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Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 19:20
by Brad
I am actually kind of wondering where "Still" has disappeared to this time around...

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 21:03
by radiojamaica
Congrats with that hundredth gig, Simon :notworthy:
And what now? Continue without brakes probably ;D

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 21:08
by Nadia81
Am I reading that correctly? Is Von now signing his name "Von"?

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 21:13
by MadameButterfly
And why not? We all know him as that.

Congrats Scardwel :notworthy:

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 21:13
by LouLou
@ Nadia81 - i noticed that too. a bit weird, isn't it? :?

but then Nurse signed it as Nurse :lol:

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 21:52
by theparadox2010
But Si has signed it too, two Doktor operators, how big is that thing??

Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 22:12
by LouLou

if it's the "Cheers Si" line you're referring to, i think it's a part of what Chris wrote (Si being the lucky person who got his paws on this precious bit of paper, i think? :) )

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 05:32
by Scardwel
I'm totally f**ked! :urff:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 08:07
by LouLou
you should have seen this coming when you posted the pic :lol:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 10:02
by Bartek
i'm wondering what :von: would wrote on setlists for Eva and Eggi.
anyhow congrats it proves that sometimes, sometimes AE appreciate his fans. :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 11:27
by christophe
Bartek wrote:anyhow congrats it proves that sometimes, sometimes AE appreciate his fans. :notworthy:
I just lost my faith :|
what surprised me most about that playlist though was the Title :eek:
Simon's Hundredth gig

actually I like the setlist too, and it proves they prepared for a lot of songs :D
it is good to see Anaconda, Giving Ground, Something Fast. again.
they don't have to include them in every setlist but its just nice they are not forgetting them for a years, like we have seen happening to other songs the past decade.

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 12:44
by Being645
Hi sugars... I"m still in Sibiu, since I missed the flight - I did sleep very well, though :urff:

Ok, everything's arranged for my return now and - I found an internet cafe ... :D ...

ArtMania Festival - well, of course, there were no such large crowds as
elsewhere, since that kind of music (rock/metal/goth) does not seem to
be as known and assimilated here as it is elsewhere in Europe ... thanks
to former political circumstances, I guess ...

(For example, there's just Laura Brennigan on the radio ... You take my self-control ...) ... :wink: ...

Most of the audience were into Goth or Goth Metal, rather ... the real bombast
rock thing, with the definite load of headbanging for your weekend, you know ...
however, they obviously enjoyed and loved it and events like this should take place
more often in Romania, although the audience did not fill the festival site at any time ...

Anyway, most people there seemed to me by no means familiar with The Sisters' stuff
and partly during the concert, I wondered whether they had much chance to get the joke ...

Now, after M'era Luna, what would one expect of .: :von: :.
but unpack his sharpest irony and push it to the very edge ...

Exactly that's what happened ... ;D ... a very confronting and thus,
challenging and exciting gig ...
raging over references to all we knew and have seen so often,
taking things so far it even crossed the border of wildest joking and
forced me downright into laughter at times ... til the next line came ... :lol: ... ;D ;D ;D ...

all of this close to one form with the guitars ... negating the idea
that we were facing mere sarcasm rather than strategy ...

In a way, it was like the wild part of Under the gun implemented in a concert ...

I enjoyed it and if The Sisters had played the same in Leamington, Lokeren or Hildesheim
I had enjoyed it likewise and not been disappointed by far, a little less surprised, rather ...

One thing is sure, Von's voice is back - and for Sibiu - in his best biting mood ... :lol: ;D ;D ;D ...

A very nice concert to my taste. In addition, despite minor slips which
rather supported the picture as a whole, The Sisters of Mercy in their
current constellation as a band are complementing each other and
growing together ever more ... I really look forward to what they might
possibly incubate for further gigs and ... hell, recordings ...

ah, and as a last word for now ... that was really the only version of
This Corrosion I could possibly have stood without suffering after M'era Luna ... Thank you for this ... :wink: ...

Wah, and now I need a proper meal ... ;D ...

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 12:47
by Ozpat
Nice review! 8)

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 16:09
by Scardwel
theparadox2010 wrote:But Si has signed it too, two Doktor operators, how big is that thing??
I think you misunderstood. The "Cheers Si" bit was written by Chris. (I'm the Si he's referring to). Nurse signed it as "nurse" and I think the rest is pretty obvious.
The setlist thing came about because I spoke to Chris on the flight over (the band were all on the same flight including Von) and he told me to "stick around for 5 minutes after the gig". So I did and a roadie came out and presented me with the signed setlist. I was gobsmacked! :eek:
Anyway, thanks for all the nice comments, and thank you SISTERS! :D :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 16:24
by LouLou
great story ;D :notworthy: :notworthy:

and don't worry, i won't try to break in your home :lol:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 16:30
by Sita
LouLou wrote:great story ;D :notworthy: :notworthy:

and don't worry, i won't try to break in your home :lol:
Hehe, but I might... ;D :wink:

Being and Scardwel, great stories, thank you thank you! :notworthy:
Scardwel if I were you, I were ecstatic!!!!

Being I would die to know what you mean with confronting and things - I bet it was interesting - hope someone comes up with a nice audio so I can follow! :D

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 16:45
by Eva
tristren wrote: Given how well the other three went... could it be that the heat and headaches made it less fun to actually be there?
In hindsight I think you're right. I just was too tired to really appreciate the gig.
The only real downside was the soundlevels. The Sisters were too quiet, the loudest being Von's voice! And Von did complain towards the mixing desk. Twice. Listening to the recording (which, by the way is available somewhere on megaupload) I even realize that it wasn't as short a gig as I had thought. They played 85 minutes.

Note to inner self: Never again travel by nighttrain to somewhere where you have to take a flight to get to a place for a Sisters gig the same evening. I am too old for that. Sad, but true.

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 19:00
by Nadia81
@ Being 645-I'm sure you noticed Von was wearing his Chicago Police jacket. Clothing as Commentary? :wink:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 19:14
by sziamiau
Eva wrote: Note to inner self: Never again travel by nighttrain to somewhere where you have to take a flight to get to a place for a Sisters gig the same evening. I am too old for that. Sad, but true.
feel the same way. we made that mistake last year when we flew in to budapest and headed to sziget fest the same afternoon. I was ready to go home by 11:00 pm. it was bed as sziegt is excellent and so much to do and see. anyways we just discussed that from now on if we fly for gigs and festivals we go a day earlier and take a nice hotel.

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 19:50
by paul
Scardwel wrote:
theparadox2010 wrote:But Si has signed it too, two Doktor operators, how big is that thing??
I think you misunderstood. The "Cheers Si" bit was written by Chris. (I'm the Si he's referring to). Nurse signed it as "nurse" and I think the rest is pretty obvious.
The setlist thing came about because I spoke to Chris on the flight over (the band were all on the same flight including Von) and he told me to "stick around for 5 minutes after the gig". So I did and a roadie came out and presented me with the signed setlist. I was gobsmacked! :eek:
Anyway, thanks for all the nice comments, and thank you SISTERS! :D :notworthy:
Very very cool, man :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 20:29
by Eva
sziamiau wrote: anyways we just discussed that from now on if we fly for gigs and festivals we go a day earlier and take a nice hotel.
Exactly what we discussed, too. :lol: At least we learn from experience, even if it's the hard way... :urff:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 21:06
by _emma_
Eva wrote: when Emma is back home and will finally post her review, she'll probably tell a totally different story, as she's been the one standing down front in the unbearable heat for hours until The Sisters started, and she wore a very happy smile after the Sisters gig...:-)
f**k yes! ;D ;D ;D
I'm completely astonished that people were not entirely satisfied with this gig, because I thought it was absolutely awesome, as great as Leamington, in my opinion Leamington and Sibiu were equally great whereas MEraLuna and Lokeren were also great but not as great as the first one as the last one.
Why was it so great in my opinion? Because (not in the order of importance):
1. stage small and not too high, without that stupid catwalk thing, 2. no security guys standing in between the band and the audience and spoiling the fun, 3. no flashlight photos allowed, 4. the whole thing happened in a beautiful and obscure place, 5. excellent sound (where I was standing right in the middle at the front, vocals were loud and clear), 6. And - most of all - the vibes were floating in the air as they should 8), yes it had been unberably hot and loud before, but as the Sisters gig started immediately everything was OK. 7. Andrew did lots of his gestures and poses and dancing :), as
doulfe wrote:P.S.: Von was lovely ;D

Absolutely, yes he was. :D
In fact I thought it was one of the best gigs in recent years, one of my top list. I'm very glad I went there to Sibiu.

Oh and sorry to all the nice people I met :notworthy: with whom I didn't stay at the aftershow. I just didn't had the physical strength anymore, you know, after such a gig I just needed a shower and and a bed and dream on... ;D But we will meet again some time in 2011 won't we. And we will get properly drunk together. :D

And now boys and girls I must unpack, do the washing up, and go to work tomorrow morning. This is going to hurt. LOL

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 21:09
by LouLou
Eva wrote:
tristren wrote: Given how well the other three went... could it be that the heat and headaches made it less fun to actually be there?
In hindsight I think you're right. I just was too tired to really appreciate the gig.
having listened to Eggi's recording, i think the tiredness and the heat and the headaches might have had something to do with it... those and kamelot, of course :lol:

hope you're feeling a lot better about the gig now :)

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 21:13
by Eva
LouLou wrote: hope you're feeling a lot better about the gig now :)
Oh yes, thanks. :D But obviously not as good as Emma... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 21:30
by DocSommer
I think the gig sounds way better (on eggis recording) compared to what I've expected after reading the first impressions. Seems this was just not the right kind of festival for andrew & co.

Seems this was also the first "arms" performance without any missing vocal parts.