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Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 11:53
by markfiend
Dry Dock it is then 8)

Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 12:32
by Norman Hunter
...Look out for the Grant Mitchell/Danny Mills -alike in the Leeds shirt. :eek:

Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 13:04
by Planet Dave
Norman Hunter wrote:...Look out for the Grant Mitchell/Danny Mills -alike in the Leeds shirt. :eek:
What, Danny 'The Hills Have Eyes' Mills? :eek: :eek:

Best bring me pickaxe. :wink:

Posted: 03 Apr 2006, 19:26
by Swinnow
Francis wrote:Life was much simpler when the only place to go at 2am was Terry's...
OMG... Terry's.... just remembered having a drag on one of the 'chef's' "roll ups" in there one night after The Phono and finding myself on the ceiling!!!!!

Mind you, there was also that 24hr breakfast bar place on Great George St near The George pub and the Crypt.

Dry Dock or Fav (or maybe even both) for me. Depends how quick we can get the audit finished in work! LOL

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 07:56
by merrisl
Don't suppose anyone has a couple of spare tix that they want rid of do they ?

Couldn't originally make this one but we can now :roll:

If not, see ya in Manchester the day after...


PS. Ignore this...sorted :D
cheers R&R !!

See you in the Dry Dock then.

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 13:38
by Purple Light
Jesus I've left this late... had mates who couldn't decide whether to go or not. Just found out exact number this morning, went onto the Uni site & it said sold out. I nearly SH*T myself!!!! Thank god for Crash Records. :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 16:18
by Norman Hunter
Purple Light wrote:Jesus I've left this late... had mates who couldn't decide whether to go or not. Just found out exact number this morning, went onto the Uni site & it said sold out. I nearly SH*T myself!!!! Thank god for Crash Records. :notworthy:
Who'd sold out - the Sisters or the University..? :wink:

See ya in The Drydock, fella?

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 16:32
by Planet Dave
Purple Light wrote: I nearly SH*T myself!!!!
There'll be a lot more of that during your play-off adventures Alister. I'd almost wish you good luck, cos there's little more I'd like to see than Leeds in the Prem as an underfunded whipping boy outfit, cf Sunderland. Good for you if it makes you a few bob too. No doubt the fans will come back too.

See you in the Drydock mate. Keep your eyes peeled for the Medley Of Mind-Altered Maniacs, we may be fairly inconspicuous. :innocent: Apart from the scary bloke in the white shirt. :wink:

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 19:51
by boudicca
Planet Dave wrote:Fenton is that bit easier to find for the out-of-towners.
D'ye think we're aw stupit or somethin'? :P

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 22:03
by Planet Dave
boudicca wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:Fenton is that bit easier to find for the out-of-towners.
D'ye think we're aw stupit or somethin'? :P
Those words, I trust you've all noted, did not come out of my mouth. :wink:

But as you mention it, yes. :P Believe me, I've often come hopelessly unstuck trying to find The Fav, whereas The Fenton, or more importantly the Drydock, is reet easy to find, even for Highlanders. :wink: :kiss:

And I trust you'll wanna bump into me at some point Claire. :roll: :wink:

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 22:05
by lazarus corporation
has anyone been sober/straight enough to actually put together a list of attendees for this yet?

(I have a sicknote from the gf that lets me off the following few days) :lol:

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 22:27
by Francis
Swinnow wrote:Mind you, there was also that 24hr breakfast bar place on Great George St near The George pub and the Crypt.
The In and Out. Please don't ... you'll have me crying in my pint ... :lol:

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 22:29
by Francis
lazarus corporation wrote:has anyone been sober/straight enough to actually put together a list of attendees for this yet?

(I have a sicknote from the gf that lets me off the following few days) :lol:
Whom in particluar are you looking for. :wink:

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 22:31
by lazarus corporation
Francis wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:has anyone been sober/straight enough to actually put together a list of attendees for this yet?

(I have a sicknote from the gf that lets me off the following few days) :lol:
Whom in particluar are you looking for. :wink:
I just wanted a list - I'm good with lists

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 22:35
by Francis
I'll leave you to it then. :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2006, 01:06
by eastmidswhizzkid
*cough* page one of this very thread has an almost up-to-date list compiled and edited regularly by my good self. ;D

Posted: 05 Apr 2006, 01:11
by boudicca
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:*cough* page one of this very thread has an almost up-to-date list compiled and edited regularly by my good self. ;D
Yes Lee but Paul wanted a list from someone who was sober/straight... :innocent: :P :wink:

Posted: 05 Apr 2006, 01:18
by eastmidswhizzkid
have you ever seen me the worse for drink? you wouldn't forget it. :twisted:

as for being "straight" my brain stops working when i deprive it of amphetamines. :urff:

Posted: 05 Apr 2006, 06:51
by lazarus corporation
boudicca wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:*cough* page one of this very thread has an almost up-to-date list compiled and edited regularly by my good self. ;D
Yes Lee but Paul wanted a list from someone who was sober/straight... :innocent: :P :wink:
Sorry Lee - I completely failed to think of looking at the beginning of this thread!
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: eastmidswhizzkid
norman hunter
planet dave + matt
missus scotty
markfiend and kerry
james blast
quiffboy and jo
spiggy's hat
canon docre
the grippers
johnny m
lazarus corporation
purple light
the snoweys
OK - I have my list, I'm happy now :D

Posted: 05 Apr 2006, 12:41
by Planet Dave
Rather worryingly, a good percentage of names on that list also have bookings for the Garage Of Delight. How am I gonna squeeze you all in? I guess it's a good job we're all friendly. :wink: :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2006, 12:55
by boudicca
Planet Dave wrote:Rather worryingly, a good percentage of names on that list also have bookings for the Garage Of Delight. How am I gonna squeeze you all in? I guess it's a good job we're all friendly. :wink: :lol:
I don't take up much room Dave.

I just make a lot of NOISE! :twisted: ;D

Posted: 05 Apr 2006, 13:35
by Planet Dave
boudicca wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:Rather worryingly, a good percentage of names on that list also have bookings for the Garage Of Delight. How am I gonna squeeze you all in? I guess it's a good job we're all friendly. :wink: :lol:
I don't take up much room Dave.

I just make a lot of NOISE! :twisted: ;D
I know! Your farting woke me up last Oktober.

:wink: ;D :kiss:

Posted: 06 Apr 2006, 17:48
by culprit
Planet Dave wrote:the Drydock, is reet easy to find
We WILL need directions though but.
:urff: :D

Posted: 06 Apr 2006, 18:22
by Planet Dave
culprit wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:the Drydock, is reet easy to find
We WILL need directions though but.
:urff: :D
From train station : head out into City Square, and head straight up Park Row, straight up Cookridge St (with Town Hall to yer left as you cross The Headrow), up past Civic Theatre (on yer right), past Creation (used to be the T&C, sob), and at the top of the road, head left. Across the junction, on yer right hand side, is a boat on some grass. Bullseye, that's The Drydock.

Or, alternatively, follow the groovy looking people. They'll all be heading there. 8)

See you there. 8)

Posted: 06 Apr 2006, 19:03
by Johnny M
Ah, that's the one you pointed out to us at Black Oktober? Remember? After you met us at the station and during the six mile walk in the rain to where you'd parked your car ... :roll:
