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Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 13:37
by a.r.kane
AK-47 big fat f**ker

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 17:12
by Brideoffrankenstein
a.r.kane wrote:AK-47 big fat f**ker

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 20:51
by shagriml
I had to work my ass off this week completing my new song in just less than 3 days. Smoked damn a lot of cigarettes during that time. Started feeling ill today after smoking a few cigarettes, threw away last of the last pack (I want to quit anyway). Now smoking only weed :)

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 22:16
by Silver_Owl
shagriml wrote: Now smoking only weed :)
I'm with you on that one. trying to give up the tabs so I'm down to 20 spliffs a day now. :D

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 22:26
by Gottdammerung
Currently wishing I had a fat spliff..

Decided to test some disco biscuits and sitting gurning like a fool...

gah, when will I learn1

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 22:29
by Silver_Owl
Gottdammerung wrote:Currently wishing I had a fat spliff..

Decided to test some disco biscuits and sitting gurning like a fool...

gah, when will I learn1
In the plural?
Now that's a hardcore night in. :lol:

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 22:33
by Gottdammerung
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Gottdammerung wrote:Currently wishing I had a fat spliff..

Decided to test some disco biscuits and sitting gurning like a fool...

gah, when will I learn1
In the plural?
Now that's a hardcore night in. :lol:
tell me bout it, first one did sod all.. so it was in for a penny and most definitely a pound!



Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 22:36
by Silver_Owl
Gottdammerung wrote:
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Gottdammerung wrote:Currently wishing I had a fat spliff..

Decided to test some disco biscuits and sitting gurning like a fool...

gah, when will I learn1
In the plural?
Now that's a hardcore night in. :lol:
tell me bout it, first one did sod all.. so it was in for a penny and most definitely a pound!


Have you started making boxes or whatever they call it, whilst wearing white gloves and illuminated shades?
Maybe not. :|

Posted: 07 Apr 2006, 22:38
by Gottdammerung
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Gottdammerung wrote:
Hom_Corleone wrote: In the plural?
Now that's a hardcore night in. :lol:
tell me bout it, first one did sod all.. so it was in for a penny and most definitely a pound!


Have you started making boxes or whatever they call it, whilst wearing white gloves and illuminated shades?
Maybe not. :|

lol... nah, Ill leave that for tomorrow night... :lol:

And jebus, fricking golf on the box! Gah!!!


Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 22:11
by MadameButterfly
Planet Dave wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:Oh what a lovely thread....this is going to be interesting!

:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

currently smoking
*white widow*


*then falls over at the very thought of what that stuff did to him last time he was in town*
bloody tourists! :roll:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 22:12
by lazarus corporation
currently smoking duty-free Greek Marlboro

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 22:14
by MadameButterfly
radiojamaica wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:
currently smoking
*white widow*

aha, the good widow... she's flooding the Lowlands these days, I had her last night :innocent: Good stuff...
Bet you, smoking one now? :twisted:
She's known to have a bite of the deadly kind and then she eats her mate and...or was that the black widow? :innocent:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 22:16
by MadameButterfly
lazarus corporation wrote:currently smoking duty-free Greek Marlboro
But Marlboro is Marlboro or not?
I smoke the Dutch Marlboro on occasion.

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 22:19
by MadameButterfly
a.r.kane wrote:AK-47 big fat f**ker
Please explain. You see, I know AK-47 as a weapon, you know with bullets and all and if you are smoking it, does that mean you have a weapon in your mouth to blow your brains out or is it a certain thing you smoke? Like the name of a certain dagga or hash?

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 22:21
by lazarus corporation
MadameButterfly wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:currently smoking duty-free Greek Marlboro
But Marlboro is Marlboro or not?
I smoke the Dutch Marlboro on occasion.
As an acknowledged expert, I have to say that the nicotine and tar contents (and hence the taste and hit) of Marlboro vary depending on which country you get them from.

Having nearly finished off this box of 200, I can say that Greek Marlboro are reasonably similar to the UK variety, if a tad rougher.

I have 200 US Marlboro currently sitting in Philadelphia, which I should get the week after next. US Marlboro pack a damn sight harder kick than the UK ones.

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 22:28
by MadameButterfly
lazarus corporation wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:currently smoking duty-free Greek Marlboro
But Marlboro is Marlboro or not?
I smoke the Dutch Marlboro on occasion.
As an acknowledged expert, I have to say that the nicotine and tar contents (and hence the taste and hit) of Marlboro vary depending on which country you get them from.

Having nearly finished off this box of 200, I can say that Greek Marlboro are reasonably similar to the UK variety, if a tad rougher.

I have 200 US Marlboro currently sitting in Philadelphia, which I should get the week after next. US Marlboro pack a damn sight harder kick than the UK ones.
Now for a very long time I have been wondering about it but indeed it is true. Depending on the country where the brand is made, quality can be vary from country to country. In South Africa I used to smoke Peter Stuyvesant the red label and it was a smooth smoke but of the dangerous kind. We even get the soft or hard packs of 20's or the 30's box. They were the smoke in those days. The Peter Stuyvesant here in Holland has no kick whatsoever so that was my move over to the Dutch Marlboro's.

But the red pack as the Marlboro lights are a girlie thing again, there is no kick and you are just blowing smoke with that one!

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 01:08
by radiojamaica
MadameButterfly wrote:
radiojamaica wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:
currently smoking
*white widow*

aha, the good widow... she's flooding the Lowlands these days, I had her last night :innocent: Good stuff...
Bet you, smoking one now? :twisted:
She's known to have a bite of the deadly kind and then she eats her mate and...or was that the black widow? :innocent:
you caught me redhanded :oops: That's why it took me so long to get this posted :innocent:

And she's cool in my house 8)

Posted: 17 Apr 2006, 11:06
by rian
Nothing for the last 6 years. Before that, Marlboro for 18 years.

Oh, and some funny cigarettes aswell... ;D

Posted: 17 Apr 2006, 11:34
by nick the stripper
rian wrote:funny cigarettes
They told jokes? :|

Posted: 17 Apr 2006, 18:17
by rian
nick the stripper wrote:
rian wrote:funny cigarettes
They told jokes? :|
Nah. But I told some bad jokes after I smoked them.....


Posted: 04 Sep 2006, 22:27
by DGP00666

God Bless Ya

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 09:56
by Kosminski
An unlit Camel Light is dangling in my mouth, but I've considered a switch to Morley

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 10:18
by ryan
Currently out of smoke. hit the booze and still waiting for the man to come :x

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 18:20
by Izzy HaveMercy
Still on the Barclay Menthol myself.

I quit every night. I start all over again every morn.


Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 10:00
by markfiend
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:I quit every night. I start all over again every morn.
:notworthy: TESTIFY!