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Posted: 23 Aug 2011, 22:42
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
timsinister wrote:After Sunday 21st, we'll next be performing in Bradford on September 30th. Thanks to Howard at Carpe Noctum for this nifty little promo vid...
Good effort guys. Even if the vocals on the vid are a little what Randy Jackson would euphemistically describe as "pitchy", it's still more in tune than early Carl McCoy and he had a full bank of monitors !
Let's face it, which HLer hasn't had a go at mimicking the familiar :von: baritone in the privacy of the shower or singing along to FALAA on the CD player in the car.

Fair play for having the balls to get up and do it "live".

:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 17:24
by timsinister
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:Good effort guys. Even if the vocals on the vid are a little what Randy Jackson would euphemistically describe as "pitchy", it's still more in tune than early Carl McCoy and he had a full bank of monitors !
Thanks Nik - I was working with no monitors and a crippling sense of stage fright at my first ever appearence as a singer. I'm hoping to hone down those rough edges, or failing that, permanently play inside a terrace-house kitchen in LS6.
Syberberg wrote:For those interested, the set list was:

First and Last And Always
Crash and Burn
Amphetamine Logic
Something Fast
Thanks Matt, I did intend to post the set. Note as well, Fix was our 'emergency' song, and was performed without drums whilst one guitarist feverishly tuned up.


Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 18:20
by James Blast
just Get Pished and Destroy Mothy it allas worked for us/me :D

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 20:19
by timsinister

And, not content with just rehearsing for this upcoming gig, we've also produced a couple of unplugged gems for your appreciation...

Logic (Acoustic)

Alice (Acoustic)

No electric guitars, no drum machine, no smoke machine...

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 20:47
by Being645
timsinister wrote: And, not content with just rehearsing for this upcoming gig, we've also produced a couple of unplugged gems for your appreciation...

Logic (Acoustic)

Alice (Acoustic)

No electric guitars, no drum machine, no smoke machine...
That's shockin' in a way, but I like it. Especially Alice.
Of course, the songs are played and sung from quite another background ... darker than The Sisters' ...
and somewhat way more depressed ... but still, in a certain point this is more straightforward than the original ... kudos for that.

nonetheless, I couldn't stand this depression for all that long ... :twisted: ... I 'd feel the need to get up!!! ...

nonetheless ... it's definitely nice for some moment. so thanks for posting ... :notworthy: ...

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 00:56
by Garbageman

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 19:59
by moses
For the love of Jesus that is truely awful!

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 20:08
by James Blast
you're a nice man like me, aren't you? ;D

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 20:20
by moses
James Blast wrote:you're a nice man like me, aren't you? ;D
There's no point beating around the bush.

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 21:10
by timsinister
We came for the truth, so thanks moses. I would say in its defence this was done in a single take, as an experiment in something we'd never really done before.

In spite of criticism we'll try it some more, but if the detractors are consistent, I'll shelve it. I'm no fool.

Sir Blast, your opinion is significant and is sought, either here or via PM.


Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 21:22
by James Blast
Nah! dinna chuck it. I'm really fond of you guys and what you're trying so maybe I'm not the best judge.
And I do call 'Bullshit!' as soon as I see or hear it. I don't feel that's the case here.

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 22:54
by moses
timsinister wrote:We came for the truth, so thanks moses. I would say in its defence this was done in a single take, as an experiment in something we'd never really done before.

In spite of criticism we'll try it some more, but if the detractors are consistent, I'll shelve it. I'm no fool.
I appreciate what you're trying to do I just don't think you should show it publicly until you've nailed it and I think it could be good. Keep it up :)

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 23:18
by Garbageman
It is very easy to criticise but not many have a go. Keep it up.

Posted: 24 Sep 2011, 02:35
by moses
Garbageman wrote:It is very easy to criticise but not many have a go. Keep it up.
Many have a go and they are all in another thread having the p*ss taken out of them.

Posted: 24 Sep 2011, 12:52
by timsinister
James Blast wrote:And I do call 'Bullshit!' as soon as I see or hear it. I don't feel that's the case here.

Thanks, mon.
moses wrote:I appreciate what you're trying to do I just don't think you should show it publicly until you've nailed it and I think it could be good. Keep it up
I appreciate the honesty, mate. We'll see where it takes us, but I've sense enough to cap it if it goes off the rails.



Posted: 24 Sep 2011, 15:20
by DocSommer
I think these acousting samples sounds somehow disharmonic. The guitars seems to play the original notes (sounds very well actually) while the vocals are mostly badly off-tune so the overall sound seems not right. It's not a shame if the singer can't hit the original notes but then you guys have to a.) transpose the intrumentals or b.) transpose the vocals differently to make it fit into the music.

If you listen to the sisters today you'll hear that they doing it as well for some songs^^

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 05:11
by Garbageman
Moses me old mucka you could be right!

Posted: 25 Sep 2011, 11:54
by moses
Garbageman wrote:Moses me old mucka you could be right!
Now you're talking Garbage man. :lol:

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 20:19
by timsinister
Setting up for Bradford gig. FREE entry. On at nine.

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 20:34
by Being645
Good Luck! And have fun, guys ... :D ...

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:38
by Garbageman
Go get em boy!

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 10:30
by iesus
i give a try to listen to both covers and made it at some point :)

the first thought was that alice would sound better than logic, at thend it was reversed mostly cause of voice disharmonic range against the acoustic guitars in alice

i have the feeling that it misses a couple of acoustic musical instruments in both songs. something is missing in both songs. They both need something that it is not there in both covers

Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 08:55
by timsinister
Cheers iesus, appreciate the feedback. I agree completely with the opinion on vocal disharmonics, I do hear them myself. Sadly I seem to have a similar issue with it live and played electrically, but we are working on this.

The acoustic angle was an experiment to see what the Sisters sound was like, slowed down and played with just a couple of non-electric guitars. We may come back to it, we may not. Early days 8)

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 17:25
by timsinister
Back in the New Year! 8)


Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 23:32
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Aye, it were a library in my day an' all. Is a Mick Mercer endorsement likely to attract a crowd or put folk off ??