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Posted: 19 Mar 2020, 11:08
by Bartek
Abortion-leftover smoothie, that's what I missed the most when I stopped listening to rock.

Posted: 21 Mar 2020, 23:37
by Charlie
Balls to that then!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 09:57
by mh
Charlie wrote:Balls to that then!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
When they reschedule it, they could call it "never mind Coronavirus, here's the bollocks".

Posted: 22 Mar 2020, 10:06
by Planet Dave
It's put me right off nut roasts has that :urff: ;D

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 12:14
by iesus

Posted: 30 Mar 2020, 09:14
by Pista
And now for something completely different. An astrophysicist with magnets up his nose

Posted: 03 Apr 2020, 08:42
by Pista
Obviously it was love at first sight

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 08:08
by Pista
Remember, only leave the house if absolutely necessary and don't carry a rucksack full of weed when you do.

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 16:00
by Being645
Pista wrote:Remember, only leave the house if absolutely necessary and don't carry a rucksack full of weed when you do.
They really could bend the rules a bit on weed these days given that it calms people down and gives them nice time. Better than getting drunk day by day ... :wink: ...

Posted: 12 Apr 2020, 11:18
by Pista
Iceland: Forest rangers mark out two metre intervals so that locals can hug trees at a safe distance from each other

Posted: 13 Apr 2020, 05:47
by EvilBastard
Being645 wrote:
Pista wrote:Remember, only leave the house if absolutely necessary and don't carry a rucksack full of weed when you do.
They really could bend the rules a bit on weed these days given that it calms people down and gives them nice time. Better than getting drunk day by day ... :wink: ...
Well true - now, if we could ask Rizla to produce a paper that was 2m long then we could share a joint with friends and still maintain appropriate distancing. Yes, I know you could stick several together, but even if you're using the king-size variety you'd need to be rolling, let me see now...25, call it 26 to allow for roach and twist. And you'd probably need to use one of those sushi rolling mats to get it done properly. And no, I didn't just try this. Really, officer. Although in theory you could just go with a regular-length joint and use a really really really long roach clip.

Posted: 15 Apr 2020, 10:22
by markfiend
I don't think it's the size of the J, it's more the sharing that would be an issue. Don't bogart that joint with your coronavirus! :lol:

Posted: 15 Apr 2020, 13:19
by Planet Dave
Nothing that Psychedelia Smith's Baking Emporium can't work around. Get yer mixing bowls out folks :P

Posted: 21 Apr 2020, 11:22
by Pista
That one time at internet cookery school

!!poss NSFW!!

Posted: 21 Apr 2020, 11:31
by Charlie
Pista wrote:That one time at internet cookery school

!!poss NSFW!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 24 Apr 2020, 18:15
by iesus

Posted: 01 May 2020, 11:14
by Pista
Apparently hand sanitiser is just too damn tasty

Posted: 01 May 2020, 11:20
by markfiend
Pista wrote:Apparently hand sanitiser is just too damn tasty
Even the wankers on the site wouldn't drink that. That's worse than meths!

Posted: 02 May 2020, 14:21
by Being645
Band facemasks to raise money for musicians charities ... not the worst idea.
And I expect this concept to spread, in particular as Universal Music (or any other record company) are not needed to do it ... ... -charities

Posted: 07 May 2020, 09:17
by Pista

Posted: 09 May 2020, 09:36
by Pista
Not sure where to even begin with this headline

Posted: 12 May 2020, 14:18
by Pista
UK lockdown transforms Brighton garden into a shoe magnet

Posted: 12 May 2020, 16:23
by iesus

Posted: 12 May 2020, 17:23
by Pista
At least he managed to steer clear of udder disaster though likely to remain the butt of some jokes as people milk it for what it's worth



Posted: 13 May 2020, 10:44
by Pista
Postman's costume found to be insensitive to the many postal workers who suffer from dog attacks annually. Or should that be anally?