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Posted: 10 May 2006, 23:17
by James Blast
rian wrote:We had some good vikings
but they don't work no more...

one for the Shriekback fans there :lol:

Posted: 10 May 2006, 23:26
by canon docre
For ABBA alone the country has justified its existance. :notworthy:

I'm pretty fond of this dyslectic guy and his German hostess. Admirably scandal-less, unlike some other crowned heads.... :innocent:

... and not to forget H&M.... :innocent:

Posted: 10 May 2006, 23:29
by Planet Dave
canon docre wrote:For ABBA alone the country has justified its existance. :notworthy:
Not to mention inspiring Therion tocover one of their songs, to devastating effect. Still the best 4 minutes of music I've ever heard, outside of the TOL 12".

Posted: 10 May 2006, 23:33
by James Blast
ABBA - Just Say No!

not my style folks, sorry

Posted: 11 May 2006, 00:52
by boudicca
Planet Dave wrote:
canon docre wrote:For ABBA alone the country has justified its existance. :notworthy:
Not to mention inspiring Therion tocover one of their songs
:eek: :eek: :eek: They never did! Which one?!?

Anyway, I hate to like, bring it up and everything, but um.... could we get back to the original topic of this thread? :innocent: :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 00:55
by Planet Dave
Summernight City. Wish I'd shown you the video...bloody glorious. :lol: :twisted: :notworthy:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 00:57
by boudicca
Planet Dave wrote:Summernight City. Wish I'd shown you the video...bloody glorious. :lol: :twisted: :notworthy:
I'd have liked to have heard Super Trooper done inna Nuclear Blast symphonic metal stylee... :twisted: :urff: :lol:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 01:01
by eotunun
SINsister wrote:...and some nice architecture up there in the Gamla Stan, too. Oh, and exceedingly-clean public transit, IIRC...
And the wonderfull telephone-system!
:innocent: Umm, coat.. ;D

Posted: 11 May 2006, 01:39
by Andy TG
Planet Dave wrote:
canon docre wrote:For ABBA alone the country has justified its existance. :notworthy:
Not to mention inspiring Therion tocover one of their songs, to devastating effect. Still the best 4 minutes of music I've ever heard, outside of the TOL 12".
Therion :notworthy:

Enter V Ya (or something like that!) :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :von:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 08:20
by timsinister
Enter Uril-Ya, as I recall.

You think it's good having your own thread, B? Wait until it reaches fifteen pages and four avatars, THEN you'll be regretting it...


Posted: 11 May 2006, 10:16
by markfiend
timsinister wrote:Enter Uril-Ya, as I recall.

You think it's good having your own thread, B? Wait until it reaches fifteen pages and four avatars, THEN you'll be regretting it...

Like this one Tim? :innocent:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 10:44
by timsinister
Let's just move on, shall we? I'm not out to steal anyone elses thunder...


Posted: 11 May 2006, 12:16
by mik
scotty wrote:
CellThree wrote:
rian wrote:
But it's a full job to know swedish history......
Vikings, ABBA and Ikea...What else is there? :wink:
Blondes with big Tits :roll: :innocent:
Yeah ! Rian's pretty well stacked i'nt he?

I think I must have been traumatised as a baby cos I'm scared of large breasts so at least now I can safely cross Sweden off my list of places to go and have a relaxing holiday.

Posted: 11 May 2006, 12:59
by canon docre
mik wrote:
scotty wrote:
CellThree wrote: Vikings, ABBA and Ikea...What else is there? :wink:
Blondes with big Tits :roll: :innocent:
Yeah ! Rian's pretty well stacked i'nt he?

I think I must have been traumatised as a baby cos I'm scared of large breasts so at least now I can safely cross Sweden off my list of places to go and have a relaxing holiday.
...and cross Mr. Blasts bedroom walls off your list too for that matter. :lol: :innocent:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 19:53
by doc P
:eek: :eek: :eek: Image :eek: :eek:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 20:06
by 6FeetOver
doc P wrote:Image
"Christ, this has *NOT* been my day!" :lol: :roll: :innocent: :von:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 20:39
by James Blast
canon docre wrote:...and cross Mr. Blasts bedroom walls off your list too for that matter. :lol: :innocent:
they're all on my hard drive Jess :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 20:41
by 6FeetOver
James Blast wrote:
canon docre wrote:...and cross Mr. Blasts bedroom walls off your list too for that matter. :lol: :innocent:
they're all on my hard drive Jess :innocent: :lol:


Posted: 11 May 2006, 20:48
by James Blast

Posted: 11 May 2006, 20:51
by canon docre
James Blast wrote:
canon docre wrote:...and cross Mr. Blasts bedroom walls off your list too for that matter. :lol: :innocent:
they're all on my hard drive Jess :innocent: :lol:
I like your style, Mr. Blast. :P

It's more the simple jokes that I get. :oops: :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 20:52
by 6FeetOver

Posted: 11 May 2006, 21:00
by James Blast
I try to lower my sights for you ladies

Jeeziz! I've turned into Johnny Boy/Loki/Johnny M :lol:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 21:03
by 6FeetOver
James Blast wrote:I try to lower my sights for you ladies

Jeeziz! I've turned into Johnny Boy/Loki/Johnny M :lol:

I have a feeling I've been insulted. Hmm... :P :lol:

Posted: 11 May 2006, 21:07
by emilystrange
i think he means lower his gaze..

Posted: 11 May 2006, 21:10
by 6FeetOver
Wot's 'e lookin' at, then?! *Arf!* :eek: :roll: :lol: :innocent: ;D