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Posted: 19 May 2006, 19:10
by James Blast
thanks Jess and IZ :D

Posted: 20 May 2006, 14:06
by eotunun
kazamel wrote:so far we've got AK47, 11, Silver Bullet and Cologne
looks pretty grim to me for some germans

so now only two questions remain:
1. if this is the silver bullet, then in what mountain hiding place has he stashed away the golden one?
2. are there any other questions that remain?
4+7=11. 4711 => 11.11. (nov. 11th), beginning of the carnival session (Cologne is one of the carnival caiptals, second hint) The AK 47 is a classic terrorist´s weapon. TERROR AGAINST CARNIVAL! ( :twisted: Stinkbombs fueled with 4711 against the temporary alcoholics, spare-time whores and unfunny jokes!) that must be it. May I join the (stink)bombings?

Edit: When I play Jihad backwards, I hear some kind of a sneezing sound.. :|

Posted: 20 May 2006, 15:11
by mh
Just don't do it 3 times :D

Posted: 20 May 2006, 16:29
by Izzy HaveMercy
eotunun wrote:Edit: When I play Jihad backwards, I hear some kind of a sneezing sound.. :|
That's because the syllables of Jihad turned around spell 'Hadji'.