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Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 22:07
by lachert

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 22:13
by czuczu
lachert wrote:vision thing

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: at 0.26

Well, well!


Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 22:29
by Bartek
Something Fast
well it sounds like a good gig.

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 22:40
by lachert
czuczu wrote:
lachert wrote:vision thing
:lol: :lol: :lol: at 0.26
:lol: yeah, i thought that something's wrong with me or the recording :lol:
small world

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 22:46
by Bartek
that was very early King Diamond :lol:

Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 22:57
by LouLou
lachert wrote:
czuczu wrote:
lachert wrote:vision thing
:lol: :lol: :lol: at 0.26
:lol: yeah, i thought that something's wrong with me or the recording :lol:
small world
now you're just being nice!

the slightly less angelic among us thought it was the vocal chords of our fearless leader going slightly wonky :lol: :innocent:

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 08:04
by Back in time
Scardwel wrote:
theparadox2010 wrote:But Si has signed it too, two Doktor operators, how big is that thing??
I think you misunderstood. The "Cheers Si" bit was written by Chris. (I'm the Si he's referring to). Nurse signed it as "nurse" and I think the rest is pretty obvious.
The setlist thing came about because I spoke to Chris on the flight over (the band were all on the same flight including Von) and he told me to "stick around for 5 minutes after the gig". So I did and a roadie came out and presented me with the signed setlist. I was gobsmacked! :eek:
Anyway, thanks for all the nice comments, and thank you SISTERS! :D :notworthy:
The story is really great. Shows that the band still appreciates people that believe in their music. Thanks for sharing this.

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 08:23
by paul
Back in time wrote: The story is really great. Shows that the band still appreciates people that believe in their music. Thanks for sharing this.
You mean everybody in the band except :von: :lol:

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 08:35
by Back in time
paul wrote:
Back in time wrote: The story is really great. Shows that the band still appreciates people that believe in their music. Thanks for sharing this.
You mean everybody in the band except :von: :lol:
There are few stories on HL about people meeting AE and having a good experience. Now, if only would he listen to us and publish the damn album.

What a wishfull thinking.

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 08:50
by Pista
my two penneth

Fresh back & had a fairly good night's sleep.
Would have posted after the show, but had parties to invade & stuff.

So none of the little surprises that other audiences were privy to, but a nice enough gig nonetheless.

The venue (Sibiu main square) was prolly the most beautiful outdoor venue I can recall, made all the more wonderful by the company.
The whole weekend was devilishly hot & I guess there are many, many candidate photos for Goths In Hot Weather.

You've all seen Simon's set list, so you know that bit.

One of the biggest issues here is that there have been a few massive gigs in the country recently. AC DC, Aerosmith & Metallica. These three
alone have made it financially tight for even the metal fans to go to the ARTMania event (one which is usually rammed).
Another festival somewhere else is vying for the biggest audience at a festival in the country too & then again, Transylvania is primarily a
metal lovers' region, so The Sisters were never going to be a huge draw.
As Kamelot finally slung their hook, the audience thinned faster than Paul Daniels's hair & the resident goth community made a leisurely stroll
from the beer stands at the back of the square to the barriers.
No jostling for position or any of that malarkey. It was all quite civilised as it happens.

Usually I lurk around the sound desk when I go to a show. It's (IMHO) the best place. I suppose it needs to be, They are controlling what
everyone hears & sees.
So being right at the front, I think a lot of what we were hearing was fold-back, as the PA stacks were wide of the stage (left & right).
Certainly the sound check thundered through this small town & listening to the recording, the sound seems really quite nicely balanced.

Overall, they were tight & in good spirits. At one point, the pro photographers were hearded into the no-man's land between the barrier & stage.

At this point AE played to the media, striking poses & grinning evily.
I'd dearly love to know where all those piccies are.

Glad to see Giving Ground back in & even the reworked Marian sounded better this time round. Gig had a curfew of 11.30, but the band played
through that. At least no-one pulled the plug (like The Cure at Coachella last year).

Looking back over the audience, there were small pockets of activity, but not very much at all. Then again, when it's been 34 in the shade all
day, dropping to 26-27 in the evening, I guess this was quite draining. But, still, I think that had no impact on what was played. The show (or
set list at least) was clearly titled "Simon's Hundredth Gig" & they stuck to it. To the letter.
& Simon reciprocated by trying to make up for so many people not dancing. His hair occasionally thrashing us lot in the front.
20 songs is still pretty respectable I think, especially when played well.
& one important point. Andrew's voice appears to be "back". Flood II proving that without a doubt. I still shudder when he lets rip in that one.
& this was to be doulfe's "de-flowering". After the bitter disappointment of the Budapest postponement last year (& utter fury at missing out on a cake session with Simon, Andrew & me) this was her first Sisters show. If it had been my first, I would have been very happy indeed.

Say what you like about them. I really don't care. The Sisters may not be The Sisters I (or many of us) fell in love with, but they still lure us to the shows & we still love them.

The after party was nice too. Cosy, but some awesome choons from a couple of great DJs. Left at around dawn for a jolly good nap.

It was a joy to meet the other HL-ers too.
doulfe,_emma_, Eva, Being645, Eggi, Scardwell, Sisters pics & prolly a whole load more, but Ursus Black had been imbibed (in qty), so apologies if I

missed you.
Looking forward to the next trip. Wherever it may be.

Leave you with some scabby foties from me mobey.



Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 08:52
by Bartek
do some small home assault or old fashioned burglary get what you want and spread it all over the world. :wink: :lol:

legal note: that was a joke.

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 09:29
by _emma_
Back in time wrote:There are few stories on HL about people meeting AE and having a good experience. Now, if only would he listen to us and publish the damn album.
Ha. We could just as well listen to him and understand that the damn album is not as important as it seems. :P
Why do I say it now, because only recently I realised that at this point I am completely free from thinking about the new album. I admit it took me many years to come to this state but it was worth it. 8)

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 10:31
by sziamiau
thanks Pista for the review. glad you had a good time with other HLers

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 10:55
by paul
_emma_ wrote:
Back in time wrote:There are few stories on HL about people meeting AE and having a good experience. Now, if only would he listen to us and publish the damn album.
Ha. We could just as well listen to him and understand that the damn album is not as important as it seems. :P
Why do I say it now, because only recently I realised that at this point I am completely free from thinking about the new album. I admit it took me many years to come to this state but it was worth it. 8)
The same evolution in thinking happened to me, and I must admit that it is an enlightened feeling. I know it sounds pathetic, but it's true.

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 11:29
by Pista
A couple of scans from the festival program



Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 11:51
by Back in time
paul wrote:
_emma_ wrote:
Back in time wrote:There are few stories on HL about people meeting AE and having a good experience. Now, if only would he listen to us and publish the damn album.
Ha. We could just as well listen to him and understand that the damn album is not as important as it seems. :P
Why do I say it now, because only recently I realised that at this point I am completely free from thinking about the new album. I admit it took me many years to come to this state but it was worth it. 8)
The same evolution in thinking happened to me, and I must admit that it is an enlightened feeling. I know it sounds pathetic, but it's true.
In a way I kind of agree with both of you, but I would still like to have a nice, noise and voices free, studio recording of unpublished songs.
Regarding the album - hey if I have to live without one - no problem, but ....

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 12:25
by _emma_
paul wrote:
_emma_ wrote:
Back in time wrote:There are few stories on HL about people meeting AE and having a good experience. Now, if only would he listen to us and publish the damn album.
Ha. We could just as well listen to him and understand that the damn album is not as important as it seems. :P
Why do I say it now, because only recently I realised that at this point I am completely free from thinking about the new album. I admit it took me many years to come to this state but it was worth it. 8)
The same evolution in thinking happened to me, and I must admit that it is an enlightened feeling. I know it sounds pathetic, but it's true.
Exactly it is an enlightened feeling as you describe it. It's a relief and some sort of inner peace, like experiencing the simplest, truest truth which has always been there but one was just too blind to see it. Blinded by desire to own things, blinded by illusion that things are meant to last, blinded by attachment to material things, and so on... too focused on what Could Be to see what Is. 8)

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 12:25
by lachert
i don't agree, you're all brainashed by few pretty decent gigs and little mish-mash in setlist. new album is necessary. if not released through record company, just putted online. wake up, we don't even have live soundboard recording with new stuff (except suzanne). i know that someone can be shy but wtf? no rational reason for such behaviour. maybe Andrew's doctor said "Von, honey, you can't use your sweets anymore or you'll die." and Andrew without sweets can't find vision of new album on his horizon. alsow, another thing which p*ss me off when i've got bad day: no one can take care about the reptile house? jesus, two middle iq chimps can handle this.

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 12:29
by czuczu
I don't understand, I thought it was common knowledge they are releasing the new album early next year for the 30th anniversary?

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 12:36
by Eva
Attending gigs gives me more than listening to an album ever could.

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 12:41
by czuczu

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 12:44
by _emma_
lachert wrote:wake up, we don't even have live soundboard recording with new stuff (except suzanne).
And probably we'll never have. I know this, I've grown to be completely aware of it. I also know that each of my beloved cats will die one day, I think about it all the time. The thought of passing or vanishing of things is scary as f**k, but what can I do, should I take lots of photos of my cats so I can look at them later when they are not here anymore, or show them to my descendants? No. My descendants will have their own cats and their own digicams, much more advanced technologically than the digicams we have today.
Cherish the moment I tell you. Cherish what you have. Fondle your cats, fondle a stray dog met in Sibiu, lie down in the sunshine, take a walk in the woods, travel to gigs. 8)

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 12:51
by sziamiau
exactly..something I will not be able to do for Type O anymore and I kick myself for missing out on a number of shows in Atlanta while I was living in the states. You know the constant need of fulfilling some fantasy of what and how should things be in our lives is killing us (yeah yeah exaggeration) I know I need to slow down and start appreciating what I have now. end of cheezy rant section

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 12:54
by lachert
yeah, close releasing albums the sisters in golden cage and don't let anyone else feel that feeling anymore. now i know, that they do wrong put out floodland and vision thing, that's for sure :lol:

Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 13:25
by Bartek
so after few gigs we're back to SAMO, same old chats, same old pointless, nonsense chats.