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Posted: 19 Sep 2006, 23:42
by scotty
Burn wrote:
scotty wrote:So, who's all going to the Brixton gig then?,

me & Ma'grit


......... any more for any more?
That'll be it then :lol:

Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 18:38
by Andie
scotty wrote:
Burn wrote:
scotty wrote:So, who's all going to the Brixton gig then?,

me & Ma'grit


......... any more for any more?
That'll be it then :lol:
on the bright least i'll not be needing a mortgage when it comes to a round in the boozer :wink: :innocent: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 19:58
by Almiche V
I caught them in Southampton last night. Was way too short, they could've added 4 or 5 more songs.

Having said, they f'in rocked. Riffs to die for in ecstasy....

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 00:28
by Gripper
Caught them in Manchester tonight. VERY disappointing.

Crap sound (some bass would've been helpful), crap crowd and Astbury saying even more stupid things than ever (eg, with no irony whatsoever: 'This is show business'....Desperately pleading 'Please, please clap, c'mon, PLEASE!')

Great Tap moment when he spent half a minute trying to get his mic stand to undo before giving up and kicking it over. He was also wearing a purple tracksuit top/hoodie thing and jogging on the spot like feckin mad lizzie.

I could go on.

This is balanced against a sparkling 'Spiritwalker' and 'Sanctuary' and the odd moment when it all came together fairly tightly, but overall I was left wondering what the hell it was all about.

Hope you lot have a better time in Leeds and London.

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 00:49
by weebleswobble
That's not good. The Leeds Contingent will plough on regardless, albiet with the full backing of alcohol....

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 09:03
by hellboy69
Burn wrote:
scotty wrote:
Burn wrote: :lol:
That'll be it then :lol:
on the bright least i'll not be needing a mortgage when it comes to a round in the boozer :wink: :innocent: :notworthy: :lol:
Ah, i'd better take out that mortgage...

Hellboy + 5 are going :twisted:

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 11:38
by scotty
hellboy69 wrote:
Burn wrote:
scotty wrote: That'll be it then :lol:
on the bright least i'll not be needing a mortgage when it comes to a round in the boozer :wink: :innocent: :notworthy: :lol:
:D Beer?
Ah, i'd better take out that mortgage...

Hellboy + 5 are going :twisted:
I'll be the Handsome one in the HEARTLAND or GHOST DANCE T -Shirt with the Pot Bellied Wife :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 11:53
by DrDoom
Is there a support band for the UK dates - if are they worth seeing ?


Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 14:07
by Spiggy's hat
DrDoom wrote:Is there a support band for the UK dates - if are they worth seeing ?

Yes, it would be nice to know that there is one band on the bill worth seeing. :innocent:

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 16:48
by weebleswobble
Spiggy's hat wrote:
DrDoom wrote:Is there a support band for the UK dates - if are they worth seeing ?

Yes, it would be nice to know that there is one band on the bill worth seeing. :innocent:

sarah_orange wrote:I Forgot to mention - and this bit's important - that it's only a quid in on saturday night to anyone who shows their ticket stub from the cult concert at LUU - wouldn't want you having to pay £4 just cos you'd been busy shaking your thang now would we?!

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 17:50
by Almiche V
The tix say Special Guests, but we missed 'em if they were there.

@Gripper - it's not the first gig i've been to where the bass has been non existent. Killing Joke haven't been much better. s**t sound in this day and age? Wrrrrrrrong.....

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 17:58
by hellboy69
have checked on the boards as well ~ no indication of a support band at all...

shame to hear about the manch show :(

maybe we're all getting too old and sophisticated & the sound was always s**t, we just didn't notice before cos of raging hormones :p

still, i just cannae face another astoria-style debacle! so will be deploying the BEERMUFFS :twisted:

mmmmm, beermuffs.

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 18:19
by Almiche V
You can never have enough bass come to think of it......

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 19:10
by Planet Dave
Subculture sounds like a goer alright, deffo for a quid in!

I hope Astbury is a nob in Leeds, it'll increase the pleasure derived from heckles / missiles no end. :lol:

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 20:00
by weebleswobble
Planet Dave wrote:Subculture sounds like a goer alright, deffo for a quid in!

I hope Astbury is a nob in Leeds, it'll increase the pleasure derived from heckles / missiles no end. :lol:
He has tended to wax lyrical* on this tour

*talk pure pish

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 20:08
by Andie
scotty wrote:
hellboy69 wrote:
Burn wrote: on the bright least i'll not be needing a mortgage when it comes to a round in the boozer :wink: :innocent: :notworthy: :lol:
:D Beer?
Ah, i'd better take out that mortgage...

Hellboy + 5 are going :twisted:
I'll be the Handsome one in the HEARTLAND or GHOST DANCE T -Shirt with the Pot Bellied Wife :innocent: :twisted:
F.F.S. 8)

@Hellboy...see ya in ra GOOSE yeah?

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 21:43
by weebleswobble
Planet Dave wrote:Subculture sounds like a goer alright, deffo for a quid in!

I hope Astbury is a nob in Leeds, it'll increase the pleasure derived from heckles / missiles no end. :lol:
Young Tim has been in touch, asking if he should buy a ticket. I said go for it, if he changes his mind he can always meet up for a bit of Subculture later.... (that's after we have a drink in the Dry Dock);D

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 22:20
by hellboy69
@Burn ~ Goosey goosey ganders it shall be!

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 22:43
by Gripper
DrDoom wrote:Is there a support band for the UK dates - if are they worth seeing ?

If there was in Manchester, they were off and cleared up by the time I got there at 7.55, which as doors were 7.00 and The Cult were due on at 9.00 says 'probably not'. :(

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 23:06
by czuczu
I'll be loafing round Brixton tomorrow night - probably be in the bar on the corner at some time beforehand :)

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 23:09
by Planet Dave
weebleswobble wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:Subculture sounds like a goer alright, deffo for a quid in!

I hope Astbury is a nob in Leeds, it'll increase the pleasure derived from heckles / missiles no end. :lol:
Young Tim has been in touch, asking if he should buy a ticket. I said go for it, if he changes his mind he can always meet up for a bit of Subculture later.... (that's after we have a drink in the Dry Dock);D
Aww bless, are you his Dad, Stephen? :wink: :lol: I don't suppose you had any luck with your 'alternative markets' research the other week did you? :innocent: And what's all this 'a drink'? Yeah right, more like 'many drinks'. But you know that. :P

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 23:25
by weebleswobble

Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 23:42
by Planet Dave
weebleswobble wrote:Image
Cool, after that lot I'd imagine the band will sound pretty good. :P

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 06:06
by weebleswobble
Cross pollination from the Timmy Thread:
boudicca wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:We are set to land at 18:00 hours
Not me, I'm actually coming down in the afternoon and my train is only arriving about 18:30... only one I could get that didn't cost £silly.

You'll just have to all sit and twiddle your thumbs till I arrive and the nonstop rock'n'roll really starts :P :lol: :oops:

Who are we expecting then?


Tim said the Quiff-meister might be putting in an appearance?
You can add Norman Hunter and Rise&Reverberate see The Cult Thread, it's highy entertaining ;D

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 07:41
by allfear
funny who you

meet at cult gigs!
