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Posted: 03 Aug 2011, 13:32
by Quiff Boy
hmm, strange then :|

are you running the latest version of FF? 5.0.1

Posted: 03 Aug 2011, 13:41
by emilystrange
yup! ggrrrr...

Posted: 03 Aug 2011, 14:25
by Dan
Opera's good, although I'm using 10.63 as I wasn't happy with the later versions. The trouble with Opera is they get something right then when they update they break it again.

Posted: 03 Aug 2011, 20:02
by James Blast
I haven't Lion'd yet but this iMac has purred perfectly from day 1 (over a year now), the optical died but Apple sorted that within 6 days.

The older I get, the more reserved I'm becoming...
I don't feel the need for the latest 'this that and the other'. It feckin' works at lightnin' speed, why would I break it with a 'new improved'? There were several new 'bells & whistles' in Leopard that I still haven't fannied with, why should I go further when I'm so happy with what I have? You gotta remember I'm from the ground floor - 1985 and 3 designers on wee Mac Pluses sharing a 20 Megabyte Hard Drive!!!!!!!!
Holy Shit! this is ace :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

It'll break my beloved FreeHand too, so I'm not having that!

be happy with what you've got, I'm happy with everything I have :D

Posted: 03 Aug 2011, 20:28
by markfiend
One of my favourite origami books (published 1995) has this on the copyright page:
Software: Aldus Freehand 3.1, Color-It 2.3 and proprietary PostScript extensions
Hardware: Macintosh SE + Novy Quik30 Accelerator, Macintosh Quadra 700
(my emphasis)

I does like my Linux these days, but a Mac just cannot be beaten for design work.

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 07:32
by lazarus corporation

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 11:38
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:I haven't Lion'd yet but this iMac has purred perfectly from day 1 (over a year now), the optical died but Apple sorted that within 6 days.

The older I get, the more reserved I'm becoming...
I don't feel the need for the latest 'this that and the other'. It feckin' works at lightnin' speed, why would I break it with a 'new improved'? There were several new 'bells & whistles' in Leopard that I still haven't fannied with, why should I go further when I'm so happy with what I have? You gotta remember I'm from the ground floor - 1985 and 3 designers on wee Mac Pluses sharing a 20 Megabyte Hard Drive!!!!!!!!
Holy Shit! this is ace :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

It'll break my beloved FreeHand too, so I'm not having that!

be happy with what you've got, I'm happy with everything I have :D
If it ain't broke, don't fix it... ;)


Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 18:08
by paint it black
hello again

why do some of my DVD rips through decrypter have only partial sound? for example the music sounds great but the voices sound muted/underwater? Any ideas


Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 20:18
by EvilBastard
Might sound obvious, but have you checked your sound settings? Vox normally comes through the centre channel, if your setup is off then you'll get the problem you're having. I used to have the same issue.

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 23:19
by paint it black
EvilBastard wrote:Might sound obvious, but have you checked your sound settings? Vox normally comes through the centre channel, if your setup is off then you'll get the problem you're having. I used to have the same issue.
thanks :notworthy: it wasn't that but you pointed me in a direction I wouldn't have thought of. It appears to be the 6CH Aud that was causing the problem. After some geeking around, it appears if I 'enable stream processing' I can then turn Aud options / subtitles on/off - and I can now watch The Empire Strikes back on my Cowon - result :D :notworthy:

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 07:59
by maartini
hell yeah - looking forward to seeing this movie. I believe Andy did see them at Sweden Rock :notworthy:

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 08:58
by markfiend
maartini wrote:hell yeah - looking forward to seeing this movie. I believe Andy did see them at Sweden Rock :notworthy:
Wrong thread? Or spam?

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 15:23
by markfiend

Me Currently Geeking:

I have purchased myself a Zotac Zbox (320 GB HD not 250 as it says there... even though I only ordered 250GB :lol:) and have installed XBMC live on it. (Basically a stripped-down Ubuntu running very little other than XBMC itself.)

It's very shiny indeed and a lot better than the reclaimed machine that had been acting as the HTPC: more HD space, a hell of a lot quieter, and a lot less intrusive (18cm x 18cm x 5 cm approx). The old HTPC is going to be relegated to the basement to act as a file-server.

It has actually required very little geeking to set up:
  1. Created bootable USB stick (The Zbox has no optical drive)
  2. Chose my own partition layout (256MB swap, 4GB / the rest /home) as opposed to the defaults suggested (6GB swap? wtf?)
  3. Set up auto-login so I don't need the keyboard plugged in when I power the machine up. This was a bit tricky, there's no GDM -- or graphical login manager of any kind -- but I got it working.
  4. Got shutdown to work from within XBMC with the IR remote.
Everything else just worked.

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 15:37
by James Blast
oh, you're still dealing in gigs and megs

terrably sorry old boy :lol:

Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 18:42
by Izzy HaveMercy
Bought AutoSampler yesterday and now I am able to turn every hardware synth into a softsynth you can use in Reason, Kontakt or ESX format! :D

My aulde Roland XP50 can finally enjoy his retirement in my studio now, no more road-trips for the old box! ;D

This works a treat, just plug in the outputs and one MIDI cable and that's it!


Posted: 14 Sep 2011, 08:22
by Pista
Might go in for one of these little wonders


Posted: 16 Oct 2011, 13:53
by lazarus corporation
Currently geeking the new release of Kubuntu (Kubuntu 11.10, the Oneiric Ocelot)


Posted: 16 Oct 2011, 14:15
by Izzy HaveMercy
lazarus corporation wrote:Currently geeking the new release of Kubuntu (Kubuntu 11.10, the Oneiric Ocelot)

Lion costs 29 dollar, cheek! ;D


Posted: 16 Oct 2011, 21:44
by emilystrange
Pista wrote:Might go in for one of these little wonders

is that the iPad3, lego version?

Posted: 16 Oct 2011, 22:24
by Pista
emilystrange wrote:
Pista wrote:Might go in for one of these little wonders

is that the iPad3, lego version?
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 16 Oct 2011, 23:35
by Izzy HaveMercy
Pista wrote:
emilystrange wrote:
Pista wrote:Might go in for one of these little wonders

is that the iPad3, lego version?
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:
With 4 WORKING USB PORTS? An iPad! :eek:

Not bloody likely!


Posted: 17 Oct 2011, 14:15
by DocSommer
maybe it's 4 working iSB ports (on each side)^^

Posted: 25 Oct 2011, 11:30
by emilystrange
i am blumming cross. i've been playing on a test site on own server, found a most lovely theme, set it to what i wanted. came to transfer the real site across, activated same theme, looking lovely, but.. hang on. the widget sidebar isn't the same, it should have two colums. hmmm. switched themes and back again. hmm. reinstalled theme from wp and then from the developer - they are NOT THE SAME. the appearance options have disappeared. why on earth should that be? there's been no theme update. background different. now i've not got what i want and it's going to take foreever to find a new one.

Posted: 25 Oct 2011, 11:58
by emilystrange
i've now found the version i want... on so why exactly was i able to use it on until this morning?

Posted: 04 Nov 2011, 17:32
by markfiend
Fun with obfuscated Python:

Code: Select all

_         ='''eJydVm          1vm0gQ/s6v          2H6oli2LD7          CNiU98iO+u
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          d+BxnIlwJo          qns2S+WPJQ          FlG2SCQfj+          4m9zdc8jzO
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zVmOYqHvw3          yUzVj0i/fe          8f34vcOSdJ          +U7ioXNtE9
EYoqETD7rj          RtacKsEeSB          2wsNzg5btt          n+nfBQaM9V
GkuZD/Pgur          PKZsmLvhRK          EeIQCYwnkm          9BQGDEGpDR
q5An7Uv9rU          HEGsm5PaG+          kHBMsSs5Ch          wpkaZnxEPt
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HslcbsRQY1          s/CDXK5wfk          EwQ7Gu9w/B          FQ8Yc9/BWi
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          q0gO34qMbb          Vxo6b4iQY8          TC88FveLnl          e1BdW8XBmE
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          59kYl7M5oz          Wy8aR9TMY4          TSZjrYhoZL          jIp+stp+jT
8Q37DxbbER          KeJr4cadPT          xJepXGbpM5          XTJG+jP6ht
n/UdrGx47H          N+l/0ssbJH          dRIo9WyVin          qBSr1x+P1u
FP+XkBbFwK          elAlpnASfF          /ywebRTUkD          b5p7UJ8eN3
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          /rVZWVVwHa          tMfYAD6ghc          sqwuYWub6P          XBk9Undeb7
          kNDVMBRvlD          NrPfOSYP66          4NOJIJ2+n/          Xy7J3Lg8z9
          irEJhk4oZG          2aDlBkutof          ICkNlOahzI          NDiJWSaGnY
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WzBrcSzs3P          d7dNbTJPnL          adozB3yTWw          WoWYPSPWi6
FV9T3S9VF5          6ouVZLzqvk          +m4ZEAZVxE          FT0O2WABg0
ACoGSV6hNb          BAcoNrwbtE          3QTU+g5VaR          PQPus1Szbm
FE5x3CZn0O          T0m5xccfgL          fNoLF2o5At          xUlEdNo4Qq
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MS8va7m6XN          zCAJo79RvH          IxvTgREUNF          OoGdwHOyEw
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          RYswv0BYEK          EsWao9+nxy          N7q/gTvxuP          xxZrCuwz4w
          qD0MeV7+ii          zereHK/GTD          7+WFa6l/qz          8K7ftylSYs
          fQfVgXrnxS          o7sK/oYA9+          EX3/c5Xl3w          46mAr4wI55
          wY1KwfmnNE          0WUUp34Q67          PY73LCoSLl          NAngR79D/r
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