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Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 17:26
by Badlander
There's still enough room for some more panicking.

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 17:32
by Planet Dave
Dark wrote:That reminds me of Monty Python.. the giant cat in "Attack Of The Killer Cars".
not to mention the big cat in The Goodies. ;D

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 17:36
by boudicca
Badlander wrote:There's still enough room for some more panicking.
Oh good!

Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggghhh! ;D

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 17:46
by Obviousman
We're having French chicken tonight ;D

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 19:11
by Brideoffrankenstein
Obviousman wrote:We're having French chicken tonight ;D
Blimey lookout for the bird flu! :eek:

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 19:18
by Ozpat
Obviousman wrote:We're having French chicken tonight ;D
Why French? Did they destroy all the Belgian ones? :innocent:

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 20:14
by Badlander
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Obviousman wrote:We're having French chicken tonight ;D
Blimey lookout for the bird flu! :eek:
Tell us if you grow feathers.

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 20:15
by Obviousman
Nothing itchy yet :lol:

A French one as their very nice chickens were very cheap, odd enough :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 21:04
by Badlander
And I suppose you were pretty much into British beef some years ago ? Are you sure you're not just a tad greedy, not one tiny iota ?

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 21:48
by Obviousman
Ah, well, I'm sure it only comes over the border if it's controlled really well. And most probably Belgium will have the flu anytime soon too, so. BSE is just before my time, but I remember Dioxine here in Belgium, twas like living in Eastern Europe, half-empty shops and all that :eek:

But IIRC we ate chicken in those days too, and I've never had any problems as far as I remember.

Greedy? I keep your economy going man, you should be happy :lol:

Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 23:01
by Badlander
Obviousman wrote:Ah, well, I'm sure it only comes over the border if it's controlled really well.
Only because damn' EC won't let us get rid o... I mean honestly sell contaminated meat. :evil: They say it must be clean and all. Like they wouldn't trust us. :innocent:

I mean it's fair : you buy our meat, we buy your comics (yeah, I know you do too).

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 18:53
by Badlander
I've just been informed that a cat was found dead from H5N1 in Germany.

NOW I'm scared :!: :!: :!:

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:03
by Obviousman
Badlander wrote:I've just been informed that a cat was found dead from H5N1 in Germany.

NOW I'm scared :!: :!: :!:
Well, I only have a dog, so I'm still quite comfortable 8) :lol:

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:20
by doc P
Badlander wrote:I've just been informed that a cat was found dead from H5N1 in Germany.

NOW I'm scared :!: :!: :!:
maybe the cat caught and ate an infected bird :innocent:

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:29
by Badlander
Then my kitty is safe. He's far too lazy to even bother trying to catch birds.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 05:16
by Ozpat
doc P wrote:
Badlander wrote:I've just been informed that a cat was found dead from H5N1 in Germany.

NOW I'm scared :!: :!: :!:
maybe the cat caught and ate an infected bird :innocent:
I told my two guys not to catch any birds....I guess they're safe... :roll:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 11:36
by markfiend
It's a bit of a worry, the cat. Everyone's been panicking about H5N1 crossing to humans, no-one's considered that it might jump to another species instead. Feline bird flu? :urff:

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 11:53
by canon docre
markfiend wrote:It's a bit of a worry, the cat. Everyone's been panicking about H5N1 crossing to humans, no-one's considered that it might jump to another species instead. Feline bird flu? :urff:
So we are back at this now?


scary stuff.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 13:12
by Badlander
markfiend wrote:It's a bit of a worry, the cat. Everyone's been panicking about H5N1 crossing to humans, no-one's considered that it might jump to another species instead. Feline bird flu? :urff:
I heard several cats have already been found dead from H5N1 in Asia. They had either eaten sick birds or smelled birds' poo.

Stop press : the dead cat found in Germany had indeed eaten a bird.

Posted: 01 Mar 2006, 13:14
by Obviousman
Quite the same as kids toying with dead birds then :|

I'll just make sure my dog doesn't lick anything connected in any way to birds when walking her then...

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 09:46
by Purple Light
My Mum was in a meeting about all this yesterday headed by a government woman & told me all about it....

There is absolutely no doubt that Avian Flu will reach these shores... because its already here!!! Its always here. The question is will it turn into a human killer like it has in Asia? Virtually no chance. You have to firstly have real flu yourself (Not man flu, proper flu!) & then you will have to virually sleep with an infected bird/cat/whatever animal has it for a few days in a very confined space.

We'll be ok. Animals won't for a long time (estimated at 5 years from the first outbreak to the last), but we will.

Posted: 02 Mar 2006, 10:22
by Badlander
Do you have - did she get - any information as to how serious the condition is ? I heard it's no more serious than a bad flu. Like Spanish flu after WWI, which killed millions of people, but only because of sheer exhaustion caused by the conflict and lack of all sorts of resources and means of subsistance. Weak bodies that just couldn't take it.

Actual flu can be quite a serious condition, so it's not to be neglected. But on the other hand, if bird flu is really what it's supposed to be, a flu, it may not be the relentless killer we're afraid it is. It's potentianlly dangerous for the elderly, children, pregnant women and the like. But all in all, nothing to get crazy about.

You're more likely to get lung cancer or die in a car accident.

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 20:23
by Badlander
Stop press : cats from Austria who were sick from H5N1 are now healed !

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 20:35
by Dark
My cat's been sneezing today, and my dog. I doubt it's anything, though my cat looks so utterly cute when she sneezes and raises a paw to her nose/mouth. ;D ^_^

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 20:40
by Badlander
Dark wrote:My cat's been sneezing today, and my dog. I doubt it's anything, though my cat looks so utterly cute when she sneezes and raises a paw to her nose/mouth. ;D ^_^
My cat snores. Even that I find cute ! Tells you how gaga I am.