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Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 00:03
by Almiche V
In the Temple of Love!!!!!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 00:35
by James Blast
... eventually, Ken did say rotary

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 22:52
by Andie
Oh YEAH...

i'm gonna say it and be damned!!

you are a tower of strength to me!



Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 07:35
by hallucienate
Yay! It Monday morning.

and tomorrow is a public holidy :)

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 11:46
by Black Shuck
hallucienate wrote:Yay! It Monday morning.

and tomorrow is a public holidy :)
That's unusually bad grammar for you, Hal.
have you been at that cheap South African wine again? :D

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 12:10
by hallucienate
it's not that cheap here. and it was a monday morning. :roll:

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:19
by christophe
wat was that about bad grammar?

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 22:17
by Andie
why can't i say Bre@st in the chat?

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 23:35
by Black Planet
Burn wrote:why can't i say Bre@st in the chat?

You can sure say titties just fine, not to mention boobs. Your gonna laugh, Mr. BP wants to know what I'm wearing to the Z gig. Might just consider your suggestion. :notworthy: :wink:

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 19:22
by Andy TG
Hurt me Gunter......

...... Make Me Bleed!

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 19:29
by paint it black
hallucienate wrote:Yay! It Monday morning.

and tomorrow is a public holidy :)
what knid of idiot country has a holiday on a tuesday. why ? Now friday i could understand :roll:

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 19:32
by Black Planet
paint it black wrote:
hallucienate wrote:Yay! It Monday morning.

and tomorrow is a public holidy :)
what knid of idiot country has a holiday on a tuesday. why ? Now friday i could understand :roll:
We do. :oops: If Christmas, New Year's or July 4 falls on a Tuesday. :twisted:

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 19:37
by christophe
so what the hell happens tuesday?

ah, 19may->my next holiday and the 'Bad Religion' gig!!!

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 19:40
by hallucienate
paint it black wrote:
hallucienate wrote:Yay! It Monday morning.

and tomorrow is a public holidy :)
what knid of idiot country has a holiday on a tuesday. why ? Now friday i could understand :roll:
ummm, one that currently has a very slow postal service? yeah it is a bit dumb, but seeing as we're celebrating 10 years of democracy today it's not really negotiable.

Public holidays so far this month:
Good Friday
Easter Monday
14th - day off to go vote
27th - Freedom Day
1st May - Workers Day, which is on a Saturday this year :(

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 20:06
by Andie
Black Planet wrote:
Burn wrote:why can't i say Bre@st in the chat?

You can sure say titties just fine, not to mention boobs. Your gonna laugh, Mr. BP wants to know what I'm wearing to the Z gig. Might just consider your suggestion. :notworthy: :wink:


you go them your curves!!

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 20:08
by Andy TG
It really really Does My Head In that all these "Bank Hoildays" seriously distrupt the Postal Service in the UK.

It appears to me that the Royal Mail takes anything up to a week to get back to normal after having only 1 extra day off.

Just because the banks are closed why does the country come to a stand still.

Its same when there is only a couple of inchs of Snow.

The UK is going to Hell and its getting worse IMHO :-)

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 22:29
by Black Planet
Burn wrote:
Black Planet wrote:
Burn wrote:why can't i say Bre@st in the chat?

You can sure say titties just fine, not to mention boobs. Your gonna laugh, Mr. BP wants to know what I'm wearing to the Z gig. Might just consider your suggestion. :notworthy: :wink:


you go them your curves!!
Z will get whiplash if I do that. :oops: :oops: But it's worth a try, right? And sorry, no pics of me if I go that way. :twisted: Your heart couldn't take it sweet. 8)

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 22:31
by Black Planet
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Its same when there is only a couple of inchs of Snow.
You'd fit right in here in the DC metro area. Bread toilette paper and milk rush off the shelves at the grocer here as well.

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 23:11
by Andy TG
Black Planet wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Its same when there is only a couple of inchs of Snow.
You'd fit right in here in the DC metro area. Bread toilette paper and milk rush off the shelves at the grocer here as well.
Its not much the lack of staple food issue* - its more the Public Transport issue - the trains simply dont run and the bus services are cut right back if theres any snow

* just what to staples eat anyways;-)

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 17:52
by Andie
Black Planet wrote:
Burn wrote:
Black Planet wrote: ROTFLMAO

You can sure say titties just fine, not to mention boobs. Your gonna laugh, Mr. BP wants to know what I'm wearing to the Z gig. Might just consider your suggestion. :notworthy: :wink:


you go them your curves!!
Z will get whiplash if I do that. :oops: :oops: But it's worth a try, right? And sorry, no pics of me if I go that way. :twisted: Your heart couldn't take it sweet. 8)
What do you mean?...

oh wait a minute...yeah...i get ya now... :innocent:

damn shame the no photos tho... :eek:

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 18:03
by Andie
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Black Planet wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Its same when there is only a couple of inchs of Snow.
You'd fit right in here in the DC metro area. Bread toilette paper and milk rush off the shelves at the grocer here as well.
Its not much the lack of staple food issue* - its more the Public Transport issue - the trains simply dont run and the bus services are cut right back if theres any snow

* just what to staples eat anyways;-)

public transport??...

try driving in it your self...then you'll find all the buses huddled together in the first free bus stop...other car drivers trying to drive to fast and crashing...and thats just in the first 30 minutes...hey hey...we live in the south!!

public transport can't get through to where ever you happen to be waiting for it...thats just normal...trying moving further north and'll learn to accept that southern England/Wales has no idea what snow can really do...

excuse me...---------> rant time over!!

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 20:15
by James Blast
Readers' Wives

make a date with the brassy brides of britain
the altogether ruder readers' wives
who put down their needles and their knitting
at the doorway to our dismal daily lives

the fablon top scenarios of passion
nipples peep through holes in leatherette
they seem to be saying in their fashion
'I'm freezing charlie - haven't ya finished yet?'

cold flesh the colour of potatoes
in an instamatic living room of sin
all the required apparatus
too bad they couldn't fit her head in

in latex pyjamas with bananas going ape
their identities are cunningly disguised
by a six-inch strip of insulation tape
strategically stuck across their eyes

wives from inverness to inner london
prettiness and pimples co-exist
pictorially wife-swapping with someone
who's happily married to his wrist


with thanks to

Posted: 01 May 2004, 01:52
by Quazi Evil
Your eyes flash upon my cathode ray flesh in a manner that propels my viscera into an eternal state of turgid flux. From The Surrealist Compliment Generator

Posted: 01 May 2004, 02:07
by Black Planet
kiss me kill me
tell me you love me

let me die make me cry
stick a needle in my eye

bad poetry makes you laugh
give me all your pretty cash

lol nite all

Posted: 02 May 2004, 02:11
by James Blast