Wayne on the Sisters.....

THE place for your Sisters-related comments, questions and snippets of Sisters information. For those who do not know, The Sisters of Mercy are a rock'n'roll band. And a pop band. And an industrial groove machine. Or so they say. They make records. Lots of records, apparently. But not in your galaxy. They play concerts. Lots of concerts, actually. But you still cannot see them. So what's it all about, Alfie? This is one of the few tightly-moderated forums on Heartland, so please keep on-topic. All off-topic posts will either be moved or deleted. Chairman Bux is the editor and the editor's decision is final. Danke.
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markfiend wrote:Is it your recording of the Stornoway gig that's kicking about then? :notworthy:
It might be, although a German girl called Barbara recorded it as well so it could be hers. If it's a good recording (but slightly lacking in bass) it's hers, if it sounds a bit crap it's mine. :lol:
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The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
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Going back to his Quietus interview, I for one would certainly buy Wayne's autobiography - it would make Paul O'Grady look like Mother Teresa - and I bet sales would be ten times higher than those for his Julianne Regan collaboration release. :von: would probably pay him £25,000 to avoid publication ...

I love the intro to the interview too, with the bold statements about Wayne's lifestyle which are just as outlandish as anything earlier in this thread, and the hyperbole is gob-smacking - "best live band on the planet...one of the finest guitar songs of the mid-eighties..."[/i]
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moses wrote:as Wayne ever written a song about Eldritch? Because it appears to me that it's :von: who has been more churlish over their little spat.
Well, I'm sure you've read the interviews on the rather barren Sisters website. They reek of absurdly inflated ego, even if taken with a barrel of salt and irony. Can't imagine how someone with borderline NPD would react to being told "Get stuffed" by the other members of his band. Not to mention at the time he was nigh-permanently off his t*ts on one substance or the other. According to Eldritch in NME it was a disappearing act he pulled in New Mexico to go on a drugs bender for a week that was the final straw for Wayne and the rest.

On the other hand Wayne does clearly enjoy needling Eldritch from time to time. You really want an example of the kind of prat Eldo can be, read up on what he did to Pat Morrison just because she didn't want to shag him.
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I think it's very unfair of you to remind Von's adoring fans of what a dickhead he can actually be.
Any more of that and we'll be round your front door with the quick-setting whitewash and the shaved monkey.
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Well borderline NPD is a "diagnosis" one might easily apply to Wayne as much as to almost anybody as well, if only someone
takes the effort to do so. Apart from the fact that they all were "nigh-permanently off their t*ts on one substance or the other" ... :wink: ...
According to Eldritch in NME it was a disappearing act he pulled in New Mexico to go on a drugs bender for a week that was the final straw for Wayne and the rest.
As far as I remember, Eldritch left them there for there was no progress being made among them and because he was bored with the things the others were heading to undertake during their spare time. Insofar Eldritch's excursion over the Mecixan border was surely the best thing to do in the stalemate that was. It offered at least the chance for EVERYBODY to have some fun to their liking and maybe find some perspective on how to go on. Well, giving ground to a process which somebody else had long started in order to get his own thing through, was surely not advisable, but who could know ... :wink:

@ stufarq .... yes, it's very unfair ... :lol: ... but for the moment I keep the counter-strike as short as that ... :twisted: ...
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Being645 wrote:Well borderline NPD is a "diagnosis" one might easily apply to Wayne as much as to almost anybody as well, if only someone
takes the effort to do so. Apart from the fact that they all were "nigh-permanently off their t*ts on one substance or the other" ... :wink: ...
According to Eldritch in NME it was a disappearing act he pulled in New Mexico to go on a drugs bender for a week that was the final straw for Wayne and the rest.
As far as I remember, Eldritch left them there for there was no progress being made among them and because he was bored with the things the others were heading to undertake during their spare time. Insofar Eldritch's excursion over the Mecixan border was surely the best thing to do in the stalemate that was. It offered at least the chance for EVERYBODY to have some fun to their liking and maybe find some perspective on how to go on. Well, giving ground to a process which somebody else had long started in order to get his own thing through, was surely not advisable, but who could know ... :wink:
He'd been off his trolley for some time. Even the interviewer in that article claimed his behaviour had become increasingly erratic, bizarre propositions, and five a.m phonecalls. When he thought going incommunicado for a week was a fun idea the others got ticked off and finally went their own way. Admittedly Wayne was fed up of getting no imput as well, which doubtless didn't help matters. Wether Eldo has cleaned up over the years I've no idea, but I can easily believe he was hard to deal with during that period. Even Tony Adams who's his friend walked off claiming he wasn't allowed enough say in things, so that does kind of validate Wayne, and the way he treated Pat validates Wayne saying he can be a complete arsehole to people.
For what it's worth, I've always thought perhaps Eldo is so snitty is because he expected Wayne to fall flat on his face and fail miserably. He didn't, and became pretty successful in his own right. Does rather validate his claim that he had far more to offer than Eldo would allow him to.
Oh, an whats this constant talk of Wayne writing gibberish lyrics? Has everyone forgotten "small world/smells funny, buy another if it wasn't for the money"??

Incidentally, does anyone else remember Pat Morrison posting on here once giving a quick breakown of what happened between her and the E? I seem to remember it ended with a sarcastic jibe against the out of line "Fat Pat" comments people on here were fond of throwing about..
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Wayne wrote:
"I do not know and I don´t care. I guess it's because he knows that I have much more talent than him,I sing better than he (the truth is that I never liked his voice), and I´m a better composer ... ah, yes, and I still have hair and I'm more handsom
i can't prevent from enjoying wayne these days. very much looking forward to seeing them that tour
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Oh arse, whatever happened to the edit button on here?? Tony Adams, indeed!
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DeWinter wrote:Oh arse, whatever happened to the edit button on here?? Tony Adams, indeed!
I did wonder if you were refering to Craig,or if Eldo had connections to the Arenal team that I was previously unaware of.
"I've seen Andrew Eldritch in an ice hockey shirt onstage, and I've given him the benefit of the doubt"
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DeWinter wrote:Oh arse, whatever happened to the edit button on here?? Tony Adams, indeed!
There's a time limit on editing. IIRC it was introduced after someone posted something out-of-order and then went back and removed the evidence.
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Oh and...
DeWinter wrote:Incidentally, does anyone else remember Pat Morrison posting on here once giving a quick breakown of what happened between her and the E? I seem to remember it ended with a sarcastic jibe against the out of line "Fat Pat" comments people on here were fond of throwing about..
http://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic. ... ht=#476512

I don't know if it was really her though.
The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.
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Oh, an whats this constant talk of Wayne writing gibberish lyrics? Has everyone forgotten "small world/smells funny, buy another if it wasn't for the money"??
That line seems coherent in the context of Vision Thing.

So what is the story between Eldritch and Morrison anyway, and according to whom? (the way I heard of it, she was let go because she hadn't contributed much)
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DeWinter wrote: He'd been off his trolley for some time. Even the interviewer in that article claimed his behaviour had become increasingly erratic, bizarre propositions, and five a.m phonecalls. When he thought going incommunicado for a week was a fun idea the others got ticked off and finally went their own way. Admittedly Wayne was fed up of getting no imput as well, which doubtless didn't help matters. Wether Eldo has cleaned up over the years I've no idea, but I can easily believe he was hard to deal with during that period. Even Tony Adams who's his friend walked off claiming he wasn't allowed enough say in things, so that does kind of validate Wayne, and the way he treated Pat validates Wayne saying he can be a complete arsehole to people.
For what it's worth, I've always thought perhaps Eldo is so snitty is because he expected Wayne to fall flat on his face and fail miserably. He didn't, and became pretty successful in his own right. Does rather validate his claim that he had far more to offer than Eldo would allow him to.
Dear DeWinter,
I would like to answer, but what I would want to say goes beyond public discussion, I think. Still, maybe it's better this way.

The very question that annoys me is:
Did Wayne drive Eldritch deliberately and in full awarenss over the line or not? I confess, I think so, and yes, without any evidence or any right. But I just can't get rid of the impression. Sorry for that. Anyway, even if he did, that were more forgivable than not standing by it. Thanks.

Also, this issue has nothing to do with The m*****n and their music. I just don't like what I heard so far, and I didn't take the effort to search for eventual parts I might possibly like. That's all.

And as to Pat, I might perhaps come back to that later. But even without having read that HL post again, I'd say she never said a thing as you suggested. And you leave a bad mark on her by "citing" her in this way. Thanks.

All in all, it's not my business, and I wonder why it touches me to an extent that I feel it necessary, to have certain facts clear. But I've asked myself this question for more than a few years with scapels at my throat as much as with caring touches on my tortured back. And the answer remains the same: it matters to me ... :( ... can't change that, only wait 'til it's over, or go on trying to resolve it. Ripping it off, did not work. That much I can tell. Thanks. And sorry to anybody concerned for any inconvenience. I can't but be the one I am.
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centurionofprix wrote: That line seems coherent in the context of Vision Thing.

So what is the story between Eldritch and Morrison anyway, and according to whom? (the way I heard of it, she was let go because she hadn't contributed much)
I suppose Wayne would say the same thing about his lyrics. Although I can well believe he bought a copy of "The Monster Book of British Legends" for the lyrics of "Deliverance"..

As for Patricia Morrison..boiling it down, her claim is that she and Eldo were friends,and Eldritch used that to stitch her up with a dodgy contract that meant she got Sweet Francis Adams in the way of money. That's probably why it's claimed she never played bass on the album "Floodland" due to incompetence, even though she was a very competant bassist beforehand.
What caused theactual split no-one knows but them. I lean towards the theory of Eldo getting green eyes over Vanian, simply because it's the most likely.
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Being645 wrote: Dear DeWinter,
I would like to answer, but what I would want to say goes beyond public discussion, I think. Still, maybe it's better this way.

The very question that annoys me is:
Did Wayne drive Eldritch deliberately and in full awarenss over the line or not? I confess, I think so, and yes, without any evidence or any right. But I just can't get rid of the impression. Sorry for that. Anyway, even if he did, that were more forgivable than not standing by it. Thanks.

Also, this issue has nothing to do with The m*****n and their music. I just don't like what I heard so far, and I didn't take the effort to search for eventual parts I might possibly like. That's all.

And as to Pat, I might perhaps come back to that later. But even without having read that HL post again, I'd say she never said a thing as you suggested. And you leave a bad mark on her by "citing" her in this way. Thanks.

All in all, it's not my business, and I wonder why it touches me to an extent that I feel it necessary, to have certain facts clear. But I've asked myself this question for more than a few years with scapels at my throat as much as with caring touches on my tortured back. And the answer remains the same: it matters to me ... :( ... can't change that, only wait 'til it's over, or go on trying to resolve it. Ripping it off, did not work. That much I can tell. Thanks. And sorry to anybody concerned for any inconvenience. I can't but be the one I am.
It's just a band, ducky. Good in it's day, now trading on it's past. And Eldritch is just a part of it. Maybe he's an absolute joy to be around now, in the past he was an erratic junkie who did some mean things. Doesn't mean I think he sells poisoned milk to schoolchildren.
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DeWinter wrote:
Being645 wrote: Dear DeWinter,
I would like to answer, but what I would want to say goes beyond public discussion, I think. Still, maybe it's better this way.

The very question that annoys me is:
Did Wayne drive Eldritch deliberately and in full awarenss over the line or not? I confess, I think so, and yes, without any evidence or any right. But I just can't get rid of the impression. Sorry for that. Anyway, even if he did, that were more forgivable than not standing by it. Thanks.

Also, this issue has nothing to do with The m*****n and their music. I just don't like what I heard so far, and I didn't take the effort to search for eventual parts I might possibly like. That's all.

And as to Pat, I might perhaps come back to that later. But even without having read that HL post again, I'd say she never said a thing as you suggested. And you leave a bad mark on her by "citing" her in this way. Thanks.

All in all, it's not my business, and I wonder why it touches me to an extent that I feel it necessary, to have certain facts clear. But I've asked myself this question for more than a few years with scapels at my throat as much as with caring touches on my tortured back. And the answer remains the same: it matters to me ... :( ... can't change that, only wait 'til it's over, or go on trying to resolve it. Ripping it off, did not work. That much I can tell. Thanks. And sorry to anybody concerned for any inconvenience. I can't but be the one I am.
It's just a band, ducky. Good in it's day, now trading on it's past. And Eldritch is just a part of it. Maybe he's an absolute joy to be around now, in the past he was an erratic junkie who did some mean things. Doesn't mean I think he sells poisoned milk to schoolchildren.
SSV made it very clear that it's not milk.
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DeWinter wrote: It's just a band, ducky. Good in it's day, now trading on it's past. And Eldritch is just a part of it. Maybe he's an absolute joy to be around now, in the past he was an erratic junkie who did some mean things.
Yes love, they are a band. They were a band back in the days and I enjoyed their music. And they are band now, and I enjoy their music ever more,
also because Eldritch is now, more than ever, a part of it, and because it's an absolute joy to me to have them all around and do that thing ...

But hell treasure, how do you get to the idea that a band who played Japan only this year after having denied it some twenty years ago, only because they were announced as some former line-up, a band who has for about 20 years unceasingly been hinting at the fact that they are no Goth band (anymore), a band who's current members - and I take that as an identifying element - do all have their own thing running (what and whereever it be), how do you get to the idea that a band as such were trading on their past?

IMHO, neither The Sisters nor m*****n are doing so. The past is something that turns up again and again, because questions like mine remain unresolved. Maybe this will go on for ever, and if so, this might be not because some people would go on asking questions or ranting about that band or other, but because we forget as we forgive.
DeWinter wrote: Doesn't mean I think he sells poisoned milk to schoolchildren.
Well, nobody who ever listened to The Reptile House EP would take Eldritch for an innocent nerd, I guess. The medicine man, however, that was Wayne, IIRC ... :twisted: :lol: ...
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I am sorry, De Winter. Now that I've slept over it, I know I should not have treated you like this.
I know you are a sweet and nice person. I can read itthrough your lines. And of course, you
have a right to whatever your opinion. And of course, you're right and I shouldn't take it all
that seriously. It's just some reflex on my part. I paid way too much for way too long only
because I fell in love with one person. And because I had withdrawn from human company
for toolong. One loses a few means of communication and all sense for a little fun. Now I
gotta learn that again and get rid of all that dumbness I had let win over my common sense
out of despair, as a last resort to counteract, and in revenge. I shall see to controlling my
posts a bit better in future. I hope you forgive me. :?
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@Being645, you know, I'm gonna get you a new pen for xmas

did you know von liked to be addressed as God? I still believe in God..., Gods own ... you get the idea :lol: :lol:
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paint it black wrote:@Being645, you know, I'm gonna get you a new pen for xmas

did you know von liked to be addressed as God? I still believe in God..., Gods own ... you get the idea :lol: :lol:
... :lol: ... you're joking paint it black.
Von always wanted everybody to find the God(ness) within themselves and bring it to life ... ;D ;D ;D ...

But one can't just force it ... :wink: ...

A new pen? ... :eek: ... what colour? :lol:
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not joking, well known fact. Seen xmas and get well cards signed by god

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Being645 wrote:A new pen? ... :eek: ... what colour? :lol:
A green biro probably ;)

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Izzy wrote:Image
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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Quiff Boy wrote:*cough*
Izzy wrote:Image
A cheap win, Barry, very cheap! :lol:

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