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Posted: 26 Jun 2013, 18:22
by xseawitch
iesus wrote:Image

a kind of marathon some 50-60 episodes ;D
it is not possible to have too much Penguins of Madagascar, especially if Mort features heavily

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 15:08
by numan
As a tennis player (tennis lover) myself, I am watching Wimbledon championship on internet know what,-I do constantly see someone baldy in the crowd..with the same glasses as AE wear...Is it possible that Eldritch loves tennis? :)

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 15:40
by markfiend
As I understand it, he tends not to wear his glasses unless he's performing. It's like Clark Kent's disguise in reverse.

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 16:45
by Being645
Honestly, doesn't everybody baldy with sunglasses in Britain look like Eldritch ... :eek: :lol: ...

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 16:47
by markfiend

Posted: 07 Jul 2013, 16:25
by Pista

'Mon Andy!!!


Posted: 07 Jul 2013, 20:09
by Bartek
To Kill a Mockingbird

Posted: 08 Jul 2013, 09:44
by radiojamaica
Just finished the 1st season of Homeland. Good stuff.

Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 16:02
by Bartek
Yesterday was a evening/ nacht with Sir Charles S. Chaplin watching:
The Kid, Gold Rush and few early years moving pictures (i.e. 20 minutes of love, the Professor); today: The Cure, The Immigrant, The Rink.
next week i'm going to see City light screening in Market place of my old town.

Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 18:24
by EvilBastard
Just finished watching The Jewel In The Crown - when did Granada decide to stop making outstanding television and focus on garbage?

Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 09:28
by markfiend
EvilBastard wrote:Just finished watching The Jewel In The Crown - when did Granada decide to stop making outstanding television and focus on garbage?
Early-to-mid 90's I think. Granada was also behind the definitive screen Sherlock Holmes with Jeremy Brett which finished shortly before Brett's death in '95.

The beginning of the end was probably David Plowright's departure in '92.

Or you could blame the emergence of Sky and the ensuing race to the bottom from the commercial channels. :urff:

Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 09:30
by Bartek
yesterday: The last emperor.

Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 11:59
by LyanvisAberrant
Awesome movie!

Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 19:46
by Andie
Seriously, you'd think that babies were a rare occurrence :urff:

Posted: 02 Aug 2013, 19:47
by Bartek

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 14:15
by million voices
I am currently wading through the animated Batman series from the 1990's
I am not a huge fan of animation and as a child I preferred Marvel to DC but these are excellent - I love the art deco settings, on the whole wonderfully drawn clever stories with just enough humour.

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 21:28
by blackandgold65
The Exorcist - just to annoy the neighbours :twisted: :lol: :twisted:

Posted: 04 Sep 2013, 09:06
by markfiend
We've been working through Father Ted again 8)

Posted: 14 Sep 2013, 20:02
by James Blast
Prometheus 3 disc 3D set, it's still pants.

Posted: 14 Sep 2013, 21:31
by Bartek

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 17:58
by James Blast
Scott and me did bits of NIN's Broken, Peter Christopherson's Homoerotic Bondage & Torture banned vid. Quite nasty and prolly not Sunday afternoon viewing. Then a movie with the surviving members of Joy Div, Tony H, Exodus C-Ornflake and various Manc bastard 70s/80s movers and shakers. Tells you a lot more than that PISH! Control fillum ever does.

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 18:22
by sam1
Yeah..good day..cheers Sunday viewing is more Highway and Last of the Summer Wine..

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 18:36
by James Blast
Eww, how queer! :lol:

Posted: 18 Sep 2013, 19:51
by radiojamaica
Gonna continue Game of Thrones in a bit. We're halfway through season 2...

Posted: 18 Sep 2013, 21:33
by James Blast
Suburgatory, it's more subtle than Modern Family, not as funny but 'nice', I know a lot of ya don't like that word but I need it now and again.