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Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 18:13
by 9while9
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
9while9 wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:I haven't had any but my Mum has had one or two
Bride, I was just caught your pic on your myspace page, where
is that beautiful door behind you located.. It's a striking piece of work? :?:
It's a replica of a stave church built in 1200 at the Oslo Folk Museum :D
I'd luv to have that door on the front of me hovel... ;D

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 18:28
by christophe
Almiche V wrote:Do you mean fate chris?
yes that too :lol:
its a bit tricky to explain.
You could compare it more too a premonition, or its like I seem to feel BIG things are happening when certain stuff happen. Nothing that’s worth mentioning but somehow was important to what you call fate. (is this making any sense? )

has anyone here experience with witchcraft or tarot or something like that?

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 18:38
by MadameButterfly
christophe wrote:
Almiche V wrote:Do you mean fate chris?
yes that too :lol:
its a bit tricky to explain.
You could compare it more too a premonition, or its like I seem to feel BIG things are happening when certain stuff happen. Nothing that’s worth mentioning but somehow was important to what you call fate. (is this making any sense? )

has anyone here experience with witchcraft or tarot or something like that?
It makes sense as I know what you mean. Want me to bring my cards on Sunday?

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 18:46
by christophe
MadameButterfly wrote:It makes sense as I know what you mean. Want me to bring my cards on Sunday?

actually I would like to see how it works so yes :)
but I'm not sure if I'm going to make it in time for the pre gig meet :(

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 18:46
by scotty
A few things, I don't know if you'd call them "Paranormal", an unexpected phone call from a favorite cousin held me up for five minutes a few years ago, saved me from a car crash by five minutes :eek: .

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 19:30
by MadameButterfly
christophe wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:It makes sense as I know what you mean. Want me to bring my cards on Sunday?

actually I would like to see how it works so yes :)
but I'm not sure if I'm going to make it in time for the pre gig meet :(
Not a problem! They fit in my huge bag.
Just be careful getting here and we'll find each other. :wink:

@ scotty ~ thank the stars for that phone call! :notworthy:

Re: Ever had a paranormal experience?

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 21:28
by cyn
Almiche V wrote:Am asking because I've never had one, but would love to.

So has anyone seen a ghost?

I'd like to meet the devil, and stare him in the eyes....
haven't we had this discussion b4 some where on this site?
yes i have lots the house i grew up in was haunted
and i guess you wud have to believe in the devil to meet him so...

Re: Ever had a paranormal experience?

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 21:46
by 9while9
cyn wrote:
Almiche V wrote:Am asking because I've never had one, but would love to.

So has anyone seen a ghost?

I'd like to meet the devil, and stare him in the eyes....
haven't we had this discussion b4 some where on this site?
yes i have lots the house i grew up in was haunted
and i guess you wud have to believe in the devil to meet him so...
Well, damn then toss down your most erie experience.
I for one would luv to read it.... :wink:

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 21:54
by Almiche V
For sure. That's why we're here. Too bad we're not in a pub.

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 22:07
by 9while9
Almiche V wrote:For sure. That's why we're here. Too bad we're not in a pub.

I'll buy the next round.... :lol:

What'll you have??? :?:

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 22:14
by Almiche V
Cheers bud. Guinness with cider :D Cos no one believes you, everyone thinks there's a name for it and it's the beezneez. 8)

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 22:47
by 9while9
Almiche V wrote:Cheers bud. Guinness with cider :D Cos no one believes you, everyone thinks there's a name for it and it's the beezneez. 8)
I'm not much of a wordsmith but here's probably my most notable experience. Many moons ago when I was 15 I was out and about with some friends drinking. Usually I was the designated driver but this was a particularly s**t day. We were in the country backroads and pulled up in front of an old cemetery, Low Dutch it's called. We were meeting some other people here.

I was the last out of the van, I told everyone to go ahead I was going to take a leek. They headed up the hill from the road through the graveyard to the back where someone had put barrels some years back that we
would start fires in. It was autumn a bit nippy and I was pissed. I finished up looked around and noticed for the first time how dim the light was and how alone I was. I headed up the hill to the entrance once there instead of going through the gate I stepped over the 4 foot high stone fence that surrounds the place. I lost my footing and in the condition I was in fell into the cemetery onto the ground.

There were some worn down small grave markers in that area and I had collided with one or two. I remember saying ouch. I was on my back looking up and almost above my head standing was a girl. She was staring
across the street in front of the cemetery blank look on her face. She had long dark hair that was blowing around and she wore a shaw that she clung too with both hands pressed against her chest. I remember taking all that in it seemed like a long time but only seconds all at once. She looked down at me veryyyyyy slowwwwwly moving her moving her left hand in my direction and saying only "Do you need help?" My pride kicked in and I was saying no no I'm fine as I stumbled to get up. I looked at her as I stood and she was back in the same position staring blankly across the street. I thought I better catch up with my friends and
hurried off.

Walking back to the fires I was thinking she was kind of cute I'm going to find out if she was with anyone? I got to the back and everyone was laughing and messing around. I started to ask my friends if they had seen her? They told me to look around nothing here but guys. So I started asking other people and everyone was laughing at me because there was
no girls anywhere. My friends were insisting that I was seeing things because of my breakup earlier in the day with my girlfriend.

But I was insistent about what I had seen and my friend Tony decided to walk back up with me and look around. We found no one. We look in cars that were parked on the road but nothing. I kind a wonder what it would have been like if I had touched her hand?

There you have it. The experience bad grammar and all.. :wink:

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 22:58
by daggs
I think my partners ex-wife may have predicted me getting together with him in my tarot :? :eek:
Also quite often when something great happens to me this tiny gold crucifix that i never see or could find otherwise appears...I put it down somewhere afterwards and it is never there when I go's so tiny I always think it's lost forever...but sure enough when things really go my way it reappears and also when I'm thinking about religion...apart from recently when I got the first council flat i viewed despite only having second refusal..after I got back I looked down somewhere I wouldn't usually look when walking past and there was a silver crucifix that my dad bought me for my 18th lying there :? :eek: It really sends a warm shiver down my spine. But it may just be because I always notice this stuff when things are going right...but I swear I hardly ever see crucifixs otherwise

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 23:10
by Almiche V
@9while9 - Thanks for that 9 :notworthy: That was a fleeting experience that left an impression on you. Now, what are you drinkin'.....?

@daggs - you've got me thinking now. Things have started to go wrong since i stopped wearing a ring a bought last year in Camden. I also had a tarot card reading, that said i'd have a 7 month period of change starting in October 2005 and coming to ahead in April/May 2006. Who knows.....

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 23:28
by daggs
Almiche V wrote:@daggs - you've got me thinking now. Things have started to go wrong since i stopped wearing a ring a bought last year in Camden. I also had a tarot card reading, that said i'd have a 7 month period of change starting in October 2005 and coming to ahead in April/May 2006. Who knows.....
Tarot cards do seem to be scarily right when done properly (ie you have to touch the cards, not done on one of these phone things). Like I said my tarot said that there was an older man in my life at that moment that was my support and he would continue to be ever more so in the that point my partner was becoming my closest friend...he'd helped me so much and I did rely on him heavily..and obviously that has just gotten stronger!
My partner read a friends tarot which made him decide to stop doing readings because he accurately fortold his friends death, which obviously scared him alot and made him decide that he really didn't want to find out. He also had his palm read which said he would have 3 wives, 2 daughters by the first and a son by the third...this was read by his ex that I've been talking about who was his second wife! He had had two daughters by his first wife and now he has split up with his second after having no kids...maybe I should start planning boys names :lol: :lol:
But anyway all change isn't necessarily bad ...all changes can be stressful but not always bad.
I never know if the supersticious stuff like lucky items is right or whether you just focus on one thing more than others..i used to really believe in lucky items one point i thought all my really bad luck could be traced back to hearing and singing along to a certain song that I I avoided it like the plague! :lol:

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 23:54
by Almiche V
Thanks daggs. Tarot readings are difficult to come to terms with i guess. If the cards say something will happen, then it will - no matter how a person acts or behaves. I have alot of belief in the reading i had, as things have changed so much since last October.

Hey, you'll let us know which name you decide on? ;-)

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 04:11
by Andy TG
Aside from "paranormal" experiences I would quite like to have "normal" experience for a change!

Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 16:27
by Almiche V
Andy TG wrote:Aside from "paranormal" experiences I would quite like to have "normal" experience for a change!
Aye :wink:

Posted: 01 May 2006, 21:52
by cyn
as far back as i can remember there was many experiences
remember to age 3?
being in living room and having a lady routinely come visit me and speak spanish i wud run into kitchen and tell my mom and what she said ( i do not speak spanish, but my mother was mexican) my mom wud go into living room and no one wud be there.
asleep at night and what i wud call the dancing people wud wake me up by my bed.
numerous occassion where the lights wud turn on or off on you, same goes with televisions and radios.
baking in the kitchen and the oven light wud turn on or the radio.
there was 4 of us kids and and we where all sitting in the family room when i man came thru the wall wearing a hat and walked past us and up floated up thru the ceiling.
orbs of light coming down the stairwell,
my bro's, my father and i all experienced our beds shaking and playing tug-o-war with our blankets.
i saw a man standing by my bed several times as a teenager wearing jeans and a flannel and a hat and carrying a bible but he wud fade away.
my mom said the haunting stopped when i left the house but my brother says different.
although in my first appartment the light turned on in the bathroom and when i moved out my girlfriend who helped me pack asked who the man she saw in the bedroom wearing the hat was???
i have never experienced anything since

Posted: 02 May 2006, 00:44
by Almiche V
Thanks cyn 8)

I'd love to know why some people see ghosts or spirits and others don't. Is it the person or the place?

Posted: 02 May 2006, 12:58
by timsinister
I'm a sceptic, and I certainly don't believe in this man's career!

Posted: 02 May 2006, 13:56
by markfiend
The weird thing with Derek Acorah is that, obviously it's hard to be sure, but I get the impression that he believes he "has the power". In other words, he may not be a charlatan, merely deluded :innocent:

I've seen too many people demonstrate "cold reading" to believe he's genuine though. :|

Posted: 02 May 2006, 15:52
by cyn
your welcome.
i thinks it's the place
my father denied believing until the end.
after my parents passed away my oldest bro got the house (as in mex. tradition per my mom) which was cool with me cuz there was no way in f**k i wanted it
many sleepless nights and sleeping on your back waiting for the attack isn't my idea of fun

Posted: 02 May 2006, 15:58
by markfiend
cyn wrote:asleep at night and what i wud call the dancing people wud wake me up by my bed.
That has creeped me out no end. Dancing people?

Posted: 02 May 2006, 18:01
by Dark
cyn wrote:asleep at night and what i wud call the dancing people wud wake me up by my bed.
Dancing ghosts?

