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Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 12:23
by Ahráyeph
I'm more in favour of Xanax, although this is more a case of 'Xinix' (a Flemish pun for you to get, Claire ;))... :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 12:28
by Obviousman
You really need a Flemish accent for it though :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 12:40
by Ahráyeph
Indeed... :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 19:35
by eotunun
Um, Raf-Your current signature, is that a quote from Cartman?

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 19:55
by Ahráyeph
Nope, it isn't. I just saw a trailer for a very bland and boring american action movie on the telly the other day, where a kid told his kidnappers : "My daddy's gonna kick your butt" and I'm tired and daft enough right now to see the lame humor in turning that around, du alte Bursche... ;)

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 19:59
by mh
A wee package from that there Belgium just dropped in my letterbox today. Something that dear old CDDB identified as "Runnin' away (single)" by Nicole. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 20:08
by Ahráyeph
I know I'm in touch with my feminine side, but that's just plain ridiculous... :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 20:12
by eotunun
Ahráyeph wrote:Nope, it isn't. I just saw a trailer for a very bland and boring american action movie on the telly the other day, where a kid told his kidnappers : "My daddy's gonna kick your butt" and I'm tired and daft enough right now to see the lame humor in turning that around, du alte Bursche... ;)
Okay, that joke was too subtle for my krautcorreded brain. Got any simpler ones?

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 20:13
by Ahráyeph
How about the word 'krautcorrected'? Sehr witzig! :P ;) My humor can be as subtle as Claire's sarcasm... :twisted: :lol: ;)

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 20:17
by mh
Ahráyeph wrote:I know I'm in touch with my feminine side, but that's just plain ridiculous... :lol:
Well you can rest assured that I did a good old-fashioned "Submit to Remote CDDB" in my CDex, so nobody else will ever have to endure the same brief moment of stark white terror as I just did. :lol:

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 20:18
by eotunun
Too much subtillty for me. I´ll go and watch the Teletubbies.

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 21:01
by eotunun
Ahráyeph wrote:My humor can be as subtle as Claire's sarcasm... :twisted: :lol: ;)
..which by itself was subtle enough to drive me in halfway nuts.
:? :roll: :wink:

Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 21:15
by Ahráyeph
Nah, that's just because it's - still - International Woman's Day, mein Freund... ;D

Posted: 09 Mar 2007, 17:54
by Grison
Found 'em on yousendit, listened to them for 2 days, and blaming myself for not asking for a proper demo :roll:
Looking forward for the album.



Posted: 09 Mar 2007, 18:56
by James Blast
Grison wrote:Found 'em on yousendit
Ahem! :innocent: 8)

Posted: 09 Mar 2007, 19:02
by Grison
James Blast wrote:
Grison wrote:Found 'em on yousendit
Ahem! :innocent: 8)
Well... I had some (a lot of) help

Posted: 09 Mar 2007, 19:05
by Ahráyeph
Finding my demo songs on Yousendit? Didn't know they had a p2p network... :eek: :lol:
Anyhoo, the CD is almost done. A weekend of hard work lies ahead, all the way to the finish. Now all we can hope for is to find a label that's willing to work with us to get it released (I'd send a demo to CMI, but for some reason I have the feeling they are oblivious to Belgian Talent anyway, much to their own disadvantage if y'ask me ;D). If not, we'll find a way somehow...

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 02:09
by Ahráyeph
For all intents and purposes (no, not porpoises; those might like it as well, though :lol:)... IT'S FINISHED!! I can hardly believe it myself! Three + years I've been working on this and now it's DONE! I wish I could properly celebrate this event, but alas, I have to rise early and go to work. :( Oh well... The album is still finished anyway... :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 02:36
by James Blast
It disturbs me Raf and I can't stop playing Farewell and The Rain Suite.

I prophesy many large things, all good

Brer Jam~es :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 12:20
by Nic
Well done Raf.

Now give us the chance to buy one! :notworthy: :D :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 12:41
by Ahráyeph
Hahaha! If it were up to me, sure! It'd be out there in no time. But we're still looking for a label to help us release it. Fingers crossed...

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 13:03
by eotunun
Did you try Nuclear Blast?

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 13:16
by Ahráyeph
As a matter of fact, our manager did send a promo to them, even though I have the feeling we aren't 'heavy' enough, since we don't play metal...

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 13:48
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ahráyeph wrote:As a matter of fact, our manager did send a promo to them, even though I have the feeling we aren't 'heavy' enough, since we don't play metal...
What about PIAS? ;)

Congrats on the finished product, mate! ;D


Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 13:54
by Ahráyeph
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:What about PIAS? ;)

Congrats on the finished product, mate! ;D

Dunno, it's not like a ken anyone there, now is it? ;D

And yer welcome... :)