do believe this one will end up cleaning my boots for a change! :wink: :twisted:


Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 17:13
by Zuma
ah calm it big man, can ye no take a wee leg pull... :lol:

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 17:21
by Major de Coverly
Big Si has stood behind me many a time. I therefore feel in a position to confirm that he is, indeed, Big Si.

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 17:22
by Zuma
@ Si - liked this one from the Herald -

BACK in Glasgow last week for the first time since emigrating to New Zealand 17 years ago, a man took his Kiwi wife to the pub he'd frequented during his youth, The Londoner, in Bridgeton.
Grimly, he warned his spouse the bar might provide sad confirmation of why he'd emigrated. "It'll probably be the same people, sitting in the same seats, drinking the same drinks," he said. Indeed it was - along with the same barmaid, who greeted him with the words: "Hiya, Davie. Long time no see. Where've ye been - oan the night-shift?"

Posted: 28 Aug 2003, 17:35
by Big Si
Zuma wrote:ah calm it big man, can ye no take a wee leg pull... :lol:
Give ammunition to SG? Not bloody likely! :D

Posted: 18 Dec 2004, 01:59
by Elektra_byron
half Polish half German, but moving around a lot, so I'd say - European!

Posted: 19 Dec 2004, 10:53
by Shadow_Smile
50% Dutch --> kaas, klompen, heineken, molens, zwart wit koeien, tulpen !!!
50% Bulgarian --> Zagorka Bira, Velico Turnovo city, Stare Vets, Varna city, Provadia !!!

I was created/made on 5 setptember 1976 and born on the 5 th of june 1977 (verry treu !!!) :twisted:

My mother was born in Bulgaria and lived there untill this crazy Dutchman came around. So my mother moved to the Netherlands with my dad. The first child they had was my sister, and I was mr. second. Deep inside I feel a bit more Bulgarian than Dutch, even know I have lived here in the Netherlands all my life. I have been to BG many time's and do feel more at home than here in NL. Moving there is not a option, but many time's the idea has crossed my mind.

Posted: 19 Dec 2004, 13:23
by Elektra_byron
I love Bulgaria! Know Varna quite well, but my fav town is SOZOPOL!

Posted: 21 Dec 2004, 15:08
by Shadow_Smile
Elektra_byron wrote:I love Bulgaria! Know Varna quite well, but my fav town is SOZOPOL!
You've been to Varna ?!?!?!?!?! :notworthy:

Next time check out " Velico Turnovo " it's a town full of students, and has allot of history, great place's to go out at night !

and not many tourists, only 2 time's a week by traveling trough, so the other 5 day's of only BG people around you !

Posted: 21 Dec 2004, 16:42
by Eva
ok, yes, I am bored... :roll:

Here's the slow Swiss that was missed previously (some odd 3 pages ago or something). But I only volunteer as The Swiss if you also count me as an Italian. I've got two passports to prove it and despite Switzerlands official attitude towards (read: against) everything beyond the mountains I DO feel European. :)

Posted: 21 Dec 2004, 16:50
by dee902
Me? I'm black. That's all I know. :lol:

Posted: 21 Dec 2004, 21:38
by Brideoffrankenstein
Well I'm as English as they incredibly interesting :roll:

Posted: 21 Dec 2004, 21:53
by christophe
dee902 wrote:Me? I'm black. That's all I know. :lol:
I think most of us in here are Blacks :innocent:

Now I hope you people get the joke. I'm starting to get afraid you aren’t familiar with the term.

Posted: 21 Dec 2004, 22:12
by Brideoffrankenstein
christophe wrote:
dee902 wrote:Me? I'm black. That's all I know. :lol:
I think most of us in here are Blacks :innocent:
Some people at work asked me if my new bloke was a "black man". I think they meant "Is he a goth?"

Posted: 21 Dec 2004, 22:14
by Hojyuu-obi
christophe wrote:
dee902 wrote:Me? I'm black. That's all I know. :lol:
I think most of us in here are Blacks :innocent:

Now I hope you people get the joke. I'm starting to get afraid you aren’t familiar with the term.
Zwartzak! :innocent: ;D

Posted: 22 Dec 2004, 17:27
by christophe
Hojyuu-obi wrote: Zwartzak! :innocent: ;D
Ge bent zelf nen zwarte.. :twisted:

mostly I'm referred to as, white toothpick.
But that’s another story :roll:

Posted: 22 Dec 2004, 17:37
by Dark

Great-great grandmother was Polish. She married the tailor to the last Tsar to Russia, who would be my great-great grandfather.

So that makes me 1/16 Polish, 1/16 Russian and Mostly English.

Posted: 23 Dec 2004, 00:27
by Shadow_Smile
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
christophe wrote:
dee902 wrote:Me? I'm black. That's all I know. :lol:
I think most of us in here are Blacks :innocent:
Some people at work asked me if my new bloke was a "black man". I think they meant "Is he a goth?"

people who live around me are even scared when I wear my yellow t-shirt with Shadow_Smile printed on it ! :twisted:

Most of the time they ask me if i'm sick, not wearing black, or they ask me "is there something different about you today ? " :roll: