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Posted: 19 Nov 2007, 10:05
by weebleswobble
Planet Dave wrote:
emilystrange wrote:so, let me get this straight... you're all going to be relying on uncle tim to keep you safe?
Not at all. Some poor buggers will get myself or Weebs looking after them. :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: ;D
Quiff Boy wrote:Image
:lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Help I've fallen down
Take two of these :innocent:

Posted: 19 Nov 2007, 10:16
by Quiff Boy
i aint drinking no milk, fool!

Posted: 19 Nov 2007, 10:46
by Planet Dave
You two have got yer barmy britches on ain't yer? :lol: :notworthy:

Oh by the way, seeing as my two fellow HL Hoteliers have already met her briefly, now's as good a time as any....if anyone is still keeping score with the lists, I'll be plus one on the night. Needed some company for pointing at all the g-words and giggling. :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 19 Nov 2007, 17:36
by boudicca
emilystrange wrote:so, let me get this straight... you're all going to be relying on uncle tim to keep you safe?
Am I fcuk :eek: Path to madness that, as I believe some great wit once termed it :wink:

@ Timothy - I think I have spent sufficient time in the capital of the better part of the Land Of Lard to know my way about it, vaguely at least. Having said that I was more than a little alarmed to find when I was down in August that my recollection of the layout was not as good as I'd hoped.

If I stick to the Headrow I'm fine :lol: :oops:

Posted: 19 Nov 2007, 17:39
by weebleswobble
Planet Dave wrote: Needed some company for pointing at all the g-words and giggling. :innocent: :twisted:

Image :wink:

Posted: 19 Nov 2007, 20:08
by Planet Dave
'Goober', 'Gerbil' :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cheers Weebs, this is ace!

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 00:02
by timsinister
boudicca wrote:

If I stick to the Headrow I'm fine :lol: :oops:
:roll: Bloody tourists! :wink:

But thanks, you set of baisturds, I will certainly think twice before extending the hand of generosity in future! If I sustain more than fifty percent casualties amongst my guests, I will concede defeat.

Otherwise, I am ahead of the predictions! ;D

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 00:45
by boudicca
timsinister wrote:
boudicca wrote:

If I stick to the Headrow I'm fine :lol: :oops:
:roll: Bloody tourists! :wink:
Leeds is a bit like Ikea though - they've built it in such away so you get lost and wander around for hours, trying desperately to find the way out :lol:

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 08:24
by timsinister
True. It's also full of incomprehensible furniture. And Swedes. :?

It is FAR too early for these conversations.

Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 23:04
by Silver_Owl
I'm fair looking forward to this now. :D

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 10:38
by weebleswobble
Hom_Corleone wrote:I'm fair looking forward to this now. :D
AYE :wink:

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 11:05
by markfiend
Both of us are coming by the way. Kerry cancelled her other thing. 8)

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 16:02
by 6FeetOver
*Sighs loudly and dejectedly* :cry:

Posted: 30 Nov 2007, 00:08
by Andrew S
I still don't have an e-ticket and a friend who ordered after me does! Should I be worried?

Posted: 30 Nov 2007, 00:24
by mh
Email them. Mark did, and got things sorted. :)

Posted: 30 Nov 2007, 08:11
by Dark
I don't know if my dad received a number for the t-shirt... :?

Posted: 30 Nov 2007, 18:36
by Debaser
E ticket? I ordered them and just printed off the conf (which I have since misplaced) no eticket has been forth I worry?

Posted: 01 Dec 2007, 13:31
by Brideoffrankenstein
Debaser wrote:E ticket? I ordered them and just printed off the conf (which I have since misplaced) no eticket has been forth I worry?
I don't think you need the actual e-ticket as such, just the number of it

Posted: 01 Dec 2007, 14:11
by Swinnow
Or just go down to Jumbo and buy them from the kindly folk down there.

Mind you, probably an option only open to those of us within stabbing distance of Leeds.

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 12:07
by emilystrange
finally booked hotel - staying at the met

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 20:41
by Brideoffrankenstein
Are we all still meeting at the Dry Dock at 6?

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 20:57
by emilystrange
if i can tear people away from their dinners

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 20:59
by mh
Might be nearer 6:30 for me, but yup, still up for it.

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 22:25
by Brideoffrankenstein
emilystrange wrote:if i can tear people away from their dinners
Are people meeting up before the Dry Dock then?

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 22:28
by emilystrange
i'll be meeting gripper and mrs gripper, and i'll have mr s with me as well...