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Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 10:27
by Being645
Prescott wrote:
Being645 wrote:I understand that as a matter of giving back to the world the values one
gets - in all consequence. Of course, this looks as if a few perspectives were
missing, but these don't help if you're say "structurally" hindered anyway to
enjoy that part of your intrinsic "yields". Thanks.
And what, damage control technician #93, would those "structural limitations" be exactly? Oh, and how are you privy to such information?
Sorry Prescott, I'm a living being and can't but be the one I am, perceive the world the way I do and give it expression. And what information, btw? I only contributed MY understanding of the matter. As to continuative explanations, sorry but as a matter of giving back to the world the values I've got and attached to me, I'm - consequently - neither able nor willing to send you a complete copy of that book. Chill though. As you might have noticed, I do not exclude any exceptions straight away. To human rights activists, for example, or the pretty people here and on PD, I'm always prepared to issue a few rough paragraphs.
... ;D :lol: ...

Btw., "damage control technician #93" sounds good to me ... ;D :D :lol: ... I wish I were as good as that ...

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 10:50
by James Blast
FFS! that pair of you talk in riddles :|

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 11:41
by Being645
So step by step, explicitly for you, James ... :wink: ...
Being645 wrote:
Prescott wrote:
il duce wrote:What i do not get though in all this talk, is that isn't SOME money (digital album, live album, ep's, indipendent label, etc, etc) better then NO money (not releasing anything at all)?

I mean, maybe I am a bit simplistic, but seriously, we are talking about writing and recording songs (which they obviously have) and then chose to get NO money for it all, becasue they can not get TONS of money. The logic just falls down and dies there.

So back to topic: Give us a live album allready!
Exactly my point! Presumably (and perhaps it's been mentioned in interviews) they record all of their performances, so releasing a live album would only add to their profit margin.
Being645 wrote:I understand that as a matter of giving back to the world the values one
gets - in all consequence. Of course, this looks as if a few perspectives were
missing, but these don't help if you're say "structurally" hindered anyway to
enjoy that part of your intrinsic "yields". Thanks.
Prescott wrote: And what, damage control technician #93, would those "structural limitations" be exactly? Oh, and how are you privy to such information?
Sorry Prescott, I'm a living being and can't but be the one I am, perceive the world the way I do and give it expression. And what information, btw? I only contributed MY understanding of the matter. As to continuative explanations, sorry but as a matter of giving back to the world the values I've got and attached to me, I'm - consequently - neither able nor willing to send you a complete copy of that book. Chill though. As you might have noticed, I do not exclude any exceptions straight away. To human rights activists, for example, or the pretty people here and on PD, I'm always prepared to issue a few rough paragraphs.
... ;D :lol: ...

Btw., "damage control technician #93" sounds good to me ... ;D :D :lol: ... I wish I were as good as that ...
but ok, in other words: money is not enough. There are more important needs than receiving money. Where these needs are too widely neglected, people suffer - especially those who feel the need to give the world what they've got to give, what they have to express, what they feel important, for themselves as much as for everybody. And after suffering (and large miles of disregard, debasement and humiliation) - no body can suffer endlessly - there always comes the moment, where the perception just steps out of the pain. You get cold and angry and might come to the conclusion - as a last resort of self-protection and in order to keep up your autonomy - that deserving is not a one-way. So you might become no longer prepared to share what you've got. The world will have to renounce at that as these things (as much as yoursself) have "obviously" not been of any further value to "the world", anyway. As to "structural" hindrances: of course, there are people who appreciate, who might have something to give in return, who would do anything to support you, who might have what you needed and be willing to give it to you, but due to cultural and societal borders they might not even be able to communicate it to you, for example. It's really only one example on the outer borders. More understandable now? I wonder ... :innocent: ...

Anyway, in a situation as such, one can only hope and wait and hold oneself open to development, without any guarantee. As to The Sisters ... (and from that point of view) ... I think, it's wonderful how things have developed ... and that was not without some definite effort from various people. Thanks endlessly to them, Andrew included. A record? For me, not the most important thing in the world, really.

*sorry to everybody for that large amount of forum space I've taken (again) ... you need not read my idiocies, anyway ... :wink: ...

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 11:50
by James Blast
I didn't

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 14:40
by Prescott
James Blast wrote:I didn't
Unfortunately I did. This is seriously an example of someone being intentionally difficult to comprehend. Which is truly, really, actually, totally, not cool.

If it's money you need Andrew, I'll hook you up.

This other OFF-TOPIC gibberish can go off the pointy end of the "great white pier" for all I care.

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 15:37
by James Blast
nah, you're nuts too

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 15:50
by Sita
The conversation was more interesting to read before the "nuts" and "dick" calling started :roll:

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 15:57
by James Blast
PM me if you need clarification

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 16:31
by Quiff Boy
Sita wrote:The conversation was more interesting to read before the "nuts" and "dick" calling started :roll:
yep :(

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 20:53
by _emma_
Sita wrote:The conversation was more interesting to read before the "nuts" and "dick" calling started :roll:
I totally agree, but even though it might have been interesting, I still don't see the reason for a 10-page long elaborating on something which is in fact so simple and basic:
Rock and roll is about freedom, spontaneity, having fun, living the moment and and doing as one pleases. It's not about taking things too serious, nor about trying to last for ever (we're all going to die anyway after all, eh? and even if our grandchildren have a brief interest listening to Temple Of Love recorded in the studio, their grand children and great grand children probably won't give a damn). To be free, have fun and get paid for it just enough to make a comfortable living is what the majority of musicians aim for as they begin their adventure, then things turn tricky and some of them fall prey to the machine, some don't. One would think that those who manage not to fall prey should have fans who understand it, appreciate it and love them dearly, but that's not always the case. How unfair, don't you think. :| Luckily Andrew doesn't seem to care too much, because he doesn't expect or demand anything from his fans, unlike they do all the time. :|

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 21:15
by Being645
Thank you, _emma_ ... you're perfectly right! ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

...* I really shouldn't have myself provoked into such "essays" ... :roll:...

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 21:27
by MadameButterfly
Being645 wrote:...* I really shouldn't have myself provoked into such "essays" ... :roll:...
no you shouldn't be unfortunately for us you do.

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 21:50
by Being645
MadameButterfly wrote:
Being645 wrote:...* I really shouldn't have myself provoked into such "essays" ... :roll:...
no you shouldn't be unfortunately for us you do.
Nobody is perfect ... :roll: ... :lol: ...

Posted: 26 Aug 2011, 22:43
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
_emma_ wrote: our grandchildren have a brief interest listening to Temple Of Love recorded in the studio
I plan to force feed mine a lot more than that...unless they behave themselves of course. I used to laugh when my kids used to say "Ach, not that band with the guy who cannae sing again" when I used to play TSOM in the car ...

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 02:45
by Prescott
Quiff Boy wrote:
Sita wrote:The conversation was more interesting to read before the "nuts" and "dick" calling started :roll:
yep :(
Yeah I agree. :(

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 03:03
by sultan2075
MadameButterfly wrote:
Being645 wrote:...* I really shouldn't have myself provoked into such "essays" ... :roll:...
no you shouldn't be unfortunately for us you do.
Yeah, we all get that you've got some sort of misunderstanding with each other.

Give it a rest.

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 11:05
by markfiend

This is all getting a bit much isn't it? This thread is hereby on notice. Play nice or it gets locked. 8)

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 11:55
by MadameButterfly
indeed. i'm sorry i was totally out of line. it won't happen again, i promise.

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:18
by million voices
I don't really think anybody's grand-children are going to give a toss about Eldritch

He will feature on their radar about as much as Jack Buchanan does on yours.

It will just be a load of LPs and CDs to chuck in the skip / give to Age Concern when the family clear out your house after they've put you in a home

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 15:10
by Prescott
million voices wrote:I don't really think anybody's grand-children are going to give a toss about Eldritch

He will feature on their radar about as much as Jack Buchanan does on yours.

It will just be a load of LPs and CDs to chuck in the skip / give to Age Concern when the family clear out your house after they've put you in a home
I really don't understand the completely dire and rather dreadful pessimism and apathy of this fanbase. My Sisters stash will be a provision in my will; they either keep my Sisters stash safe and humidity free, or they don't get a single nickel and then all my money goes to charity and the Sisters stash, inter alia, goes to the Library of Congress.

At least I know they'll keep it all in a climate controlled environment. ;)

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 17:59
by paul
Oh no, when I'm dead, my wife can selll the s**t and go on a loooong holiday with the kids to a climate approved environment like Hawaii !

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 19:42
by sultan2075
Prescott wrote:
I really don't understand the completely dire and rather dreadful pessimism and apathy of this fanbase.
Uhm. Have you been paying attention since 1993 or so? It's pretty understandable.

Posted: 29 Aug 2011, 11:12
by Prescott
sultan2075 wrote:
Prescott wrote:
I really don't understand the completely dire and rather dreadful pessimism and apathy of this fanbase.
Uhm. Have you been paying attention since 1993 or so? It's pretty understandable.
Yeah, I've been definitely watching the paint dry since 1993, hence why I started this thread. Hopefully Andrew has taken all the comments here into account lately. I guess I don't have anything more to say. Which will probably come as a relief to some around here. I'll get my coat.

Posted: 29 Aug 2011, 11:18
by Izzy HaveMercy
Oh my, what a bunch of happy vibes on this forum again. It even crawled over to Sisters Chat.


Posted: 29 Aug 2011, 11:23
by James Blast