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Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 00:32
by Back in time
_emma_ wrote:I'm online just briefly at a friend's laptop, so let me take this opportunity to say that I think Eldritch is God. Byeeee now. :kiss: :kiss:
What a surprise that you would say something like that. :wink:

Being serious, reading reviews it looks like there is something different this time. Seriously different. Can not wait until Budapest.

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 00:37
by DasPerltAber
Mr. Wah wrote:My first Sisters gig since Exxile on Euphoria and they did not disappoint. Andrew was in good voice, although (was it just me?) he sounded louder in the mix in the first few songs. Perhaps his voice just got a bit tired as the set went on. In any case, his voice sounded in good shape and he even made a pretty good job of Flood II. Ben and Chris were very tight.

The 'new' tracks referred to by others were nothing remarkable, although it was nice to hear something different. The new arrangement of More is quite short but, still, it rocks, as indeed it should.

For those interested... the cupcakes were okay although rather too solid and I think I detected a strong hint of cinnamon, of which I am not a great fan.

Yes, someone did something to one of the cupcake girls which caused him to be removed from the building. I didn't see exactly what happened.

I decided to stay for another beer or two after the gig and got talking to one of the older people in the room. I was curious to know when he'd first seen the Sisters and what he made of the night's show. We'd been chatting for a while and then Mr Catalyst turned up and started talking to him. I must have been drunk because I still didn't put two and two together ... it turned out I'd been talking to Chris's dad. Anyway, he introduced me to Chris who (also) seemed like a thoroughly nice fellow.

Then Andrew made an appearance. Walked straight past me at the bar and headed to the other side of the room to pose for pictures with someone and to spend some time with the DJ (Claire). It was the first time I've seen him up close and, as has been said many times before, he is a lot smaller than one might imagine. Still, he undoubtedly has real presence and charisma.

A great night out. I look forward to hearing about tonight's gig and the European dates.
As for posing with someone for pics.......that's pretty likely to be me. ;-) I must say I was kinda amazed about just how much time he was willing to spend having pics taken. ;-) I am WELL chuffed. I will definitely have a couple of those framed. :D

Thanks to everyone from the forum for 2 blinding nights. It was nice to see familiar faces again and meet some new people as well. I am looking forward to Brussels already!

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 00:49
by Debaser
SomeKindOfStranger wrote:
Debaser wrote:Naturally, I doubt ANYONE saw 12 6ft Smurfs after the gig??? Just Gaz and me then :urff:

It DID happen it really did
lol. It did happen - We walked past them walking up the road. I suspect they may have been drinking.....
Stevieb wrote: I did on the way to get my car from up by the uni !!
A big fatNYER to all those who mocked and riddiculed me on Thursday night.

Thought the crowd were much ruder last night. One couple in particular who wedged themselves in front of me (which happens I know, I can cope) after moving a tall bloke from in front of the 'female' who said she wasn't gonna stand behind him. Then winkled themself in front of a girl who was at the barrier (when she went for a wee) and then when she came back, the bloke did that big elbows thing and wouldn't let her back in - fekkin c**t the pair of you.

Mr GrumpyArse and his knees were left at home for Thursday but still managed to be miserable by text.

My particular fav moment was watching Zeno raise himself from the floor on someone's shoulders. he just kept on going and going and going and going. Actually, my favourite moment was you lot - yer all ace.

No photees I'm afraid as Gaz's new camera looked to swish apparently and I had to take it back to the car. Did ANYONE get a shot of :von: when he was near Ben looking down and the two red floor lights shone onto his glasses making him look like he had lazer eyes. Would've been ace.

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 02:32
by James Blast
glad I stayed hame, ta pet :notworthy:

I've heard the YEALPING! evidence :|

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 04:33
by sisters-pics

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 09:10
by lachert
first night was blast but second nght was xxx blast :lol:
von in good swashbuckling mood, nice setlists (except of course will i dream. wake up andrew and stop to play it).
we where there on mondayso we have time to see some of leeds.
it was my first trip to england, it wasn't so bad at all, nice people and places ;D
greets to you all. just arivved home 3 hours ago.
we want more :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 09:39
by Miki_Mundi
I have a small segment of video that I cannot upload :(
I've tried on my PC and direct from phone to now avail...
Its the second verse of Alice on first night viewed from front row, so if any has better internet maybe I can mail the vid or something so it can be uploaded for all?

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 09:42
by mik
Part II of II piccies
Some vids If I had a day job I wouldn't be giving it up but there are some nice snaps in and amongst - enjoy! :D

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 09:45
by sziamiau
nice, thanks for the pics..forgive me ignorance but who are on the pics? Is that Eva? I am trying to figure it out so when I see people at the gigs I can actually recognize some. I've only met Pista from the board

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 10:23
by lachert
it was hard to took good photo but here you go, some blurred from first night:


and the second:

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 10:25
by tower
great pics!

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 10:32
by CyberAndy
We had a GREAT time both nights. I thought they were EXCELLENT :D

My friend who came with me hadn't seen them for YEARS, had heard all the bad stuff about them live - and was amazed how good they were :D
She thought 2nd night was best ; I enjoyed both equally.

Really good meeting people ; impressive how many seemed to have travelled from Germany, Belgium etc.

Wish I was going to some of the European dates ...

AMAZING there was NO XXX Merch !!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 10:49
by Vision
CyberAndy wrote:We had a GREAT time both nights. I thought they were EXCELLENT :D

My friend who came with me hadn't seen them for YEARS, had heard all the bad stuff about them live - and was amazed how good they were :D
She thought 2nd night was best ; I enjoyed both equally.

Really good meeting people ; impressive how many seemed to have travelled from Germany, Belgium etc.

Wish I was going to some of the European dates ...

AMAZING there was NO XXX Merch !!!!!!!!!!
Well...there was the poster. When I hit my travelodge the people who got back just before me said "Quick, we can still steal it and get it on ebay!" It's really hard to hide a poster.

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 10:58
by Mothra
panzerfaust wrote:anyone can supply more details bout Claire's djing? selection? mixing skillz? etc?
I liked the selection (mixing skillz tend to bypass me), it wasn't overly imaginative in that it leaned towards the bigger hits by bands that tend to get lumped in with the Sisters

I can remember:
Spiritwalker - The Cult
Preacherman - The Neph
Love Like Blood & Change - Killing Joke
Love in an Elevator - Aerosmith ... at which point we called it a night!
Do You Wanna be in My Gang - The Glitter Band?

She also dropped in Alice fairly on. It sounded absolutely monumental.

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 10:58
by Drsisters
First night was a mere dissapointment in setlist... I was thinking for myself.. for f**k sake its the 30th anniversary, is this all we are goin to get ? When he started to play More I forgave him totally.

Second night, when you get Kiss The Carpet as a opening song, you know that the night is goin to be a f**king monster... :D and it was, especially vision thing was a monster.

My mate Ian did his live debut, he had never seen them live before.. he was utterly impressed, especially from the ppl in the mosh pit and the pyramid builders.. guess there were a few ppl standing on his shoulders both nights..

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 12:49
by Miki_Mundi
I need a new camera!

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:08
by czuczu
Wrecker wrote:my photos.


You took a photo of my photo :lol:

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:21
by euphoria
All in all a pleasant surprise seeing the Sisters again for the first time since 2009, the sound has definitely improved. And even if I wasn't as overexcited about the gigs as many seem to have been, of course this was better than 2009 and much better than 2006.

Highlights were More, Body Electric slow (haven't heard it live before), the 2 covers and of course Kiss the carpet as opener.

Still, my happiness is a bit muted because of the lack of a new song (how hard can it be to write one tune in 2 years?), the lack of a new tour shirt and the lack of people seeing them at all, especially the second night. Those are signs of a band fading away, which is a shame when they are so good live.

Anyway, if you haven't seen them in a while, go see them, it's worth the ticket! And who knows, maybe Far parade or something else will be presented later this tour.

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:21
by christophe
LOL :lol:

thanks for the pics people!

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:33
by weebleswobble
It's usually the bits before and after that are the highlights but the gigs were brilliant. ... aid=268518 ... aid=268523

Hom, I have your shirt so I'll arrange to get it back to you.

Someone left a poster, you better be local coz I aint posting that.

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:42
by Maisey
jande wrote: Never mind the chemistry between :von: & the Claire, the feeling I got at the gigs was that it was no longer :von: and 'hired hands' but a well-oiled functioning machine of a band (an industrial groove one at that)
I agree with this 8)

I am covered in bruises. Inside and out.





Two heartlanders for the price of one, can you spot 'em?

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:42
by _emma_
Back in time wrote:
_emma_ wrote:I'm online just briefly at a friend's laptop, so let me take this opportunity to say that I think Eldritch is God. Byeeee now. :kiss: :kiss:
What a surprise that you would say something like that. :wink:
Indeed it surprises me to. Every time I see him it just blows me away how absolutely wonderful he is. :P

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:42
by sziamiau
ah man it must have been fun..thanks!

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 13:58
by mh
weebleswobble wrote:Someone left a poster, you better be local coz I aint posting that.
Purps I reckon. Keef probably wouldn't let him in the car with it! :lol: