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Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:22
by Obviousman
I like rabbit... With prunes... And trappist sauce...

Mmmm Image

Konaan mee proame, konaan me proame... En miejer moetta nie zèèn!

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:29
by Dark
Obviousman wrote:Konaan mee proame, konaan me proame... En miejer moetta nie zèèn!
Uhh.. Weet je wat ik wil, een opblaaskrokodil.. :innocent:

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:32
by Obviousman
No you don't ;D

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:35
by aims
I do. Om in de Zee zu drijven 'n' ting...

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:36
by Obviousman
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

'zu' has nothing to do with Dutch though

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:42
by aims
Ah, yes. Was posting while under the influence of German :lol:

Om in de zee te drijven

Silly "um etw. zu tun" construct :roll:

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:44
by Obviousman
'te' is probably the exact translation for 'zu', so it nearly got you there :D

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 20:45
by Big Si
Obviousman wrote:I like rabbit... With prunes... And trappist sauce...

Mmmm Image

Konaan mee proame, konaan me proame... En miejer moetta nie zèèn!
What about a nice old fashioned stew?
