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Posted: 18 Aug 2008, 21:21
by aims
dinky daisy wrote:will i dream seems part of the setlist? Great vocals, again.
And so it should be, especially if it sounds like that! :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Aug 2008, 22:52
by Eva
_emma_ wrote:... and I'd add: he just was present there. Sometimes you can see that he is there on stage, but it's apparent that some vital parts of him (like heart, soul, mind, thoughts, feelings, etc...) are elsewhere. Sometimes he's totally onehundredpercently present, but these occasions are very rare. I'm not saying that Burgas was one of these rare occasions, but it was definitely very close to it. 8)
Oh yes... 8)

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 09:57
by maxr
Just back from Burgas so have not had the advantage of reading other people's views - and I'll leave them with the setlist.

I watched from the vip/press tent (accidentally walked into it and, seeing it was a good thing with sofas after an all night flight, elected to remain).

From their, the sound benefited from the mixing board distance, so I thought was excellent.

Arguably better than Tienen - but sure others will have different views. Sounded more like the Portugal set but have not compared the two.


1) Excellent guitar work on FALAA, generally crisp sound from where I was perched;

2) Snub Nose/Top Nite - I am sure Von's voice seemed to break when he announced "Mr Ben Christo and the legendary Chris Catalyst" - there was certainly some upper octave action going there.

3) Ben's amusing attempts at guitar widdling at set conclusion and encore conclusion - while I think he has really grown into the role, hopefully Von will have a word about that;

4) Where I was standing, the moonlight "Floodland" style reflection onto the sea; and

5) finally, met a charming Bulgarian journo called slav who had his little notebook autographed by Ben, Si and whoever did the lights.

He could not make out or understand what Si wrote:

"Ben and Chris are lovers".

It took some explaining, despite his excellent English, to hammer the point home - and then explain it was meant as a joke.

Excellent gig - and Burgas a very friendly - if beastially hot - place.

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 09:58
by maxr
Oh, and as a ps - Von's vocals and indeed the backing vocals well up at the top of the mix. I don't know why they don't seem to do that elsewhere as a general policy.

They seemed well received by the locals I spoke to, too, if the festival was only moderately attended.

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 10:06
by maxr
Given up reading the thread - stunned by the usual crap sound references.

Those who push to the front, with the hope of seeing our fearless leader (despite knowing the policy regarding smoke and lights) will invariably lose the benefit of clarity of sound - it is ever thus as they are bang in front of the speakers.

Those knowing this, or feeling too old to do so (or wishing easier access to beer - I qualify for all three) and who stand near the sounddesk, will find a much better sound - not always, admittedly, but normally.

I enjoyed that benefit (albeit off to the side this time) and the sound was excellent. I felt the gig was better than Tienen, although both were excellent, and both have demonstrated that this line-up has potential.

Obviously doomed to be unrealised in the recorded media field, but there you go.

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 10:25
by itnAklipse
Nice...thanks for your re-views :D

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 11:00
by Eva
maxr wrote: Those who push to the front, with the hope of seeing our fearless leader (despite knowing the policy regarding smoke and lights) will invariably lose the benefit of clarity of sound - it is ever thus as they are bang in front of the speakers.
Those knowing this, or feeling too old to do so (or wishing easier access to beer - I qualify for all three) and who stand near the sounddesk, will find a much better sound - not always, admittedly, but normally.
This is nonsense. If you actually did go to the front row of any gig at least once to check, you'd find that usually the sound is excellent there. It was for the band who payed before The Sisters in Burgas. It was for the band who played in Porto before The Sisters. It was for the band who played at Greenfield 2006 before The Sisters. Etc. ad infinitum.
Yes, the sound varies from position to position, granted. But not that much. Had you been to 107 Sisters gigs as I have, and had the action onstage been more important than access to beer, you might have noticed that, too. As for policies regarding smoke and lights, had you gone to the front you'd even been able to see that there wasn't much smoke. As somebody else said somewhere else: nowadays you can even spot the Nurse in the background - which I think is good.

Oh, and just for the record: Von isn't my fearless leader. There's only one leader for me - myself. And actually I'm quite fearful sometimes.

For sound references see Eggi's post which is to follow. Then we can talk again if further questions arise.

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 11:02
by Eggi1
here 2 audio samples from the show(F&L&A-Still): Row) Stage & MX-desc)

now we can talk about the sound....

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 11:33
by itnAklipse

Nice samples, though.

Must say that when i saw them in 2006 i was at the front, and enjoyed both a better view of Andrew than i would've had from afar, and great sound. Plus recordings that some always-at-the-front people make are generally from very good to excellent :)

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 11:42
by eotunun
The Sisters with a Samba Rythm Combo! :D

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 17:17
by Bartek
why you put your equipment under the pillow ? - still
clap your hand and say yeah ? - Falaa

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 18:36
by valeryg
came back today and just posted another FALAA on youtube

sorry for poor sound:)

and the setlist.....


Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 19:00
by sisters-pics
The DreamLocation...

The Sisters Of Mercy Rocks The Black Sea:

The Best Location Ever...

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 19:57
by DocSommer
Eggi1 wrote:here 2 audio samples from the show(F&L&A-Still): Row) Stage & MX-desc)

now we can talk about the sound....
OMG it's a snarebasedrum - it must be a feature, not a bug^^

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 20:25
by Little_Sister
:D thank you all for the videos and audio and the photos :lol:

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 20:29
by sisters-pics
.... and everybody waiting for the photos from "sisters-pics"...

I know them :!:

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 22:02
by sisters-pics

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 22:15
by eotunun
After listening to the Youtube videos and Eggi's recordin I get the impression that appart from the public vibrator the sound was rather excelent.
And the band seems to have had a really good night. No miracle: "We like to play where it's warm and the bars never close", hm? :wink:

If there had been a couple of people sitting on the barrier for reason or anther, that might have muffled the Samba-sound generator somewhat.
People simply are too well behaved.

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 22:17
by dinky daisy

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 22:19
by dinky daisy
valeryg wrote:came back today and just posted another FALAA on youtube

sorry for poor sound:)

and the setlist.....

Well... No "we are the same..." ! haven't had that for years.

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 00:09
by Lyris
heya all

Just found this short interview with Chris Catalyst and Ben Christo on the net and thought most of you would like to see it (not sure if it's been posted already)

The gig in burgas was an awesome experience. Thank you all for the video links and pictures. :)

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 02:36
by Little_Sister
Lyris wrote:heya all

Just found this short interview with Chris Catalyst and Ben Christo on the net and thought most of you would like to see it (not sure if it's been posted already)

The gig in burgas was an awesome experience. Thank you all for the video links and pictures. :)
WOW, really cool! Thanks a lot for the link!!! And welcome ^__^ Lyris !

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 02:46
by Patti82
Lyris wrote:heya all

Just found this short interview with Chris Catalyst and Ben Christo on the net and thought most of you would like to see it (not sure if it's been posted already)

The gig in burgas was an awesome experience. Thank you all for the video links and pictures. :)

The recording of the show seems great. Would be great to get a full set but I guess that is not possible. :cry:

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 04:13
by James Blast
Thank you very much Lyris, we still have no answers 'tho, do we?

Posted: 20 Aug 2008, 10:11
by dinky daisy
i like them chaps Ben & Chris. Maybe the most fans-supportive and... young. They were 0 when the Reptile House opened up. Funny.