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Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 20:28
by abridged
After they called themselves The Sisters of Mercy it all went down hill. I mean The Captains of Industry would've be much better...Sorry somebody has probably already said this but worthwhile saying again! ;D

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 20:28
by Sita
:lol: I just realised this thread was 3 years old and 100 pages too long. Good grief!!! :lol: ;D

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 21:08
by originalgoth
Erudite wrote:
originalgoth wrote:
Tidal wrote:

How the Dickens could Von be replaced & still call them The Sisters of Mercy - he's the only original member other than Doktor Avalance & he's been traded in a few times so is only there in name.
If you read my post correctly, I'm all for him writing the songs and being on stage taking care of the Doktor - I just thought it might be better if he stopped singing.

Still, time's a greater healer and my opinion might have shifted since Leamington... :innocent: :wink:
I wasn't having a go by any means & I'm sorry if that's how it sounded.

I don't know, for me it's hard to imagine The Sisters on stage without Von at the front - I'm thinking it'd be like a tribute band that were actually THE band if that makes sense :)

I've never actually heard of or seen any TSOM tribute bands - do any exist?

I wasn't lucky enough to get to the Leamington Spa gig but would have loved to have been there.

Sorry David,
You're right about Andrew the what was his sir name :innocent:

Posted: 13 Nov 2010, 01:11
by psichonaut
Hom, lock this thread please

Posted: 13 Nov 2010, 15:02
by Erudite
originalgoth wrote: I wasn't having a go by any means & I'm sorry if that's how it sounded.

Nae worries, no offence taken.

Posted: 13 Nov 2010, 20:09
by Swinnow
Have seen all phases of TSOM since 1982 and have loved gigs and been disappointed by gigs in equql measure.

In my more 'fueled' moments I have been known to comment that The m*****n became the live band that TSOM could have been as they very rarely disappoint in concert.

Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 00:43
by stufarq
originalgoth wrote:I just thought it might be better if he stopped singing.
I thought he already had.
originalgoth wrote: I've never actually heard of or seen any TSOM tribute bands - do any exist?
The Sisters of Murphy for one.

Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 00:46
by James Blast

Posted: 15 Nov 2010, 03:28
by Llamatron
biggy wrote:I'd guess that most (not all, I never said all before you start) people who love them now didn't get to see them in the early days.
As someone who wasn't there- being very young and in the States in the early days- and seeing the attitudes of the old-timers on the forum, I both agree with this and am a bit confused as to why bitter old men still care about a band they've apparently disliked for two decades plus and would care to complain about them, still, versus just accepting and remembering what they saw and loved back in the day- it's not the same band, hasn't been since the FALAA days, and can never, ever be again. It's done, long ago, and is Mr. Eldritch's solo project with the same name, and has been for many many years.

Their records (and bootlegs) meant something to me when I discovered them. I have seen them live and enjoyed them quite a bit for being what they are now. I wasn't there for the scene they came out of. That, and everything surrounding it, was never even close to part of my life.

They wrote a bunch of music I love. That's my personal connection to them, and the filter I see them through. That's it.

But I digress.

In short: I wasn't there for that. I only know them as what they became, and love them for it still.

Posted: 15 Nov 2010, 14:01
by Back in time
Llamatron wrote:...

In short: I wasn't there for that. I only know them as what they became, and love them for it still.