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Posted: 12 Aug 2010, 16:29
by markfiend
DeWinter wrote:Christians do seem, to me, open target for the kind of abuse and ridicule that would never dare be directed at other religions. And it's not because they are any more sensible.
Hmm. Possibly.

While I have about as much respect for Islam as I do for Christianity, (i.e. not very much) it's difficult to criticise the former without coming across as racist :|

The situation isn't helped by the (very peculiar to my mind) alliance in the UK between the middle-class-left and some strands of Islam (an alliance seemingly forged on the anti-US "enemy of my enemy" basis).

On the other hand, when Christians start in on the "you wouldn't dare say that about Islam" it does start to sound like a bad case of fatwa-envy.

As Stewart Lee said, I may be an atheist, but I'm not stupid... :innocent:

Posted: 13 Aug 2010, 04:39
by DeWinter
markfiend wrote: While I have about as much respect for Islam as I do for Christianity, (i.e. not very much) it's difficult to criticise the former without coming across as racist :|

The situation isn't helped by the (very peculiar to my mind) alliance in the UK between the middle-class-left and some strands of Islam (an alliance seemingly forged on the anti-US "enemy of my enemy" basis).
And because criticism of Islam brings almost instant violent retaliation. I begin to believe theres a travelling rent a mob of bearded Islamic loons who travel the globe ready to burn effigies and call for beheadings whenever anything Muslim is even vaguely criticised. Yet Islam is a faith not a race, there's plenty of white Muslims in Russia for example, and Chinese Muslims too. If the only way to be respected is scream your head off and threaten violence when things don't go your way, why shouldn't the Anglicans do the same?

And yes, hearing the middle-class left chant "We're all Hamas now" nearly made me choke with it's blithering stupidity. "My enemies enemy" isn't your friend when he's far worse than your actual enemy.

Posted: 13 Aug 2010, 08:43
by markfiend

markfiend and DeWinter agree on something! Is this a new HL effect? Drinks all round!


Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 08:46
by Silver_Owl
Ratzilla :eek:

It's a feckin' Coypu. :roll:

Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 11:35
by Pista
Hom_Corleone wrote:Ratzilla :eek:

It's a feckin' Coypu. :roll:
That's going to make some hole in the skirting board. :eek: :eek:

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 10:33
by Pista

Posted: 25 Aug 2010, 11:12
by DeWinter

Woman throws cat in bin, then sticks foot in mouth. Do hope she sees the funny side when someone belts her and shoves her face first into a bin..

Posted: 25 Aug 2010, 12:10
by markfiend
I saw about that.

Would she have thought it was so funny if the bins had been collected after she put the cat in it? (As opposed to before, as seems to be the case.) The cat would likely have been killed.
I really don't see what everyone is getting so excited about -- it's just a cat.
Yeah. Cruelty to animals is no big deal :roll:

There are studies that show that cruelty to animals is a good predictor of cruelty and violence towards people. For instance it's well known that Jeffrey Dahmer killed animals before he progressed on to humans.

Posted: 25 Aug 2010, 12:50
by Bartek
since i have my bitchy-sister anytime i see effect of cruelty against animal i get really, really pissed and mad. same is with toddlers or other young kids i just can't imagine how stupid, primitive, weak and underestimated can be anyone who's bully and/or murder kids and animals. :evil:

her should be Blast's knife.

Posted: 25 Aug 2010, 13:04
by DeWinter
markfiend wrote:I saw about that.

Would she have thought it was so funny if the bins had been collected after she put the cat in it? (As opposed to before, as seems to be the case.) The cat would likely have been killed.
I really don't see what everyone is getting so excited about -- it's just a cat.
Yeah. Cruelty to animals is no big deal :roll:

There are studies that show that cruelty to animals is a good predictor of cruelty and violence towards people. For instance it's well known that Jeffrey Dahmer killed animals before he progressed on to humans.
That's what I meant about puting her foot in her mouth. She can't claim it was just a joke, moment of madness, or a reaction to family illness and then say something like that! You're right, cruelty to animals usually shows lack of empathy generally, always a good predictor of someone with severe problems.
And if she's "baffled" by the publics reaction, I can only assume she's been living in a different country all these years!
The publics response and commentary give me a warm glow. They have the right idea, put her in a bin for 15 hours.

Posted: 25 Aug 2010, 13:44
by markfiend
DeWinter wrote:That's what I meant about putting her foot in her mouth.
Oh I see. Yes, sorry.

Posted: 25 Aug 2010, 14:53
by DeWinter ... 008253035/

"It was another Susan Boyle moment, but instead of a frumpy older woman suddenly revealing the voice of an angel it was a frumpy older woman revealing that she was a vindictive, pinch-faced old picklefanny."

The word "picklefanny" has been gratefully added to my lexicon. I intend to use it, but it depends on me being able to get past the third syllable without a violent fit of the schoolgirl giggles..

Posted: 25 Aug 2010, 16:33
by James Blast
George's latest hit :lol:

Huge Image Linky

Woah! didn't realise it was so large, can a Mod oblige, thankee

Will that do? markfiend

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 10:51
by Pista

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 11:31
by TallicA_dude
Pista wrote:Blimey! :eek:

Fire tornado in Brazil
oh my God!!! :eek: thags a first for me! id hate to be in the path of that thing!

Posted: 27 Aug 2010, 12:58
by markfiend
Govt. wants to slash UK research spending: ... s-spending

They won't be happy until we're a third-world nation :evil:

Posted: 29 Aug 2010, 12:09
by DeWinter
markfiend wrote:Govt. wants to slash UK research spending: ... s-spending

They won't be happy until we're a third-world nation :evil:
I remember reading somewhere that the UK produces more research papers than anywhere except the US. It's a bit much to reduce something in which we lead Europe.

I suppose it'll be explained away by "Labour's over-spending", but if that's the case where did the money come from to give Greece £8 billion to stop it going tits-up, increased EU payments, foreign aid, or some projected £60 million for Pakistan? While I've no objection to the last two, it does fly in the face of "we've got no money left", doesn't it? ... unn-do-phd
I'm not going to be joining the Howard League anytime soon, but depriving someone of even basic writing materials is a bit much. Although I would like to know why he's serving so much longer than his term.

Posted: 31 Aug 2010, 09:16
by markfiend
English Defence League demo in Bradford: ... e-11131432

On Saturday morning I went through Leeds City Station and saw some of the EDL congregating (and drinking) at the Wetherspoons pub in the station. (This was about 10 am...) I could tell they were EDL because a large number of them were wearing EDL T-shirts and EDL bomber-jackets.

Anyhoo, after the Battle of Cable Street the Public Order Act of 1936 banned the wearing of political uniforms in public.

Now I am not a lawyer, but:

Is that legislation still in effect?
Would EDL T-shirts and bomber-jackets count as "political uniforms"?
Would any friendly anti-fascist coppers (if there is such a thing) be willing to use a creative interpretation of the law to arrest the f*ckers? :twisted:

Posted: 01 Sep 2010, 23:40
by DeWinter
markfiend wrote:English Defence League demo in Bradford: ... e-11131432

On Saturday morning I went through Leeds City Station and saw some of the EDL congregating (and drinking) at the Wetherspoons pub in the station. (This was about 10 am...) I could tell they were EDL because a large number of them were wearing EDL T-shirts and EDL bomber-jackets.

Anyhoo, after the Battle of Cable Street the Public Order Act of 1936 banned the wearing of political uniforms in public.

Now I am not a lawyer, but:

Is that legislation still in effect?
Would EDL T-shirts and bomber-jackets count as "political uniforms"?
Would any friendly anti-fascist coppers (if there is such a thing) be willing to use a creative interpretation of the law to arrest the f*ckers? :twisted:
They don't have a political party affiliated with them. The BNP probably are but don't acknowledge it. So nothing like that applies, sadly. Believe me, I'd like them gone, with the UAF, and ISLAM4UK.
And the UK police ignore the rules when there's a chance of there thuggery meeting a response. They prefer the likes of ANZAC teachers, brazilian migrants, or harmless ex-drunks. Anyone who isn't relying on Met CCTV support is safe from their harrassment. :|

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 09:15
by markfiend
DeWinter wrote:The BNP probably are but don't acknowledge it.
Probably? When half of the same people are involved? But then I guess that the BNP leadership (publically at least) keeps arms-length, so they have "plausible deniability".

Your points re the police: aye, there was one copper near the EDL lot (there were several others around, but they were hanging back) and he looked like he was sh!tting himself. :urff:

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 14:20
by markfiend
William Hague's adviser Christopher Myers resigns

The "untrue and malicious" accusations seem to stem from the fact that Hague and Myers shared a hotel room on a couple of occasions. Pretty thin gruel from which to whip up a soup of media controversy, but that's silly season for you.

I don't give a rat's ass whether Hague is gay, straight, bi, or anything (with the caveat that closeted gay politicians arguing against gay rights is a bit of a "rum do" so to speak -- not that I'm aware of any particularly anti-gay positions held by Mr Hague) but it strikes me as slightly strange that Myers has resigned over the allegations. Surely ia resignation is going to fan the flames of rumour?

If it were me I'd front out the press with a "it's none of your damn business."

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 15:34
by Quiff Boy
he can't be gay. he used to drink 14 pints of beer in a single session :lol:

note: beer.

not shandy.

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 15:48
by markfiend
'Appen that's because 'e's from Yorkshire.

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 16:51
by boudicca
I did once hear him described as "camp Yorkshireman William Hague", because of that Wallace and Gromit voice he has - but I thought everybody in Yorkshire talked like that... :innocent:

Posted: 03 Sep 2010, 15:59
by DeWinter
markfiend wrote:William Hague's adviser Christopher Myers resigns

The "untrue and malicious" accusations seem to stem from the fact that Hague and Myers shared a hotel room on a couple of occasions. Pretty thin gruel from which to whip up a soup of media controversy, but that's silly season for you.

I don't give a rat's ass whether Hague is gay, straight, bi, or anything (with the caveat that closeted gay politicians arguing against gay rights is a bit of a "rum do" so to speak -- not that I'm aware of any particularly anti-gay positions held by Mr Hague) but it strikes me as slightly strange that Myers has resigned over the allegations. Surely ia resignation is going to fan the flames of rumour?

If it were me I'd front out the press with a "it's none of your damn business."
I suppose the argument is that if Hague can't be trusted by his wife, why on earth should the electorate trust him either? It's a valid point, to me. But the high-horse the general public get on when a politico gets caught bending is always pretty nauseating.

I've always felt bad for Hague, much in the same why I did for McCain. Both were punished for their predecessors rather than themselves, and were more victims of their opponents media-savvy than anything else. Would have rather had him as P.M than Blair or Brown easily.
Am interested who's starting these rumours. After the fun and games with McBride and co one would think Labour, but there's a hell of a lot of Torys who dislike Cameron quite intensely and Hague remains popular amongst them, so wouldn't be surprised to find one of Cameron's cadre is behind this. Plus ca change.. :roll: