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Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 19:53
by Erudite
James Blast wrote:I want a finders fee
Only if you learn to use an apostrophe...

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 20:13
by Big Si
Erudite wrote:
James Blast wrote:I want a finders fee
Only if you learn to use an apostrophe...
You sure? It does look correct without one... :?

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 20:18
by James Blast
it's real tha knas -

and stop being an uber pedant Dong :|

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 20:51
by Erudite
James Blast wrote:it's real tha knas -

and stop being an uber pedant Dong :|
The uber pedant would point out a missing umlaut...

But it was meant in jest - no offence.

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 10:10
by Pista

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 11:18
by Erudite
I don't know but Lutetia sounds like a potential title for a Rosetta Stone comeback single.

Posted: 11 Jul 2010, 18:18
by Pista
Erudite wrote:I don't know but Lutetia sounds like a potential title for a Rosetta Stone comeback single.
Lutetia, My Direction.
:lol: :innocent:

Posted: 14 Jul 2010, 12:47
by DeWinter

So the next time you visit Switzerland, France, or Poland, feel free to drug and anally rape any child you see fit. If after all, it's acceptable for Polanski, it must be acceptable for the rest of us. You might want to direct some avant-garde movies whilst you're at it though.

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 09:40
by Norman Hunter

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 09:42
by Norman Hunter
DeWinter wrote:So the next time you visit Switzerland, France, or Poland, feel free...
TBH I'll give it a miss if you don't mind :eek:

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 11:01
by Quiff Boy
i love the daily mash :lol:
the daily mash wrote:Launching the latest edition of The Vatican's Quarterly Guide to Sinning, the Pope said that God would take up to three years to forgive those who misused cutlery, placing it in the same 'Sin Basket' as underage sodomy.

The Pontiff said: "I've arranged all the major sins in a series of handy baskets. The top basket is things like condoms and abortion and women having thoughts.

"The next basket is certain kinds of war and being a bit shy with the old collection plate. And down here in the 24th basket is child buggery and spoon ignorance.
comedy genius :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 11:11
by Quiff Boy

the daily mail's secret editorial formula revealed

Image ... -revealed/

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 11:22
by Being645
the daily mail's secret editorial formula... wrote:
The Moral Underground
... :lol: ... hell lot of cancer there ... :lol: ...

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 11:41
by DeWinter
Norman Hunter wrote:
TBH I'll give it a miss if you don't mind :eek:
Tsk, tsk. We must learn to be more European in our outlook..
Sarcasm aside, it's pretty nauseating seeing the entertainment industry tripping over themselves to defend him from what he admitted doing.
I did find his supporters being named the "Gary Glitteratti" rather a chuckle though.

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 17:43
by boudicca
DeWinter wrote:
Norman Hunter wrote:
TBH I'll give it a miss if you don't mind :eek:
Tsk, tsk. We must learn to be more European in our outlook..
Sarcasm aside, it's pretty nauseating seeing the entertainment industry tripping over themselves to defend him from what he admitted doing.
I did find his supporters being named the "Gary Glitteratti" rather a chuckle though.
For once I think I agree with you :lol: :wink:

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 18:03
by James Blast
does that mean he's an arse bandit?

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 19:03
by Erudite
In this day and age I am genuinely astounded by this. :eek:

Someone please remind me what century we're living in.

Posted: 18 Jul 2010, 15:30
by moses
Erudite wrote:In this day and age I am genuinely astounded by this. :eek:

Someone please remind me what century we're living in.
:?: What century? What f**king planet, more like!

Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 07:27
by Being645

Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 13:41
by DeWinter
People do take the moral high ground where Israel is concerned! The article mentions the guy has a wife, what's the penalty for adultery in most Arab lands? Should consider himself lucky he didn't do it in any neighbouring country.
Not sure rape is what he should be charged with even so.."Being an adulterous scumbag", or "Getting into knickers by fibbing about yourself" (Which most men would probably find themselves charged with at some point, although they usually lie about income and make of car..).

Posted: 22 Jul 2010, 23:00
by Being645
DeWinter wrote:
People do take the moral high ground where Israel is concerned!
... that's the first I hear ...
but anyway, it's not for no reason I mentioned Dada ... and reality.

In fact, I find it so useless that lies are so necessary ...
no matter what your ethnic or social or whatever colour or origin is ...
as if - in this special case - only the guy had been lying ...

IMHO, there is no place or country in this world, where things are ok.
And the worst about it is, that, phh, we've been underway in the contrary
direction for pretty a decade or two ... and we always hurry ...

Those short glances of enlightenment seem more than centuries ago,
apart from the fact, that they didn't develop as much light as they could have ... :(

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 15:10
by paint it black
think i started the original thread with something similar...
'oh the sisters of mercy they are departed and gone'

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 10:31
by Pista

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 13:17
by markfiend
Britain is the least religious country in the world:
Johann Hari wrote:And now congregation, put your hands together and give thanks, for I come bearing Good News. Britain is now the most irreligious country on earth. This island has shed superstition faster and more completely than anywhere else. Some 63 percent of us are non-believers, according to an ICM study, while 82 percent say religion is a cause of harmful division. Now, let us stand and sing our new national hymn: Jerusalem was dismantled here/ in England's green and pleasant land.

Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 15:48
by DeWinter
markfiend wrote:Britain is the least religious country in the world:
Johann Hari wrote:And now congregation, put your hands together and give thanks, for I come bearing Good News. Britain is now the most irreligious country on earth. This island has shed superstition faster and more completely than anywhere else. Some 63 percent of us are non-believers, according to an ICM study, while 82 percent say religion is a cause of harmful division. Now, let us stand and sing our new national hymn: Jerusalem was dismantled here/ in England's green and pleasant land.
Hari aggravates the sh*t out of me. More than Yasmin Alibahai-Brown, even.
I went to a CofE school. Only religous part of it was hymns in the morning, and being asked for a box of whatever you had hanging around in the back of your cupboard for Harvest Festival "for the poor". They also taught about other religions too, and a fair number of the pupils were from different religions too, judging by the amount of Asian kids I remember going there. They also took the children from "underprivilidged backgrounds" in and even took them to see panto's at Christmas as I recall. Hated the place and turned out an atheist, but that's besides the point.So he's talking out of his doubtless rather loose fat backside on that issue.
I notice he omits a few facts, like the poll he mentions was comissioned by the Guardian. Or that the faith schools that contributed to the riots in Bradford were exclusively Islamic.
Christians do seem, to me, open target for the kind of abuse and ridicule that would never dare be directed at other religions. And it's not because they are any more sensible.