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Posted: 17 May 2009, 12:22
by silentNate
markfiend wrote:Five minute interview with Dawkins:
Interesting stuff- shame Dawkins doesn't seem to talk about genetics anymore as the God Delusion stuff is getting a little dull...

Posted: 17 May 2009, 12:42
by markfiend
I don't suppose he can help what the interviewer asks him.

I was just shocked and astounded to see how strident, shrill, unreasonable, arrogant, self-important... etc. he was. :roll:

Posted: 17 May 2009, 19:19
by DeWinter
sultan2075 wrote:
DeWinter wrote:(Can anyone explain why the Government is supporting the automobile industry with our tax money? Don't cars pollute an awful lot? Surely we want less of it so people use public transport?)
Wish I could explain that one. :|
Power: in this case, increased regulatory power over a productive sector of the economy, and many of the people employed therein. See: Obama, Barack.

Can you really call a bankrupt industry productive? For years they've been churning out more cars than we need relying on planned obsolescence. In this country we're trying to get people to buy cars they don't need whilst scrapping their perfectly roadworthy old ones. Definately not enviromentally friendly.
I suppose you'e right, it's being done to create a voting base, but it certainly isn't sustainable. We don't need, and can't afford what they're building.
I think it's the mixed messages from Government that make people less inclined to believe. I'm not too sure where I stand personally. Even if GW is a naturally occurring event, we don't need to be lending a helping hand to it.

Posted: 17 May 2009, 19:20
by DeWinter
markfiend wrote:I don't suppose he can help what the interviewer asks him.

I was just shocked and astounded to see how strident, shrill, unreasonable, arrogant, self-important... etc. he was. :roll:
He was reasonable and quite likable. That'll teach me to just read the papers and not watch things I suppose.. :|
Interviewer was a bit bland though.

Posted: 17 May 2009, 20:15
by 7anthea7
markfiend wrote:I was just shocked and astounded to see how strident, shrill, unreasonable, arrogant, self-important... etc. he was. :roll:
DeWinter wrote:He was reasonable and quite likable.
Well, that certainly explains a lot, dunnit?... :roll:

Posted: 18 May 2009, 12:21
by markfiend
We could do with <sarcasm> tags on the Internet.

Posted: 18 May 2009, 13:24
by stufarq
markfiend wrote:I was just shocked and astounded to see how strident, shrill, unreasonable, arrogant, self-important... etc. he was. :roll:
I never said he was shrill.

Posted: 18 May 2009, 13:53
by markfiend
stufarq wrote:
markfiend wrote:I was just shocked and astounded to see how strident, shrill, unreasonable, arrogant, self-important... etc. he was. :roll:
I never said he was shrill.
No, but other people (not necessarily on HL) have.

Posted: 19 May 2009, 21:41
by stufarq
Maybe he was doing helium experiments that day.

Posted: 20 May 2009, 12:44
by markfiend