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Posted: 30 May 2006, 23:15
by Rofocale

Posted: 30 May 2006, 23:24
by DarkAngel
9while9 wrote:
Finn wrote:well as a singer.... probably elvis

Thank You! Thank you very much........ :lol:
I third that motion.

The World's Greatest Rock'n'Roll Bands.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 02:49
by GMC
1965-1972: The Rolling Stones
1972-1975: David Bowie &/or The Spiders From Mars
1975-1978: The Ramones
1978-1983: The Clash
1983-1993: The Sisters of Mercy
1993-1996: There existed no good, let alone great, Rock'n'Roll bands.
1996-present: The Sisters of Mercy

Posted: 31 May 2006, 03:17
by Silver_Owl
When at their best in the studio (Reptile House) there is nobody better IMO.

As a live 'concept' - The Poppies, Snuff, SFA, Metallica (back in the day).

Posted: 31 May 2006, 09:47
by Muppet
Certianly pushing the "as least as good as" barrier:

Killing Joke

Posted: 31 May 2006, 11:31
by kazamel
as (live) singers:
Fields of the Nephilim
Deine Lakaien

as live show:
nothing gets my blood running like roadrunner on speed as the sisters do! :notworthy:

Posted: 31 May 2006, 12:33
by jkbcold
The Cure
Sisters Of Mercy

My 3 little babies ,,, I love them , they're different, but they're dark , and talented...

Posted: 31 May 2006, 16:11
by Mokarran
I could never understand people who sate their Sisters thirst with the Nephs or the m*****n. For me, they represent a cartoonish interpretation of the initial theme. Von established a certain mystique because he's a class act with a degree of intelligence and a sense of humour. Meanwhile, the second-raters penned spooky ditties about gothic princesses and howled on about Assyrian demonology. Go figure.

For my money, the Pixies, Robyn Hitchcock and Nick Cave are always worth a listen, but none of them really bear a comparison with the 'Smurfs...

Posted: 31 May 2006, 16:24
by markfiend
Mokarran wrote:...howled on about Assyrian demonology...
It's not even genuine Assyrian demonology. It's from The Necronomicon which (as far as I can work out) takes translations of some of the cuneiform texts and reads ... erm ... non-standard interpretations into the lacunae ;)

Posted: 31 May 2006, 16:45
by Badlander
markfiend wrote:It's not even genuine Assyrian demonology. It's from The Necronomicon which (as far as I can work out) takes translations of some of the cuneiform texts and reads ... erm ... non-standard interpretations into the lacunae ;)
The Necronomicon is no more than an invention of H.P. Lovecraft. There are different "versions" of the book, including a beautiful one by painter extraodinaire H.R. Giger. But none of them is more "genuine" than the other AFAIK.
The funny thing is that Lovecraft was asked several times about the real book's whereabouts and he had to explain that such book simply didn't exist.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 17:02
by markfiend
Yeah, I know that. :)

The one I linked to was published as "The Necronomicon", but was actually, like I say, a creative (mis)interpretation of some translations from Assyrian cuneiform tablets. 8) Nothing to do with Lovecraft at all (other than "borrowing" the name of the book).

One "Necronomicon" that was published was just the same 8 pages of unreadable fake text repeated a load of times as I recall :lol:

Posted: 31 May 2006, 17:46
by wild bill buttock
Mokarran wrote:I could never understand people who sate their Sisters thirst with the Nephs or the m*****n. For me, they represent a cartoonish interpretation of the initial theme. Von established a certain mystique because he's a class act with a degree of intelligence and a sense of humour. Meanwhile, the second-raters penned spooky ditties about gothic princesses and howled on about Assyrian demonology. Go figure.
Personally I couldn't give a f**k about analysing either McCoy or Hussey's lyrics.
Both The Miss'ion and The Nephs made(And in the Nephilim's case still do) make the music that moves me.Eldritch does not any more.
To say that Fields of the Nephilim are crap because McCoy bases his lyrics on arcane myths and legends from Mesopotamia and uses both Lovecraft and Crowlian imagary is utter bollocks!Its like saying that Bram Stocker's Dracula is s**t because the real Dracula,Vlad Tepeche was not a vampire at all!
Plus its a lot more interesting than the usual Sex,drugs,cars etc that most rock and roll bands sing about.
I accept The Neph began life as Sisters/Bauhaus clones but they progressed into far more.
The Mish,sadly I can't say the same for,however,and after a promising start,turned into a poor mans Led Zep.But then again weren't The Sister's famously called "The drugged up,bastard sons of Led Zeppelin" at one time.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 17:57
by Dark
Mokarran wrote:I could never understand people who sate their Sisters thirst with the Nephs or the m*****n. For me, they represent a cartoonish interpretation of the initial theme. Von established a certain mystique because he's a class act with a degree of intelligence and a sense of humour. Meanwhile, the second-raters penned spooky ditties about gothic princesses and howled on about Assyrian demonology. Go figure.
Because a lot of goth bands are generally worth listening to. I don't think lyrics from the Sisters are any more worth creaming myself over than those on the m*****n's "Children" or Sex Gang Children's "Song And Legend". Anyway, for what it's worth, the "initial theme" is something that Eldritch has been trying to disassociate himself with for years.

Maybe some of us like to hear songs about princesses and demons. From goth or power metal. Go figure.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 18:01
by wild bill buttock
:notworthy: :notworthy: @Dark.

Where does this Sisters sense of humour thing come from anyway?Its a rare occurance for me to sit down for a good chuckle at the hilarious lyrics to Marian and Flood 2.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 19:12
by Muppet
wild bill buttock wrote::notworthy: :notworthy: @Dark.

Where does this Sisters sense of humour thing come from anyway?Its a rare occurance for me to sit down for a good chuckle at the hilarious lyrics to Marian and Flood 2.
:notworthy: :notworthy: At Dark also!

As for humour in Sisters songs, there's plenty. Take "Fix" for example, it's a real rib-tickler.... :wink:

Posted: 31 May 2006, 19:18
by Badlander
Take a look at the official site. It's not the most depressive thing ever. As for the lyrics, humour doesn't mean comic. It has more to do with Von's sense of irony than anything else IMO.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 22:13
by bismarck
Mokarran wrote:I could never understand people who sate their Sisters thirst with the Nephs or the m*****n. For me, they represent a cartoonish interpretation of the initial theme. Von established a certain mystique because he's a class act with a degree of intelligence and a sense of humour. Meanwhile, the second-raters penned spooky ditties about gothic princesses and howled on about Assyrian demonology. Go figure.

For my money, the Pixies, Robyn Hitchcock and Nick Cave are always worth a listen, but none of them really bear a comparison with the 'Smurfs...

God bless you for this post. I could not possibly have stated my own thoughts any better. I can't stomach listeing to the m*****n or Nephilim or Rosetta Stone. On my full-up 60GB iPod with over 7,000 songs there's not a single one from any of those bands (except, maybe, some Neph stuff Clif gave me). They are all such god-awful tripe (although, to be fair, I haven't heard mych from the Nephs so they may be all right, I dunno). I can't see how The Sisters have anything in common with these bands, save the fact that they all obviously did a rather poor job of ripping off the Sisters c. 1983-1985. But do Led Zep fans have to listen to Poison?

I must say, though, that while I absolutely love Nick Cave, I think Pixies are painfully mediocre college-rock (and I've just spent a year being forced to listen to them), and Robyn Hitchcock has only got a few great (and a lot of good) songs as far as I can tell.

By the way, I can't abide The Cure either, even if they're not copying The Sisters.

Nick Cave, Foetus, Swans, Cop Shoot Cop... now there's some quality.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 22:35
by Badlander
Is this going to turn into a "bands I don't like" thread ? Do we really need it ? I think it's a bit rude to just show up and tell the world how much you hate this or that band. It's rude, unnecessary and pretty useless. And also off topic BTW.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 23:06
by James Blast
Well, I just heard Rosetta Stone for the first time last night, I really don't understand, were they the first 'tribute band' ever?

Calm down Dear, it's just an opinion. :D


Posted: 31 May 2006, 23:09
by GMC
Well, I agree with Badlander that it's a bit rude to show up and say how much you hate a band. I also agree it's off topic. Someone should start another thread where we can discuss how untalented, useless, and lost in their silly fantasies folks like Xymox, Neph, and Mish are in a vicious and amusing way rather than a simple and rude way.

They do deserve it, and nothing is more Sisters related than bashing G**hs.

By the way, a line from my own new song...

"Do you remember the good old days/when at least the goths were thin?"


Re: Heh

Posted: 31 May 2006, 23:43
by wild bill buttock
GMC wrote:Well, I agree with Badlander that it's a bit rude to show up and say how much you hate a band. I also agree it's off topic. Someone should start another thread where we can discuss how untalented, useless, and lost in their silly fantasies folks like Xymox, Neph, and Mish are in a vicious and amusing way rather than a simple and rude way.

They do deserve it, and nothing is more Sisters related than bashing G**hs.

By the way, a line from my own new song...

"Do you remember the good old days/when at least the goths were thin?"

You are entitled to your opinion,my friend.As are we stupid fat goths.
The fact remains your opinions on goths is based on bigotry and stereotyping,and that The lord Von told you so. :evil:
It is interesting that the Mish are accused of "Ripping off " the Sisters sound.Interesting because Adams and Hussey were instumental in creating the Sisters sound that broke the Sisters(In more ways than one)in the first place.
To me and great many other Sisters fans,that sound remains the definitive Sisters of mercy(and Gothic rock) sound. :von:
Regarding Fields of the Nephilim,They are the "Marmite" of Gothic rock.Its rare anyone ever says "Oh the Neph are alright I suppose".You either love em or you hate em.
Never got Rossetta Stone though,myself. :innocent:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 00:05
by Badlander
James Blast wrote:Well, I just heard Rosetta Stone for the first time last night, I really don't understand, were they the first 'tribute band' ever?

Calm down Dear, it's just an opinion. :D
They're second in the line actually.

BTW I don't like Rosetta Stone at all but I do like FotN very much.

@ GMC : doing something because you think that's what "real" Sisters fans do is very "unSisters". ;D

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 00:20
by 9while9
Badlander wrote:Is this going to turn into a "bands I don't like" thread ? Do we really need it ? I think it's a bit rude to just show up and tell the world how much you hate this or that band. It's rude, unnecessary and pretty useless. And also off topic BTW.

sorry that was rude...... :P :lol:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 00:55
by Silver_Owl
9while9 wrote:
Badlander wrote:Is this going to turn into a "bands I don't like" thread ? Do we really need it ? I think it's a bit rude to just show up and tell the world how much you hate this or that band. It's rude, unnecessary and pretty useless. And also off topic BTW.

sorry that was rude...... :P :lol:
Rick - Are you telling me you've never got drunk at a wedding and thrown yourself around the dance floor to Wake me up before you go-go?
......Yes, I thought so. :lol:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 00:59
by 9while9
Hom_Corleone wrote:
9while9 wrote:
Badlander wrote:Is this going to turn into a "bands I don't like" thread ? Do we really need it ? I think it's a bit rude to just show up and tell the world how much you hate this or that band. It's rude, unnecessary and pretty useless. And also off topic BTW.

sorry that was rude...... :P :lol:
Rick - Are you telling me you've never got drunk at a wedding and thrown yourself around the dance floor to Wake me up before you go-go?
......Yes, I thought so. :lol:
I have never been that drunk in me life......... :roll: :P :lol: