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Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 19:27
by James Blast
Almiche V wrote:Checkout Rooney, he's an example they need to follow

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 19:31
by aims
I don't really think Rooney's to blame. The guy's nads were right in the logical position to put his foot to push off on another run :? If it was for the push on Ronaldo, then that's just incredibly poor sportsmanship (note Ronaldo's wink to the camera after Rooney goes :roll:) and bad refereeing.

If Portugal win the tournament, it'll be on penalties or because they were the least crap team on the field. If an England team who've been playing so apparently awfully for the entire tournament can hold them to penalties with 10 men, then the result says far more about their lack of quality than England's :|

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 19:41
by robertzombie
Rooney needs to give Ronaldo a good punch when they get back to Old Trafford :evil:

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 19:45
by aims
I think Alan Shearer alluded to it in the post match analysis. Doesn't seem entirely unlikely, either :lol:

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 19:57
by emilystrange

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 20:24
by Johnny M
I'm gob-smacked. I really am. The best generation of England players? Definitely, and for some it was their last hurrah. So why was Nancy picking the team with her 6-1-1-1-1 formation? Or was that Ulrika?

Lamps has had a mare at this tournament, Stevie has been played out of position and generally players have been asked to play in positions/roles that are totally alien to them. Joe Cole was the obvious exception but even he couldn't sustain it. And Becks still has a place in the team.

We are England. We have The Premiership. We know 4-4-2.

Two points:

1. Theo Walcott - I make no comment about his inclusion in the squad. I will however say that it wasn't the best 'work experience' Sven could have made for the boy.

2. Owen Hargreaves. I do watch the Bundesliga and he is a stunning player. Always played as a sub or out of position, for England, but he was the only one who wanted to win tonight. If only these other millionaries could match his work ethic and commitment.

I do affectionately call him 'our Deutsche'. Oh, he was the only England player to score in the shoot-out. Against Ricardo who makes his name on the penalty thangy. Otherwise he's a s**t keeper. But 'our Deutsche' never failed.

I rest my case.

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:00
by Francis
I beg to differ. Young Walcott was the star of the show for me. As for the rest of 'em. Ten grand a week and they can't even hit the back of the net from twelve yards? Christ, even I could do that after a Heartland do and a Nafees curry.

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:04
by Francis
I agree about Hargreaves though. Plenty of heart. Shame he didn't seem to know what to do with the ball in the fourth quarter of the field. til it really mattered.

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:07
by Francis
Ok, so my football pundit credentials might not be that impressive.

The game is kicking off in around the park
It’s twenty five a side and before it’s dark
There’s gonna be a loser
And you know the next goal wins


Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:12
by James Blast
ECNALUMBA for Francis!

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:20
by Francis
Ambulance? Can't be that wasted yet then. :lol:

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:21
by Francis
Don't forget to bring your Travel Scrabble with you in July James. :lol:

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:33
by James Blast
nada July :cry:

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:35
by Francis
:eek: Why? PM time?

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:40
by scotty
I'd love to see the look on the talentless attention seeking thick ignorant pop has been pop wannabe spendaholic perma fake tanned "W.A.G.S" tonight :twisted: .

A bad way to go out, but I don't think the Manager could organize a Flies gathering on a lump of Dog Shit to be honest, the team got as far as they did despite Sven rather than because of him, I mean, take some of the best players in their positions in the game today and play them out of position :roll: FFS.

Rooney may be a petulant wee prick but there's no denying his talent, he'll not get as much bad press a Beckham did when he got sent off against Argentina, there was way too much pressure being put on him.

Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:45
by James Blast
Welcome to Scotland.


Posted: 01 Jul 2006, 23:51
by Almiche V
Svens tactis were - as usual - passionless, boring, ignorant and stooooopid. You can't play Rooney up front on his own - Crouch yes, he pulled it off - but our Wayne was frustrated. Like everybody else. They can all play if they're allowed to express themselves. But Sven stifled them. I hope McLaren does better, it should be bleedin' obvious how we need to play. He's got a load of notes to read through. So out with the very very old and in with the new I hope.

It should have been Crouch and Rooney upfront. And Lumpard on the bench. He's either crap or not confident.

Meanwhile, back where it matters....

Posted: 02 Jul 2006, 00:10
by Francis
Battle plans mean s**t when the enemy's engaged. Blame the manager if you want. Or you could face reality.

Posted: 02 Jul 2006, 01:59
by Black Planet
I was disappointed at England's loss. Good Lord...Rooney where were you?

Now they are gone, my prediction is Germany V France.

I think France will take it.

Too smooth the French are.... Henry... What a footie...

As for Porto... Great team,..but
France has too much panache.


Posted: 02 Jul 2006, 02:13
by Francis
Ha! Been listening to John too much Val. :wink:

Posted: 02 Jul 2006, 03:18
by Black Planet
Francis wrote:Ha! Been listening to John too much Val. :wink:
No Francis, not at all and he'll tell you so.

I have been watching the entire Cup Play. My prognostications are my own based on what I have seen so far. From the 8's I picked all but England... :cry: who let me down. I picked France. Germany, England, and Italy. Who let me down? England. :|

At this moment I predict
France V Germany


Let me ponder a moment.. my new boss is French and he's mailed me on the French win..

I predict

Germany to take the CUP.

Best to you Francis.



Posted: 02 Jul 2006, 03:20
by Black Planet

Posted: 02 Jul 2006, 05:21
by Francis
France v Germany. That would be a bugger to take sides on. :lol:

Posted: 02 Jul 2006, 09:57
by smiscandlon
Francis wrote:France v Germany. That would be a bugger to take sides on. :lol:
As one of my (English) mates put it - "The best result to hope for would be a meteor strike on the pitch." :lol:

Posted: 02 Jul 2006, 10:51
by Big Si
All the press seem to be gunning for Sven today.

It was a weird day in Glasgow yesterday, everyone cheering on Portugal in the pubs but out on the street's there were loads of people waving union jack's, it was the annual Gay Pride march I believe :wink:
