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Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 00:45
by Being645
zaltys7 wrote:
Being645 wrote:That tone is not nice either Stufarq!
Just stop telling others what to do in a manner as such and there might be the necessary calm needed atm. The arguments are clear to everyone, I think.
stufarq wrote:I wasn't looking for anyone to own up to anything or make public apologies, but good on you for being brave enough and big enough to make this post. :D
Oh my, that was for sure no public apology. An expresssion of sadness, yes.
So please, stop interpreting me with funny implications, even if they might be, err, *cough, ... well-intentioned ... :| ...
Followed by this incomprehensible s**t.
You're so lovely Zaltys, reallly a wonderful person, so friendly, and so well-mannered. It's a pleasure.

And your logic ... incredible ... and the reasoned debate, you're leading ... wow. CONGRATS.

Fortunately, I don't owe you anything.

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 01:17
by zaltys7
Being645 wrote:
zaltys7 wrote:
Being645 wrote:That tone is not nice either Stufarq!
Just stop telling others what to do in a manner as such and there might be the necessary calm needed atm. The arguments are clear to everyone, I think.
Oh my, that was for sure no public apology. An expresssion of sadness, yes.
So please, stop interpreting me with funny implications, even if they might be, err, *cough, ... well-intentioned ... :| ...
Followed by this incomprehensible s**t.
You're so lovely Zaltys, reallly a wonderful person, so friendly, and so well-mannered. It's a pleasure.

And your logic ... incredible ... and the reasoned debate, you're leading ... wow. CONGRATS.

Fortunately, I don't owe you anything.
If I owe you anything send me a PM and I will happily oblige.

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 01:26
by Being645
zaltys7 wrote: If I owe you anything send me a PM and I will happily oblige.

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 02:03
by eastmidswhizzkid
stufarq wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:i thought it was obvious in this instance that i wasnt joking or being conciliatory- i was pissed off and being confrontational with intent to upset. :? how do you fight back where you come from? :?:
I thought I'd made it clear I was asking everyone to stop fighting. We're all pissed off and look where it's got us. Be conciliatory if you can, but if you can't, don't go out of your way to make it worse, or things'll just keep escalating.
well good for you! however, seeing as your "request" came after the event it really is only you thats continuing anything by analysing past deeds as if they are current or maybe still in the future. which brings us to:
stufarq wrote:As for the stuff markfiend mentioned that's gone on out of public view, I'm not aware of it (and don't need to be - it's none of my business),
quite right. so why are you joining in/ bringing these thngs up then?
stufarq wrote:but if it involves harassment and bullying, there are measures available to the mods to deal with that.
Ah! it's to tell the mods their jobs- very public-spirited of you but quite unnecessary i'm sure.
stufarq wrote: Instead, it's spilled over into the forum and dragged everyone in. Don't get me wrong - if there's been bullying, I have full sympathy with the victims, but the sniping's got out of hand and needs to stop, whether it involves mod sanctions or some people just taking a long cold shower until they've calmed down. Otherwise this place will remain a war zone. You can be part of the problem or you can be part of the solution.[/b]
hmmm... but it hasn't dragged everyone in has it? you and bartek (surprise, surprise) and zaltys7 are the only one's who have chosen to involve themselves in it and as a result we are still debating something 24 hours after it had effectively ended. you can be part of the problem or you can be part of the solution indeed.

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 02:22
by zaltys7
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:
stufarq wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:i thought it was obvious in this instance that i wasnt joking or being conciliatory- i was pissed off and being confrontational with intent to upset. :? how do you fight back where you come from? :?:
I thought I'd made it clear I was asking everyone to stop fighting. We're all pissed off and look where it's got us. Be conciliatory if you can, but if you can't, don't go out of your way to make it worse, or things'll just keep escalating.
well good for you! however, seeing as your "request" came after the event it really is only you thats continuing anything by analysing past deeds as if they are current or maybe still in the future. which brings us to:
stufarq wrote:As for the stuff markfiend mentioned that's gone on out of public view, I'm not aware of it (and don't need to be - it's none of my business),
quite right. so why are you joining in/ bringing these thngs up then?
stufarq wrote:but if it involves harassment and bullying, there are measures available to the mods to deal with that.
Ah! it's to tell the mods their jobs- very public-spirited of you but quite unnecessary i'm sure.
stufarq wrote: Instead, it's spilled over into the forum and dragged everyone in. Don't get me wrong - if there's been bullying, I have full sympathy with the victims, but the sniping's got out of hand and needs to stop, whether it involves mod sanctions or some people just taking a long cold shower until they've calmed down. Otherwise this place will remain a war zone. You can be part of the problem or you can be part of the solution.[/b]
hmmm... but it hasn't dragged everyone in has it? you and bartek (surprise, surprise) and zaltys7 are the only one's who have chosen to involve themselves in it and as a result we are still debating something 24 hours after it had effectively ended. you can be part of the problem or you can be part of the solution indeed.
I haven't chosen to involve myself in anything. Your behind the scenes spookiness is your own business, all I have done is react to a situation within the forum. One that needed addressing surely?

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 07:55
by eastmidswhizzkid
not my behind-the-scenes spookiness. i was aware of it, affected by it and have an opinion on it, but was by no means the architect of it. and yes, i too have reacted to a situation within the forum that needed addressing, but one that was still ongoing and one that i was already involved in. i'm still not sure what anyone who wasn't involved hopes to acheive by prolonging/ressurecting the situation.

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 11:09
by euphoria
Just an observation from "outside", I usually don't write in General Chat (or "FPL", whatever that is) but I still enjoy reading some discussions, which I want to continue doing. This one should be locked, I think, as you really don't seem to solve anything by continuing it. It's the usual problem when mods in a forum have themselves been involved in a heated exchange that they don't want to lock it to be seen as strangling opposing opinions, but really, this thread would otherwise have been locked long ago.

That being said, I don't know what is supposed to have changed generally here, to me it even looks a bit friendlier than it did a few years back. Take a deep breath and a step back etc. After all, you're supposed to meet in a few weeks and deliver the rest of us blinding reviews and videos.. :wink:

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 11:47
by stufarq
I give up. Some people seem determined to perpetuate the bad feeling, and my harping on about it will only encourage them. So I've decided to take a break from HL. I'm not flouncing off in the huff, it's just not a nice place to be any more. I may come back or I may not, but for now I don't particularly want to be here.

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 11:55
by markfiend
euphoria wrote:It's the usual problem when mods in a forum have themselves been involved in a heated exchange that they don't want to lock it to be seen as strangling opposing opinions, but really, this thread would otherwise have been locked long ago.
I think that's a very accurate observation.

There's also the point that anyone banned as a result of all this will inevitably see it as being banned for disagreeing with me. :|

And it does get very sad when even people's attempts to calm things down end up annoying other people.

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 23:06
by EvilBastard
Well, we could just draw a line under this, lock the thread, and stick a little note on it: "Some things got said, some tempers got lost, some voices were raised, but since keeping it open could let some scabs get picked and some wounds reopened we're locking it. MyHL values all opinions, even ones that the mods disagree with, but we like to have a civil society around here, so let's try to keep our discussions polite and friendly, even when we vehemently disagree with other peoples' points of view."

Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 06:10
by Bartek
Locking this thread is a good idea.

Business as usual.

Less people = less problems.

Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 13:30
by eastmidswhizzkid
i agree with both of the last 2 posts. if nobody wants to be the one to lock it here's a good oppurtunity to show that those who have chosen not to leave can voluntarily behave in the best interests and traditions of this forum. let's just let this thread fall off.

Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 13:34
by Pista
Oki doki.
Let's do that then.
We almost did on Friday, but it started to calm down.