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Posted: 17 May 2006, 13:17
by markfiend
mrgreen wrote:OK. I will stop sharing my shows from now on.
Don't let some foolish comments put you off.

Jeez, someone records a show, risks getting booted out, risks their recording equipment being confiscated, and all some people can do is bitch.

If someone has gone to the trouble to record a concert, and is generous enough to share their recordings, and cares enough about what people listen to to ask that no lossless copies are distributed, so that everyone gets as good a copy as possible, the least people can do is respect that person's wishes and not start spreading mp3s around.

I take it you won't be participating in weeding any more then Badlander?

For fcuks sake...

Posted: 17 May 2006, 13:18
by mugabe
Red_Kola wrote:You bastards. You could at least have waited a respectful ammount of time before ignoring the uploader's wishes...

Legal? Moral? - f**k it. It's just plain rude...
Nothing new here.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 13:19
by Ozpat
mrgreen wrote:
Badlander wrote:
mrgreen wrote:Hasn't anyone read the accompanying info.txt in the torrent ? It clearly says "don't share in mp3 format" :roll:

That doesn't mean you can't convert to mp3 for your own listening pleasure, but please, if you share, share in lossless format. Thank you !
I always find that kind of comment quite amusing indeed. Recording and distributing copyrighted live material is illegal anyway. Back in the day you sometimes had a copyright note on bootleg CDs. :eek: :lol:
Now I really can't see how you can stop anybody from sharing something you shouldn't have in the first place. :roll: :wink:
BTW, I do know it's a moral issue rather than a law issue.
OK. I will stop sharing my shows from now on.
I can understand your point of view mrgreen!
Thank you for sharing this stuff and I think that your restrictions should be respected. Or at least he could have asked you.
On the other hand I guess he just wanted the music to be accesible for those who can't get a Dime account. So he meant well.

Moral issue indeed....

Posted: 17 May 2006, 13:26
by markfiend
markfiend wrote:I've edited this out of the main thread for the concert, as it's deserving a topic in its own right.
And if the sh*t really hits the fan, it's going in the bin.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 13:51
by SomeKindOfStranger
markfiend wrote:
mrgreen wrote:OK. I will stop sharing my shows from now on.
Don't let some foolish comments put you off.

Jeez, someone records a show, risks getting booted out, risks their recording equipment being confiscated, and all some people can do is bitch.

If someone has gone to the trouble to record a concert, and is generous enough to share their recordings, and cares enough about what people listen to to ask that no lossless copies are distributed, so that everyone gets as good a copy as possible, the least people can do is respect that person's wishes and not start spreading mp3s around.
Nicely put!

For those that havent already seen, I have weeded a FLAC disk of MrGreens efforts and a converted Audio CD.

I've included links in both these weeds to the Dimeadozen (FLAC) download and the rapidshare (mp3) download but if the general concensus is that MP3 is bad(!) please let me know and I'll take the link out of the weed theads.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 14:06
by mrgreen
SomeKindOfStranger wrote:MP3 is bad(!)
MP3 is bad if it pollutes the trading pool: if someone burns an audio cd off these mp3's and trades it as an audio cd, that is. Which is something that happens all too soon !

MP3's are fine as long as they serve for your own listening.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 14:34
by Ozric
mrgreen wrote:
SomeKindOfStranger wrote:MP3 is bad(!)
MP3 is bad if it pollutes the trading pool: if someone burns an audio cd off these mp3's and trades it as an audio cd, that is. Which is something that happens all too soon !

MP3's are fine as long as they serve for your own listening.

Allright didn't want to start a war about this, so out of respect for Mr. Green I deleted the Rapidshare link.

100000000000000000000000000 my appologies, didn't want to make you angry. Or start a war about mp3's just wanted to be helpfull to the others.


Posted: 17 May 2006, 14:45
by SomeKindOfStranger
Can well be friends again now then please :wink: :D

Posted: 17 May 2006, 14:50
by elguiri
Didnt we have the same problems here with the Anaheim gig........ ... c&start=25

Stick em on your i pods etc but if you are going to spread them keep them in the original form (ie FLAC Files) , the point being that every body gets an iidentical copy to the original , and a few years down the line you dont end up with copies that have 2 or 3 lossy generations in it.

Also if you want to help the others , just upload the FLAC file to a different bittorent site................

Such as

Im Pretty sure these 3 all have open membership with no waiting lists.

Hell if there is a demand for it ill shove it up on one , Not to mention im sure it will turn up in the weeding section.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 14:51
by markfiend
elguiri wrote:it will turn up in the weeding section.
It already has... ;)

Posted: 17 May 2006, 17:42
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ok so THANK you very much for upsetting dear mister Ozric.

I DLed the first zip, which was corrupted.

Then I tried to DL the second one, which should be fine.

RapidShare says I have to wait 45 minutes.

So I wait till tonight and what happened?

The upload is deleted by the user!

I want that gig badly, so can ANYONE send me the show? I have EasyMessage if you want, so we can transfer it thus.

BTW, I also find it funny when people complain about a 'mere' 128 kbps MP3 when we are talking about a live bootleg with not-so-good quality to begin with :roll:

I just want it because I had to miss that second Brussels gig, and I refrain from using the Weeding Section for personal reasons.


Posted: 17 May 2006, 17:47
by mugabe
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:BTW, I also find it funny when people complain about a 'mere' 128 kbps MP3 when we are talking about a live bootleg with not-so-good quality to begin with :roll:
Actually, the more the reason not to make the sound worse by introducing artefacts and cutting frequencies.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 18:18
by Izzy HaveMercy
mugabe wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:BTW, I also find it funny when people complain about a 'mere' 128 kbps MP3 when we are talking about a live bootleg with not-so-good quality to begin with :roll:
Actually, the more the reason not to make the sound worse by introducing artefacts and cutting frequencies.
Then again, you are right, of course... ;)

Now can I have that Brussels MP3- ZIP file please :twisted:


Posted: 17 May 2006, 18:52
by Badlander
mugabe wrote: To the best of my knowledge, if you tape live material, this isn't copyrighted, as copyright exists in recordings. If you were right, recording a show you've been to and listening to it at home would be illegal. You're not allowed to sell it, though.
I'm really, really not sure. Such gaps did exist before 93-94, especially in Italy and Belgium, where the biggest bootleggers such as Kiss the stone and Swinging Pig were. Some very strict legislation was then passed at EU level in order to outlaw live recordings and the generally subsequent boot trade.
Before then, in some cases a live performance in itself was not protected by copyright (again, in Italy, Belgium and Luxembourg). EU member states made sure it would not longer be so.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 19:01
by Badlander
Geez, just read all the posts. I didn't imagine such innocent comment would cause such a fuss. Sorry if I hurt anybody.
@ mrgreen : I didn't realize you were at the source of the share. I thought it was just Joe Bootlegger. Honest. :kiss: 8)

Posted: 17 May 2006, 19:17
by mrgreen
My point is: I'm NOT a bootlegger. I'm not a f**king twit who takes his DV cam to a gig, makes a dvd of it, and sells it on Ebay. I just record shows in order to be able to relive them afterwards. As a courtesy to real fans, I sometimes share my recordings. But, obviously, if sharing is illegal, I will keep 'em for myself next time.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 19:18
by HisWimmNess
Someone once wrote: much ado about nothing ;D

Meanwhile, I still want a copy of this gig, and I'm willing to pay for it.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 19:47
by Badlander
Please remember I said I was wrong, much wrong, regarding the Brussels recording. It was just une belle connerie on my part and I ain't gonna do it again. Promise.
mrgreen wrote:My point is: I'm NOT a bootlegger. I'm not a f**king tw*t who takes his DV cam to a gig, makes a dvd of it, and sells it on Ebay. I just record shows in order to be able to relive them afterwards. As a courtesy to real fans, I sometimes share my recordings. But, obviously, if sharing is illegal, I will keep 'em for myself next time.
Now all I'd like to discuss is the general issue of live recordings. Sure you're no bootlegger, but only because such a thing doesn't exist in the eyes of law. All there is are legal or illegal live recordings. I think recording a live show as such is a civil offence, but of course some more expertise would help. Intentions good or bad don't count, unfortunately. It's the act that matters, and not whether you're a good person or not. The 93 EU legislation was based on the assumption that illegal live recordings, given for free or sold, were detrimental to the interests of the music business as a whole. It's supposed to be bad for the artist because :
- either the copy is sold and in that case the consumer will have less money to spend on official products.
- or it's given for free, and even that is considered an offence, as it still makes the consumer less likely to buy official products.
The trouble is such reasoning is bullsh!t : actual music fans are after official products and bootlegs, not one or the other. Bootlegs and live recordings, all of them, are but a victim of the war on illegal copies, which is a problem, but only in China, Russia...
I'm on the side of bootleggers (well, only those who show some degree of respect and don't take fans for dummies), amateurs and pros alike, but I know that what they do is illegal.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 20:06
by mandrake
what with all this rapidshare s**t, cant we start a DC++ hub where we can all share...

just a thought.............

Posted: 17 May 2006, 20:06
by mh
21 hours to go, speeding up all of the time, and I'm willing to do the necessary once I get it. Hang tight, anyone who wants it.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 20:28
by Ozpat
HisWimmNess wrote: Meanwhile, I still want a copy of this gig, and I'm willing to pay for it.
In here stuff is traded, weeded, vined and NEVER sold....

Posted: 17 May 2006, 20:46
by mrgreen
Badlander wrote:I think recording a live show as such is a civil offence,
I do think it is indeed illegal, in a strict sense (it depends on the artist and the venue - some artists actually give permission to record their shows). But I'm strongly convinced that no harm is done to the artist (otherwise I wouldn't do this). People who collect live shows already have all the official releases. Moreover, if there were no "illegal" live recordings, nobody would know songs like Slept, Still, Suzanne,... For Sisters fans, live recordings are the only source for the new songs. Live recordings are documents of an era :D

Posted: 17 May 2006, 20:55
by mh
That gap is gonna be filled, and it's miles better that it be filled by a genuine fan who wants to do good stuff for other genuine fans than it be filled by some dodgy front for an arms/drug dealer.

It's been something like over 40 years since bootlegs came into being. They are not gonna go away. Stuff like InstantLive (US only downloads ---> BOOOO!!!) shows that somebody somewhere is starting to cop on.

40 MB down, 11 hours to go :D

Posted: 17 May 2006, 21:05
by HisWimmNess
Ozpat wrote:
HisWimmNess wrote: Meanwhile, I still want a copy of this gig, and I'm willing to pay for it.
In here stuff is traded, weeded, vined and NEVER sold....

I want it, and I'm willing to pay the stamps for sending it to me. better? ;D

No seriously, since I'm hardly ever at home (working too much for my health), I don't see when I will be able to copy stuff for others. I really like the weeding section here (just found it), but I will need to take some hollidays to get busy with it I'm afraid.

Maybe I should get sentimental here? My girlfriend saw the first time of her life the sisters. She loved it. And I love her. So I want a copy for her birthday that is coming up :D

Posted: 17 May 2006, 21:21
by Badlander
mrgreen wrote:
Badlander wrote:I think recording a live show as such is a civil offence,
I do think it is indeed illegal, in a strict sense (it depends on the artist and the venue - some artists actually give permission to record their shows). But I'm strongly convinced that no harm is done to the artist (otherwise I wouldn't do this). People who collect live shows already have all the official releases. Moreover, if there were no "illegal" live recordings, nobody would know songs like Slept, Still, Suzanne,... For Sisters fans, live recordings are the only source for the new songs. Live recordings are documents of an era :D
It makes sense for sure. But the trouble is record companies are paranoid. And they lobby the European and national parliaments very hard in order to protect what they think are their best interests. And I'm afraid that in their eyes, fans aren't people to be respected. They're people to be fed and robbed. Think about it : if you record a show for your own pleasure, then maybe next time this act comes to town you won't go simply because you still have the boot from the previous concert. And this "maybe" is all record companies need to regard you as a "pirate". I know it's bullsh!t, but hey, it's not a perfect world we're living in. :?