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Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 14:24
by robertzombie
I just like the way Andy dressed back in 1984/85 (no leather plz :wink:) so I wear that but tshirts instead of the shirt... sad I know but I don't really care.

It's weird coz people presume I'm "goth" because I wear all black and listen to "gothic" bands but I would say my dress sense is pretty normal compared to some of the weirdos you see round Camden.

Still looking for one of those material long coat things though.

Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 18:06
by wild bill buttock
eotunun wrote:
By the way, can any body remember how the S/M-crap got entangled with the gothic scene?
That one confuses me as well.But also WTF is all this pirate/military s**t and nobs dressing as Jack-the-ripper thing that seemed so popular at last years pose-fest that Whitby appears to be becoming?

Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 18:18
by Barracuda
eotunun wrote:By the way, can any body remember how the S/M-crap got entangled with the gothic scene? I remember a report from a Cure concert in the late 80ies/early 90ies, when a lot of the audiences got rather upset with a domina show delivered in front of the stage, but sooner or later they seem to have bought the crap.. :urff: !
Don't know but it was around in 84/85.

Posted: 09 Apr 2006, 22:16
by Muppet
Barracuda wrote:
eotunun wrote:By the way, can any body remember how the S/M-crap got entangled with the gothic scene? I remember a report from a Cure concert in the late 80ies/early 90ies, when a lot of the audiences got rather upset with a domina show delivered in front of the stage, but sooner or later they seem to have bought the crap.. :urff: !
Don't know but it was around in 84/85.
Agree with all the posts above; I've no idea how or why it happened either. I went to a LOT of goth gigs between 85 and 90 and never saw a single "fetishy" person; it was a bit of a shock going to see a gig at the Marquee (can't remember who, it was either the Lorries or Salvation) and saw a few fetish types there; personally I what were they called....oh yes, the Screaming Marionettes.... :|

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 06:44
by Ozpat
robertzombie wrote: I'm "goth" because I wear all black and listen to "gothic" bands
What bands? :twisted:

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 09:09
by robertzombie
Hey! don't twist my post! :P

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 11:25
by markfiend
eotunun wrote:]By the way, can any body remember how the S/M-crap got entangled with the gothic scene?
Them bloody London goffs, innit.

I would like three pairs of pointy boots and a frilly shirt to be taken into consideration please yeronner.

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 17:22
by Badlander
wild bill buttock wrote:I wear black because;
A)Its very slimming
B)I'm colour blind
C)Oh yeah and I'm a Goth.this week,according to current labelling legislation I am a TRAD-GOTH.
Badlander is bang on with his Goths thinking goth music was the be-all and end all,I'd like to add that a great many were cliquey,arrogant bastards to boot.To be fair most of these came to goth from the crappy New-romantic scene,but some of us came from the punk scene and we were much cooler than the puffy goths.You could always spot an ex-punk goth in the 80's,we were the ones joining the Psychobillies in the Wrecking,kicking s**t out of the "Dandy-fop" goths.Frilly shirts are for drag queens,bring back biker leather jackets and doc martens,I say!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 17:30
by Badlander
eotunun wrote: By the way, can any body remember how the S/M-crap got entangled with the gothic scene? I remember a report from a Cure concert in the late 80ies/early 90ies, when a lot of the audiences got rather upset with a domina show delivered in front of the stage, but sooner or later they seem to have bought the crap.. :urff: !
:eek: It doesn't sound like them at all.
I'd say Rozz Williams and Gitane Demone are more than a little responsible for that sad evolution. :urff:

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 18:09
by Jaimie1980
I'm no Goth and never have been. The contents of my wardrobe is about 80% black but that doe's not a Goth make. Never moved in those circles either.

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 20:23
by eotunun
markfiend wrote:
eotunun wrote:]By the way, can any body remember how the S/M-crap got entangled with the gothic scene?
Them bloody London goffs, innit.

I would like three pairs of pointy boots and a frilly shirt to be taken into consideration please yeronner.
Shame on them Londoners! (Heartlanders excluded, of course! :D )

And one of these for me please!

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 21:23
by canon docre
Badlander wrote: I'd say Rozz Williams and Gitane Demone are more than a little responsible for that sad evolution. :urff:
I hold Tim Burton responsible for making skulls a cute girlie feature. :evil:

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 23:03
by wild bill buttock
markfiend wrote:
I would like three pairs of pointy boots and a frilly shirt to be taken into consideration please yeronner.
You are obviously a habitual Dandy-fop and I sentence you to six months hard labour listening solely to albums by "Gene loves Jezabel" and "Rose of avalanche".May God have mercy on you're soul. :wink:

Posted: 10 Apr 2006, 23:40
by Muppet
wild bill buttock wrote:
markfiend wrote:
I would like three pairs of pointy boots and a frilly shirt to be taken into consideration please yeronner.
You are obviously a habitual Dandy-fop and I sentence you to six months hard labour listening solely to albums by "Gene loves Jezabel" and "Rose of avalanche".May God have mercy on you're soul. :wink:
Don't drag the Rosies into this, for a few years most of my shirts were based on the sleeve of "LA Rain"!!! :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 00:10
by wild bill buttock
Actually "Too many castles" is one of my all time favourite tracks.But the albums?Oh dear.

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 01:20
by 7anthea7
I acquired my first black (velvet) dress about [mumbledymumble] years before there was any such animal as Goth (unless you were referring to Germanic barbarians, or church architecture, or certain over-the-top early-19th-century writers...). I'd got my first copy Dracula a couple of years earlier, and would happily have lived on a steady diet of Christopher Lee flicks, so I sort of cottoned to the idea...until I ran up against my first unholier-than-thou, stick-up-their-arse PIBs who refused to even acknowledge my existence, much less let me into their exclusive little club, because I was also into punk (never mind all the other unmentionable stuff I was polluting my ears with... :wink: ).

So I look like one a lot of the time (according to my cursory examination, fully 90% of my wardrobe is black - and it's a pretty extensive collection), and I like a lot of music that gets shuffled into that box, whether it belongs there or not. But I haven't made use of my membership at our local (private) Goth (so-called) club but half a dozen times since getting it, because whilst I enjoy the DJs' setlists...I have to put up with the members, and the ones I find tolerable are few and far between, and the place is overrun with the Bondage crowd :cry: Ditto all the other venues regularly playing anything I care to hear.

Frankly, if one must fling labels about, I think I could deal better with 'Goth' if it weren't associated with a) petulant teenagers who don't even know its origins (and I don't mean Peter Murphy), b) self-professed 'deviants' and c) pompous, over-wrought tunes accompanied by pretentious lyrics. Gah :urff:

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 01:46
by Mr Mercy
I am a goff and was put off seeing the SOM in 2003 due to reading Andrew's comments on Goths and how he refused to allow the the American band The Sunshine Blind to support the sisters in 1997!
But I have since decided to forgive him (stop punishing myself)
so I will be going to the Manchester gig.

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 08:17
by Muppet
7anthea7 wrote: Frankly, if one must fling labels about, I think I could deal better with 'Goth' if it weren't associated with a) petulant teenagers who don't even know its origins (and I don't mean Peter Murphy), b) self-professed 'deviants' and c) pompous, over-wrought tunes accompanied by pretentious lyrics. Gah :urff:
Hear Hear! However, I can deal with it quite happily... but nonetheless a) and b) are things I just try to ignore as much as possible. As for c), sounds like half of my cd collection! :D :D :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 08:25
by Badlander
7anthea7 wrote: Frankly, if one must fling labels about, I think I could deal better with 'Goth' if it weren't associated with a) petulant teenagers who don't even know its origins (and I don't mean Peter Murphy), b) self-professed 'deviants' and c) pompous, over-wrought tunes accompanied by pretentious lyrics. Gah :urff:
:lol: :lol: :notworthy: :notworthy:
They don't know and they don't want to know. :urff:
I personnally don't care for labels anymore, especially those most obviously imposed on artists by the press. :innocent:

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 17:53
by 7anthea7
Muppet wrote: As for c), sounds like half of my cd collection! :D :D :notworthy:
At least you recognise it! :lol:

Anyone who has managed not to have anything of the sort infiltrate their collection has to be listening exclusively to...The Ramones? I certainly own my share of thud-and-blunder...but I also know that it's a guilty pleasure, and I always wash up after :wink:

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 18:19
by a.r.kane
@7anthea7 thats quite a 'gothy' avatar.

Bauhaus, Sisters, Alien Sex Fiend, Southern Death Cult, Danse Society, Uk Decay, et al. No similarity in appearance (uniform wise) or sound. So as far as i can see goth implies 2 things:
1) A fashion unrelated to music
2) A state of mind and general outlook.

Blame those Christian Death feckers.

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 18:26
by Badlander
a.r.kane wrote: Blame those Christian Death feckers.
AFAIK the first two bands to be labelled "goth" by the press were Christian Death and Siouxsie. It happened more or less simultaneously on both sides of the Atlantic. And while Rozz Williams never did anything to challenge the assumption that he was goth (neither did Valor, BTW), it must be noted that Miss Sioux has never accepted the mere idea of being "goth".

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 18:43
by wild bill buttock
I would agree labelling is a pain in the arse but if you choose to dress outside the perceived norm then its something you have to accept.I've been dressing outside the norm since 1977 and have been labelled as a punk,a rocker,a hippy,a goth but mostly a bloody wierdo.It really doesn't bother me at all,in fact I tend to revel in it these days and it gives me pleasure to exploit people's ignorance for my own amusement.For example we were summoned to my daughter's rather exclusive grammer school as the head had become concerned that my daughter was developing an unhealthy obsession with "This goth stuff",imagine the woman's face when I turned up in a frock coat and my good lady in a corset and velvet riding skirt! :eek:
I must say though that being lumped in with all the "Spooky kid" teenage goths is bloody annoying and must admit it would be good if there was a better term to describe our image and music;some thing like "Yes,I know I should grow up,cut my hair and start listening to some cheerful music,but I'm happy as I am,Thank you very much's".
7anthea7 wrote: But I haven't made use of my membership at our local (private) Goth (so-called) club but half a dozen times since getting it, because whilst I enjoy the DJs' setlists...I have to put up with the members, and the ones I find tolerable are few and far between, and the place is overrun with the Bondage crowd :cry: Ditto all the other venues regularly playing anything I care to hear.
I know exactly how you feel but luckily we have a place called Hex-in-the-city right here in lovely Wolverhampton which I've found to be pretty unique,in that it lacks most of the usual goth trappings of cliques and arrogance plus the DJ is pretty eclectic with his setlists and doesn't get stuck in either a trad-goth or cyber rut and is willing to branch outside the "Goth" box.Unfortunately it suffers occasionally from lack of punters(apathy is another s**t goth trait i hate).Check out the website Spam over.

Posted: 11 Apr 2006, 22:16
by Mr Mercy
I just wanted to add while were on the sisters/goth topic that although the SOM are still popular with alot of Goths I do know many who do not see the sisters music as relevent to the scene today.
I think this is because Modern goth music tends to be more influencd by metal industrial and Darkwave than punk and rock.
I would even dare to say that most modern goth bands are just as likely if not more to mention Depeche Mode as an influence than the sisters.
Something im sure would make Andrew happy!

Posted: 12 Apr 2006, 03:44
by 7anthea7
a.r.kane wrote: thats quite a 'gothy' avatar
Innit just?

Get the joke? :wink:

Actually, I like the art, and the sentiment isn't always off the mark. But we'll just keep that between ourselves, eh? Otherwise people will be thinking I actually listen to Von's lyrics or something... :innocent: