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Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 19:45
by Planet Dave
Cripes, I hope we don't bump into him after a few. Might not be able to maintain polite smalltalk, and veer into 'what the fcuk was THAT all about' territory. :urff: :innocent: :twisted:

Chances are I'll be in the DD from 5.30, in the vain hope of the match being on in there, see you all when I see you all folks. :D :notworthy:

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 21:36
by vicus
THE CULT will tour South America in December. Dates & venues are as follows:

Fri 01 Dec - Mexico City, MEXICO Salon 21
Sun 03 Dec - Santiago, CHILE Victor Jara Stadium
Tue 05 Dec - Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA Obras Sanitarias
Thu 07 Dec - Sao Paulo, BRAZIL Credi Card Hall
Fri 08 Dec - Belo Horizonte, BRAZIL Chevrolet Hall
Sat 09 Dec - Rio De Janeiro, BRAZIL Claro Hall
Tue 12 Dec - Curitiba, BRAZIL Master Hall 4000

This is an official tour confirmation from

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 23:55
by Karst
Oh dear - South America is where it all went pish the last time, didn't it?

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 00:41
by the-happening
Karst wrote:Oh dear - South America is where it all went pish the last time, didn't it?
It was all a bit pish tonight, what a pile of turd, I remembered tonight why I hadn't bothered to see "Cult" for twenty years. Astbury you are a knob who had forgotten he was playing with "Cult" rather then the 20th Century Doors.

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 00:52
by boudicca
weebleswobble wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:Subculture sounds like a goer alright, deffo for a quid in!

I hope Astbury is a nob in Leeds, it'll increase the pleasure derived from heckles / missiles no end. :lol:
Young Tim has been in touch, asking if he should buy a ticket. I said go for it, if he changes his mind he can always meet up for a bit of Subculture later.... (that's after we have a drink in the Dry Dock);D
Yeh, that's probably cos I asked him... I'd totally forgotten about this gig, having gone off the Cult a bit, the more sad, bloated and apparently dim Astbury gets with every passing year.

Still, if I'm staring at a stage it saves talking to you lot :P . Maybe I should wear those fancy cowboy boots you liked last year at Bloktober, Dave... I will forever know them now as my "Cult boots" :lol:

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 01:23
by allfear
I dunno I quite liked the hippied out asbuary, telling the bouncers to be gentle with people that were pulled out of the audience.


Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 09:41
by weebleswobble
boudicca wrote:
Yeh, that's probably cos I asked him... I'd totally forgotten about this gig, having gone off the Cult a bit, the more sad, bloated and apparently dim Astbury gets with every passing year.
You're talking about most of us..... :innocent:
boudicca wrote: Still, if I'm staring at a stage it saves talking to you lot :P :lol:
You'll be getting thrown on stage ya wee slip of a girl! :twisted:

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 11:11
by scotty
Well, the Brixton gig last night was superb..................truly superb :notworthy: :notworthy: , a great set, LOUD as f**k, great crowd, no hiding behind smoke, an eighties Goff/Rock band really pulling off a exelent gig......are you watching Mr Eldrich :innocent:

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 11:44
by weebleswobble
scotty wrote:Well, the Brixton gig last night was superb..................truly superb :notworthy: :notworthy: , a great set, LOUD as f**k, great crowd, no hiding behind smoke, an eighties Goff/Rock band really pulling off a exelent gig......are you watching Mr Eldrich :innocent:
You tell him big man!, glad you liked it ;D

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 19:53
by hellboy69
I had a fookin fantastic time as well ~ easily as good as the '88 and 2001 shows i saw ~ EASILY. The band rocked, loud, lots of energy, great set. Excellent crowd, mosh pit, completely sold out, sweaty & packed.

Took Astbury a couple of tunes to get his voice warmed up, but after that he was on top form & very funny banter in places ~ "did any of you see us play when i was really fat?" ... "this song is from when we were trying to be a really big rock band" ... and my favourite: "see you again in about 6 months" :notworthy:

Brixton setlist (SPOILERS for future shows - so am linking to it): ... &start=105

For those going to Leeds etc, have fun people! :twisted:

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 20:09
by MadameButterfly
hellboy69 wrote: For those going to Leeds etc, have fun people! :twisted:
Yeah second that! Throw yourselves naked on stage and get someone to take a photo shot then post it! :P

Nice reviews people and good to see we really know how to rock to the Cult! :notworthy: :twisted: :notworthy:

*edit* - There is no coverage via mobile phone goddamnit! Have left a message but seriously hope someone is getting naked! :twisted:
Flinge yourselves on stage or in the crowd - whichever one works if a photo is taken! Go people it's rock 'n roll if anything...!

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 14:51
by weebleswobble
Fantastic gig, place was jumping before they came on stage! Great set, no brother wolf though :cry: , but geat banter and Billy was king of the riffs :notworthy:

We all decided that it was a f**king great night and the double bonus was the bootleg tour shirt for a fiver 8)

Pity some c**t at that Subculture club broke my glasses, a right bunch of dickheads there, reminds me why I don't go out anymore...... :urff:

Edit: Just got your message Debs :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 14:54
by Obviousman
Good to hear you liked it! Next time everyone will take revenge for your glasses on the c**t, for sure :twisted:

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 16:13
by Planet Dave
Yep, reet night out, so THAT's what a proper gig looks and sounds like, I'd forgot. The pit was insane. Was talking to a fair few revellers there who'd seen The Sisters in May and generally agreed that they were wank. Oops.

Stephen, you weren't scrapping were you? I thought it was gonna kick off once or twice, so it must've been bad for me to notice. :eek: Bloody goths. :urff:

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 16:45
by Zuma
Just delighted you had a good night out folks.. :lol:

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 17:47
by libby
Yeah, good to hear most of you enjoyed it as much as I did :D

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 19:35
by Andie
czuczu wrote:I'll be loafing round Brixton tomorrow night - probably be in the bar on the corner at some time beforehand :)
aye..that you did...caught in a bloody Silver Bullet T as very goff of you Czu :notworthy: :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 20:45
by tooyoung
I saw this on The Cult website. It's from a review of the show in Leeds last night.
Lots of funny comment to the crowd, some Scottish bloke shouting out Ian took the p*ss he said something about “Electric Soup� check it out on Wiki you’ll get the joke!
Then it happen……..Billy started playing “Temple of Love� acoustic intro ~ a goth chick next to me had an orgasm!!!
Was anyone at the concert, and did they really play part of Temple of Love?

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 21:17
by Planet Dave
tooyoung wrote:I saw this on The Cult website. It's from a review of the show in Leeds last night.
Lots of funny comment to the crowd, some Scottish bloke shouting out Ian took the p*ss he said something about “Electric Soup� check it out on Wiki you’ll get the joke!
Then it happen……..Billy started playing “Temple of Love� acoustic intro ~ a goth chick next to me had an orgasm!!!
Was anyone at the concert, and did they really play part of Temple of Love?
Don't recall that, but then that's vodka for you. :roll: :P

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 21:22
by scotty
tooyoung wrote:I saw this on The Cult website. It's from a review of the show in Leeds last night.
Lots of funny comment to the crowd, some Scottish bloke shouting out Ian took the p*ss he said something about “Electric Soup� check it out on Wiki you’ll get the joke!
Then it happen……..Billy started playing “Temple of Love� acoustic intro ~ a goth chick next to me had an orgasm!!!
Was anyone at the concert, and did they really play part of Temple of Love?
That Scottish bloke wasn't me either :eek: :lol: , though I am guilty of shouting out " Wasteland!!" at Brixton!

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 21:23
by James Blast
so scotty wisnae in Leeds? :innocent:

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 21:44
by Planet Dave
It's just occured to me, there was no sign of Dommie or R&R last night? Where were you people?

Still, was most fine to see Tim & Claire again, how was the curry?, and Mr Hunter, although how on earth I can live with the horror of hugging a bloke in a leeds united top I'll never know. Night terrors ago-go, I should imagine. And of course me mate Sarah, who by all accounts looked after Stephen & Mark in the crowd. She's lovely like that.

Posted: 24 Sep 2006, 22:58
by weebleswobble
tooyoung wrote:I saw this on The Cult website. It's from a review of the show in Leeds last night.
Lots of funny comment to the crowd, some Scottish bloke shouting out Ian took the p*ss he said something about “Electric Soup� check it out on Wiki you’ll get the joke!
Then it happen……..Billy started playing “Temple of Love� acoustic intro ~ a goth chick next to me had an orgasm!!!
Was anyone at the concert, and did they really play part of Temple of Love?
I was too busy drinking and fighting :innocent:

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 15:55
by wild bill buttock
Saw them last night in Brum.Despite all my misgivings, the world's worse hangover,The academy being oversold and hotter than hell it was a tremendous gig.
Its always better seeing a band when they've nothing new to promote,I think.They play the hits and the good stuff without all that "Here's a new one" bollocks.
Good set,good sound and even Astbury's ego was smaller than it used to be.Does exactly was it says on the tin.

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 17:19
by MadameButterfly
weebleswobble wrote: Edit: Just got your message Debs :lol: :lol: :lol:
Slightly late...but I have no idea what I said! :oops: :oops: