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Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 12:08
by wild bill buttock
scotty wrote:
smiscandlon wrote:
scotty wrote:Really don't know what to do :urff: :( :urff: :x
Go for it. You've always got your memories of seeing the real Nephilim at their prime ... even if this 2006 tribute act turn out to be pish... :lol:
Head/Nail/Interface there Steven, and there in lies the problem, I know Blast knows where I'm coming from on this one, I have so many great memories from the Psyconaught/For Her Light/Elizium Tours I did back in the day, I first saw them in 87 and last saw them in 90, if I go and see them and it turns out like The Sisters in 2003 :( :evil: , I fear suicide may be the only option, a SISTERS debacle we all have to live with and have become used to and almost expect, sorry but it's know it is, a NEPHILIM debacle I just couldn't cope with :urff:
I feel the same way.BUT at least McCoy does make the effort to actually sound like Fields of the Nephilim,if "Mourning sun" is anything to go by.
I don't think anyone is under the misapprehension that He alone can hope to come anywhere near the 87-90 era.But the chance to hear McCoy singing Psychonaut live again?s**t man,you've just gotta go!!!!

Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 12:45
by weebleswobble
It could be worse:
  • Crap Sound
    Nae Band
    Backing Tapes

Oh wait I see what Keith means....... :twisted:

Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 12:45
by scotty
To coin a Blastism........I prophecy disaster :( ................but Two tickets will purchased for said event :|

Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 17:08
by Erudite
What the hell - I'm in town (Glasgow) anyway for Primal Scream the night before so I might as well make a weekend of it.

For the doubters, I have to say that the performance at M'era Luna in 2000 was pretty damn good. A slightly heavier sound than when I saw the original band in 1990, but the Nefilim songs blended pretty well with the original material.

We might all live to be surprised... :wink:

Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 17:13
by Drenchrom
Have to agree with Erudite. I also saw them at Mera Luna, and while some songs didn't quite work with one guitar, to hearMcCoy sing those songs again (his voice was excellent) was great.
I only saw them on the Elizium tour and the 2 Fire Festival dates (oh and one of the Zoon dates) and they still rate as some of the best gigs ever. Especially the second Fire Festival date.
I'll be at some, possibly.


Posted: 29 Jul 2006, 18:36
by James Blast
I hear ya brother Scott, it's EATB for me but I feel I should attend this one as it's a saturday night and the Garage is a fine venue.

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 00:23
by hellboy69
scotty wrote:
smiscandlon wrote:
scotty wrote:Really don't know what to do :urff: :( :urff: :x
Go for it. You've always got your memories of seeing the real Nephilim at their prime ... even if this 2006 tribute act turn out to be pish... :lol:
Head/Nail/Interface there Steven, and there in lies the problem, I know Blast knows where I'm coming from on this one, I have so many great memories from the Psyconaught/For Her Light/Elizium Tours I did back in the day, I first saw them in 87 and last saw them in 90, if I go and see them and it turns out like The Sisters in 2003 :( :evil: , I fear suicide may be the only option, a SISTERS debacle we all have to live with and have become used to and almost expect, sorry but it's know it is, a NEPHILIM debacle I just couldn't cope with :urff:
I can see both points of view here. I also saw the Nephs in 1987 first off, on the Electrostatic Tour (Keele Uni) + then about another 7 times with the last 2 being both Fire Festival gigs at the Town & Country.

Then, after "Zoon" i saw the Nefilim at The Astoria & that was stonking ~ different, but stonking. I was terrified it wouldn't deliver but it really did.

So i'm just gonna treat this incarnation as "the nePFHilim" ~ bound to be different (Carl with his laptop & a slideshow from all his holidays these last few years?) ~ but hopefully stonkingly so. "Mourning Sun" is a wonderful record methinks.

Booze lots beforehand might be the order of the day, get the beer headphones on...........

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 07:47
by Norman Hunter
...And still nothing on the Official Site :roll:

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 08:44
by Planet Dave
hellboy69 wrote:get the beer headphones on...........
:lol: :notworthy: :P I like the sound of those. Could have done with a pair in Leeds last May. :innocent:

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 12:46
by Erudite
hellboy69 wrote:Carl with his laptop & a slideshow from all his holidays these last few years? ~ but hopefully stonkingly so. "Mourning Sun" is a wonderful record methinks.
I got the impression from an interview McCoy gave in America that he'd be putting a band together for the dates.
Of course the big question is how tight they'll be.

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 18:00
by Andrew S
I never did get to see them live in their heyday - something that I deeply regret, so I'll be at the Glasgow date.

Oh god, it's the Garage again. I'll need to remember my dinner before I set off.

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 18:04
by scotty
Andrew S wrote:

Oh god, it's the Garage again. I'll need to remember my dinner before I set off.
Aye Andrew, you'll have to leave the Quavers at Hame this time ya bloody Hooligan :lol: :lol:

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 19:18
by Big Si
So it looks like an autumn MacHeartland meet could be on the cards :D


Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 19:30
by Muppet
it's like London busses innit....... :urff:

(bangs head on laptop)

Money isn't what it used to be, and the good old Young Persons's Railcard has gone the way of British Rail (sorry, having an old fart moment there!)

So why the bloody hell did TOOL just announce probably their first proper UK tour ever at virtually the same time???!!!!!

Oh gawd whaddami gonna do.??!!!!!

I've seen the Neph at least into double figures... from Dawnrazor until Elizium tours.... but Tool? NEVER... ARGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Anyway, for those who can cope with this dilemma better than I, here's the date's for TOOL (NOT the NEPH'S!!!) so far:

22 Nov Dublin
24 Nov Manchester
25 Nov Glasgow
Nov 27 Wembley
Nov 28 Wembley
30 Nov Cardiff
01 Dec Nottingham


Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 19:44
by James Blast
Big Si wrote:So it looks like an autumn MacHeartland meet could be on the cards :D

Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 23:01
by Rise&Reverberate
Slightly OT but FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM - Live in Dusseldorf, Germany 31.03.91 has recently surfaced on Dimeadozen, and the promise of more to follow. One of the best quality FotN recordings around from what I gather ... ?id=105773

Posted: 01 Aug 2006, 12:57
by Rise&Reverberate

Posted: 01 Aug 2006, 20:21
by Big Si
scotty wrote:
smiscandlon wrote:
scotty wrote:Really don't know what to do :urff: :( :urff: :x
Go for it. You've always got your memories of seeing the real Nephilim at their prime ... even if this 2006 tribute act turn out to be pish... :lol:
Head/Nail/Interface there Steven, and there in lies the problem, I know Blast knows where I'm coming from on this one, I have so many great memories from the Psyconaught/For Her Light/Elizium Tours I did back in the day, I first saw them in 87 and last saw them in 90, if I go and see them and it turns out like The Sisters in 2003 :( :evil: , I fear suicide may be the only option, a SISTERS debacle we all have to live with and have become used to and almost expect, sorry but it's know it is, a NEPHILIM debacle I just couldn't cope with :urff:
Offered to buy a ticket for my little (but he's taller than me) brother, but he says he doesn't want to ruin his memory of the "For Her Light" tour either :(

Posted: 01 Aug 2006, 21:20
by scotty
Big Si wrote:
scotty wrote:
smiscandlon wrote: Go for it. You've always got your memories of seeing the real Nephilim at their prime ... even if this 2006 tribute act turn out to be pish... :lol:
Head/Nail/Interface there Steven, and there in lies the problem, I know Blast knows where I'm coming from on this one, I have so many great memories from the Psyconaught/For Her Light/Elizium Tours I did back in the day, I first saw them in 87 and last saw them in 90, if I go and see them and it turns out like The Sisters in 2003 :( :evil: , I fear suicide may be the only option, a SISTERS debacle we all have to live with and have become used to and almost expect, sorry but it's know it is, a NEPHILIM debacle I just couldn't cope with :urff:
Offered to buy a ticket for my little (but he's taller than me) brother, but he says he doesn't want to ruin his memory of the "For Her Light" tour either :(
Most understandable Si, most understandable :| :|

Posted: 01 Aug 2006, 21:48
by James Blast
Pining for the pork of the Porcupine...?

Posted: 01 Aug 2006, 22:22
by andymackem
Don't believe it. First UK tour in ages, two months after I leave the UK.

I guess they're not going to be playing anywhere in Russia? I could come to other parts of Eastern Europe if provoked.

Posted: 01 Aug 2006, 22:38
by James Blast
When do you split for frozen parts tovarich Makem?

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 15:26
by Black_Dahlia
I really want to go to the London show - but the Astoria was so oversold for the Sisters that it was scarily packed /crushed. Bit worried that this will be the same :(

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 18:09
by Erudite
It would seem that a number of people are writing obituaries without even hearing a single bum note or missed vocal cue. It’s not 1987, or even 1990, and it never will be. But then the majority of people posting on this thread are no longer teenagers or twenty-somethings. We’re all older and it would border on foolishness to think these gigs will have the same magic and freshness we remember. We’ve got mortgages, children and a lot more life experience. Perhaps that’s made us jaded, perhaps not, but it’s undoubtedly made the majority more demanding. No, it won’t be the same, but if we’re lucky it might manage to be good in a different way. If not, I’ll probably be the first to accuse Carl McCoy of killing the eighteen-year-old in me by means of a substandard tribute act. :twisted:

Until such time, I prefer to hope…

Posted: 02 Aug 2006, 18:31
by James Blast
As always Don a perfect nail/head interface. :notworthy:

will you grace us with your presence on the 26?