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Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 00:25
by Victim of Circumstance
Fully seconded Being645 and mh :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 01:33
by mh
robertzombie wrote:Just to play devil's advocate: Is it right to call the Japanese mixes inferior? Certainly different, but are they actually lower in rank? The WEA Mixes bootleg reveals that the Japanese mixes were produced alongside the "normal" mixes that ended up at R/S Alsdorf, and for many listeners the Japanese mixes are the standard. Who's to say these mixes weren't preferred by the band? One could postulate that Eldritch preferred them as they form the base of his 1992 remaster.
There's actually a UTR (I don't remember exactly which one but I'm almost certain it's in the galllery) with a question about this, where the reply is something like "we didn't know and we intend to fix it as soon as possible".

Obviously this was during the time of the dispute with East West so the fix never happened (until the 2006 release), but otherwise it's evidence enough for me.

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 07:07
by paint it black
panzerfaust wrote:next time hes gonna post a photo of a videotape with the NEwcastle 85 gig
it's best for all that this, Leeds 85video, the 1981 silver machine rehearsal and the Wakefield Hellfire club pre-reptile house tour tapes are just considered not to exist.

move along now, nothing to see here

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 09:57
by Being645
taylor wrote:indeed Black Planet :D
... the LP version of it ... :wink: ... ... ressing%29

So now I eventually got that the so-called "Black Planet Promo" is in fact a "Walk Away Promo" with Black Planet on Side B ...

As to Walk Away (the track), ... on the Elektra Promo label is explicitly written: LP VERSION ... no dif mix ... :? ...

I've once seen a seller on ebay offering a testpressing and describing dif mix as "The 'dif mix' sounds the same as the US lp version."
That person also wrote: STED-5061-A-3 ... Side A - Walk Away / Side B - blank ...


Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 10:32
by robertzombie
So it looks like we have:

First & Last & Always LP - Elektra Promo - Walk Away "dif mix"

Walk Away - Elektra Promo test pressing - w/ dif mix
Walk Away - Elektra Promo test pressing - w/ lp version

N.B. It has not yet been confirmed whether the mix of Walk Away on the LP promo is the same as the "dif mix" on the Test Pressing or whether it is a unique mix.

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 10:50
by paint it black
Being645 wrote: So now I eventually got that the so-called "Black Planet Promo" is in fact a "Walk Away Promo" with Black Planet on Side B ...

As to Walk Away (the track), ... on the Elektra Promo label is explicitly written: LP VERSION ... no dif mix ... :? ...
correct, for the 12" Elektra promo (3.20mins) but black planet maybe slightly different

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 13:18
by mh
mh wrote:
robertzombie wrote:Just to play devil's advocate: Is it right to call the Japanese mixes inferior? Certainly different, but are they actually lower in rank? The WEA Mixes bootleg reveals that the Japanese mixes were produced alongside the "normal" mixes that ended up at R/S Alsdorf, and for many listeners the Japanese mixes are the standard. Who's to say these mixes weren't preferred by the band? One could postulate that Eldritch preferred them as they form the base of his 1992 remaster.
There's actually a UTR (I don't remember exactly which one but I'm almost certain it's in the galllery) with a question about this, where the reply is something like "we didn't know and we intend to fix it as soon as possible".

Obviously this was during the time of the dispute with East West so the fix never happened (until the 2006 release), but otherwise it's evidence enough for me.
Ahhh, here we go: ... age_id=188
The content of 'First and Last and Always' should be the same wherever you buy it. Unfortunately when we had it released on CD (in the days before you got a CD 'test' copy in advance of release) there was a cock-up with the tapes and some of the tracks were pressed with the wrong mix. We are planning to put this right as soon as possible.

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 13:49
by robertzombie
Fair enough, but he's forgetting the Japanese vinyl when he says "same wherever you buy it". Maybe he didn't know?

Posted: 06 Jun 2014, 22:03
by Being645
Victim of Circumstance wrote: ... be aware, that there are at least 2 test pressings (there may be a 3rd one, but I'm not sure if it's genuine or a fake) of Walk Away from Speciality Records. My copy features the original US lp version, meaning that in the TITLE line, the words "Dif. Mix" are missing :wink:
:eek: ... OK, so I had better called that page Walk Away 12" (Promo Dif Mix) ... :?:

AND if so, I should either rename/move the page and create a second (and possibly a third) one
OR, I put all details about these TPs in one page... which could be better, IMO.

Anyway, have you got some pictures of the labels of your TP, please? ... :kiss: ...

BTW, there's now a page for the Walk Away / Black Planet Promo...

Posted: 07 Jun 2014, 10:02
by robertzombie
Keep it all under one page and list the variations like you have for the singles.

Posted: 07 Jun 2014, 16:43
by radiojamaica
Lord Zombie, you're a pro :notworthy:

All this makes me wanna dig up my WEA Mixes cdr and lock myself up in the attic for a night or 2 and pretend I don't have kids or anything ;D

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 16:57
by robertzombie
robertzombie wrote: A Rock and a Hard Place contains a timing/panning error on the first synth bass note (an error that occurs on some latter general release pressings)
The cassette also has this error.

Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 12:21
by jost 7
I am repeating myself ( at least without glitches): could anyone share a glitchfree version (of whatever kind of format) please? Many thanks!

Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 12:34
by robertzombie
Glitch free version of what?

Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 23:24
by jost 7
robertzombie wrote:Glitch free version of what?
The wea tape mixes of course, many of the mp3 tracks of my version do have them. Thanks

Posted: 06 Jul 2014, 12:01
by robertzombie
Here's my needledrop of the Walk Away Elektra promo mix, how does it compare to the "dif mix"?

In my opinion, this is a fully mastered version of the "Eldritch Mix" from the WEA tapes bootleg.

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 20:10
by VonII
Bought a FALAA vinyl on ebay, not 100% sure if it contains the original mix or some sort of remaster/remix. After page 3 of this thread I already felt too puzzled to distinguish the many many versions of versions of remixes of remasters of remixes. :|

Ebay auction in question:

I remember reading somewhere there is a thin sounding version (Which is the same as on the supposedly superiour "Mobile Fidelity" edition :lol:) of the LP and another version which did sound better. No clue as to what I actually ordered, but I don't have the album on vinyl yet and it's just such a nice thing to have whatever version it might turn out to be. ;D
robertzombie wrote:Here's my needledrop of the Walk Away Elektra promo mix, how does it compare to the "dif mix"?

In my opinion, this is a fully mastered version of the "Eldritch Mix" from the WEA tapes bootleg.
Thanks a lot for posting :notworthy: ! Can't quite put my finger on what is actually different, but it does sound good. The distorted bass guitar which starts immediately after the intro drum roll sounds clearer/louder? And the vocals seem to sound a bit mixed differently sometimes. :? :D

Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 20:52
by robertzombie
That's an original you've bought :)

The Mofi remaster contains the Japanese mixes. I don't like the mastering much on that one, too bloated.