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Posted: 11 May 2006, 12:25
by MAtT
I was at the second night in the standing area at the front - like many it was my first Sisters gig and I really enjoyed it. As far as I remember the place was pretty full. The following night I saw the Happy Mondays at the same venue, which was odd.

Posted: 12 May 2006, 00:42
by Planet Dave
Quiff Boy wrote: i didnt bother going. which surely makes me one of the elite few? ;)
Me neither. Can you have an elite of 2?

Still, didn't have long to wait for my first taste of the Live Thing, at the Poly in Feb.

Most annoyed about not being arsed to make it to Reading later that year. D'oh.

Posted: 12 May 2006, 01:33
by wild bill buttock
I wasn't at Wembley either.One of the best gigs I never saw,apart from Hussey's first sisters gig at The tin can in 84. :innocent:
However I was at Brum in 93 and saw the bird in the wedding dress,That was one of the worst gigs I did go to.
I did see the Sisters in 85 and was so off my tits on a certain substance :urff: ,I might as well not have bothered.Can't remember a thing about it :( .I believe I enjoyed it though,at least the GF i was with told me I did :D

Posted: 12 May 2006, 15:43
by jay
I was at the first night. Swapped my ticket with a tout outside and ended up with a worse ticket due to my Vodka addled brain thinking it was a good deal.

Was my first Sisters gig. The only other time I've seen them was at Josephs Well last year which was fantastic.
Why the hell I haven't gone to any on this tour is beyond me...ho hum

Posted: 13 May 2006, 00:08
by Dan
I was at Wembley the first night, in the standing area I think. Not quite my first Sisters gig as I was at the first 2 Hamburg gigs a week earlier.