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Posted: 12 May 2006, 22:41
by James Blast
13th earl wrote:
James Blast wrote:the album where Metallica lost it, IMO
I thought they were losing it with "And Justice For All"

I once lost my CD holder in Abu Dhabi airport, and had to face an 8 hour flight back to the UK with no music at all. We changed planes in Bahrain, so I bought St Anger.
After one play, I preferred the in flight movies!
St. Anger is indeed trousers, AJFA has its moments:
Harvester of Sorrows

the production on the 'biscuit tin' drum sound is still a bit hard to take :|

Posted: 12 May 2006, 22:53
by mh
Well, Master Of Puppets remains The One, of course, but ...Justice... ain't too bad, considering the circumstances.

Posted: 12 May 2006, 23:00
by James Blast
Oh yes! that is thee one :D

and Vision Thing is nothing like it :lol:

Posted: 12 May 2006, 23:39
by mh

It happened again, didn't it? :lol:

How about some Paradise Lost? I saw Draconian Times mentioned in CLT a while back, that's pretty fine.

I've a soft spot for One Second though. OK, it's flawed, but still good, especially if you can get the version with the bonus track (can't remember what it was called right now) on it.

Either would be a Nice Thing To Have for the VT fan looking for more of the same.

Posted: 12 May 2006, 23:57
by wild bill buttock
Vision thing sounds like Metallica?

Bloody hell Vision thing is bad but its not that bad.

I keep telling you;Judas priest-Turbo.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 00:14
by Mr Mercy
wow you guys have been busy!
my favourite comment so far has to be
slicepack wrote:Vision Thing is "ZZ Top with swearing". :lol:

I remember seeing an early 90s MTV interview in which Eldritch says something along the lines of I don't understand people calling VT an American sounding rock album just because it deals with American subject matter but I dont think that would stand up in court!

I know some people (mainly goths) only like Ribbons & More as the rest of the album is too much of a diparture from Floodland for them.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 00:15
by James Blast
mh wrote:I saw Draconian Times mentioned in CLT a while back
Me miss, me, me, please miss! :lol:
wild bill buttock wrote:I keep telling you;Judas priest-Turbo.
I'm your turbo lover bill :wink:

I should add I've been listening to a lot of Planet Rock radio recently :oops:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 00:18
by mh
James Blast wrote:
mh wrote:I saw Draconian Times mentioned in CLT a while back
Me miss, me, me, please miss! :lol:
Care to share it with the rest of the class, eh young Blast? Come on! Up to the front!!! :lol:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 00:24
by James Blast
mh wrote:
James Blast wrote:
mh wrote:I saw Draconian Times mentioned in CLT a while back
Me miss, me, me, please miss! :lol:
Care to share it with the rest of the class, eh young Blast? Come on! Up to the front!!! :lol:
Claire was lovely enough to 'gift' me that album on Monday in Glasgow. Now, not that I condone such things but a copy* for evaluation purposes might be worth a listen.
I think it sounds more like Metallica than Metallica have for a long, long time.
*Just if you need, like. :innocent:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 00:31
by mh
Oooh, I have it already.

You heard Icon yet? "Embers Fire" pisses all over anything on DT when it comes to showing Metallica how it's done.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 00:54
by James Blast
mh wrote:Oooh, I have it already.

You heard Icon yet? "Embers Fire" pisses all over anything on DT when it comes to showing Metallica how it's done.
all I own is Icon (saw them on that tour, on my own as none of my mates liked them), Forever Failure (single - hidden track at the end BTW), Draconian Times (thanks Claire), One Second, a comp with Walk Away on and an open air gig from Rockpalast (thanks Pat).

I think we should take this to PMs, sorry folks :oops:

Vision Thing was a disappointment on first listen, now I love it and what a live outfit they were!


Posted: 13 May 2006, 02:45
by GMC
More is Bollocks, it really is the worst thing AE ever wrote, but the rest of the record is great, and Ribbons is quite possibly the most vicious song in the history of music. It's brilliant.

I'd try... anything by Joy Division except Closer, (Atmosphere, off Substance, is the best song U2 ever did. Oh wait, it's the ONLY song U2 ever did...) "Adore" by the Smashing Pumpkins may be pop tripe but it's decent and -almost- as relentless as VT.

Re: Well...

Posted: 13 May 2006, 09:04
by Badlander
GMC wrote:More is Bollocks, it really is the worst thing AE ever wrote
Cut it out : one "worst Sisters songs" thread is far enough ! :urff: :roll: :lol:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 09:14
by itnAklipse
Can't really agree with most of the comparisons, i mean i suppose everyone hears different elements as the most defining ones, but mh's comparison to Skinny Puppy's "Rabies" is interesting and i might agree with that one, hah, even thematically!

And of course Motorhead but that goes without saying (i was in awe seeing the video of Killed by Death on mtv a couple of months ago, also another one about a whorehouse...damn, they were good and made me wish i had some Motorhead cds, which i don't)

Also interesting to remember that Metallica actually really did used to be if not great at least pretty freaking good. Today they are utter s**t.

In general, it's always difficult to compare artistic records to anything else, cause often times they resemble everything and nothing at the same time.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 13:59
by wild bill buttock
Mogwai-"Young team" :notworthy:

O.k. I may be lying.It sounds nothing like "Vision thing" thankfully.But I've just been listening to "Young Team" and its such a totally splendid album,I thought I'd mention it. :wink:

Perhaps we could start a thread "What album would you prefer "Vision thing" to sound like?" :innocent:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 14:55
by mh
wild bill buttock wrote:Perhaps we could start a thread "What album would you prefer "Vision thing" to sound like?" :innocent:
Too many would just say "Floodland".

Posted: 13 May 2006, 15:09
by scotty



:wink: :innocent:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 15:42
by wild bill buttock
Scotty,You are a very very naughty boy! :D

In all seriousness,If Von hadn't come over all heavy metal,Which direction would you have liked him to have gone?
Obviously Goth would have been a non starter.
Personally I would have preferred it if Von had followed up on the industrial theme that made "Floodland" so different,yet so brilliant.
Therefore I'd plump for CUBANATE-"Cyberia", :notworthy: IMO the finest industrial album ever made,and just the right amount of Metal guitar to keep the rockhead Sisters fans happy.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 16:00
by scotty
wild bill buttock wrote:Scotty,You are a very very naughty boy! :D

In all seriousness,If Von hadn't come over all heavy metal,Which direction would you have liked him to have gone?
Probably a mix of FALAA & Floodland, I just can't stomach the American cock rock leanings of Vision Thing, if it wasn't for the Drum Machine, it could be any American "Metal" band of that era :urff: , some will disagree, but to me, it was like Motorhead bringing out a Rap/Hip-Hop LP with Latin American Samba influences, it just wasn't what I wanted or expected............sorry.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 18:25
by wild bill buttock
scotty wrote:
I just can't stomach the American cock rock leanings of Vision Thing, if it wasn't for the Drum Machine, it could be any American "Metal" band of that era :urff: , some will disagree, but to me, it was like Motorhead bringing out a Rap/Hip-Hop LP with Latin American Samba influences, it just wasn't what I wanted or expected............sorry.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
You are a man after my own heart Scotty.
It may seem an over-reaction these days.But in 1990,we'd waited 3 years for a new Sisters album.It was a huge event for most of us.
What did we get?"detonation boulivard" and "Doctor Jeep" .What the f**k? :evil: the most important alternative music band since The Sex Pistols had SOLD OUT.
I suppose people will come on here to tell us about musical progression blah blah blah,but Vision thing was an enormous step backwards for alternative music and a major own goal to the mainstream rock opposition.
Hearing "Vision thing" today,I hear a soul-less empty piece of very average Adult orientated rock,its not too bad but it ain't good either.A bit like Brian Adams,I suppose.
Thank god The Nephs put out "Elisium" soon after or I might have given up on goth altogether.

And comparing it to Motorhead is ridiculous(Not you,Scotty),Try playing "Ace of spades" or "Bomber"(The albums) then "Vision thing".Notice the difference?I think its called "Having the bollocks"! ;D

Re: If you like vision thing you may like?

Posted: 13 May 2006, 19:16
by 9while9
Mr Mercy wrote:Any surgestions on albums that are similar in style to vision thing.

Anything by Gwar >
They have a dry wit that's allmost barren. :lol:

Seriously I don't think anything is quite like VT, in the same way
that when Von does a cover it really becomes his because
that Sister flavor is injected into it. :D

Inclosing I like VT, so stick that in ya knickers. :twisted:

Posted: 13 May 2006, 19:19
by Dark
scotty wrote:Image
Bloody great album too. Got it on tape in front of me. Hymn (For America) is like a heavy metal song.

Re: If you like vision thing you may like?

Posted: 13 May 2006, 19:24
by Badlander
9while9 wrote: Seriously I don't think anything is quite like VT, in the same way
that when Von does a cover it really becomes his because
that Sister flavor is injected into it. :D
So right. I also think VT is an album you can look at from a lot of different angles, so it's quite hard to answer that thread's original question : it all depends on what you're after in that album.
In that sense VT is a very complex piece of work, which is precisely one of its main qualities. 8) :von:
9while9 wrote: Inclosing I like VT, so stick that in ya knickers. :twisted:
:notworthy: 8) Image

Posted: 13 May 2006, 20:20
by canon docre
Mr Mercy wrote:wow you guys have been busy!
my favourite comment so far has to be
slicepack wrote:Vision Thing is "ZZ Top with swearing". :lol:

I remember seeing an early 90s MTV interview in which Eldritch says something along the lines of I don't understand people calling VT an American sounding rock album just because it deals with American subject matter but I dont think that would stand up in court!
I think he was just embarrassed that his obvious arse-licking of the American market didnt succeed.

Almost every European band who had some minor success in the US tried their luck with an compromising album that could break the US market. Not many succeeded. Latest examples that spring to mind: Rammstein, Robbie Williams. ;D

still, I quite like this AOR with a good portion of english salt.

Posted: 13 May 2006, 22:13
by Nazareth
Sounded like a poor mans billy idol :wink: